Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Eng 125 Week 1 Assignment

ENG/125 8/6/2012 A Poem Poetry is not something that I would normally be interested in. I’ve tried writing poetry only to end up a dismal failure. I’ve tried to read poetry only to end up bored halfway through. I’ve always wanted to be one of those soulful poetic types who walk around with a serene look on their faces, snapping their fingers when something tickles their fancy but I’ve never quite made that transition. Poetry, to me, seems to be a fanciful, ethereal pursuit that has somehow always gone over my head no matter how hard I’ve tried.Since I’ve failed miserably at being a poet or even enjoying poetry, you can imagine my surprise when I read â€Å"Dog’s Death† and not only enjoyed it but it touched my heart. A good poem knows how to grab not only the reader’s attention but will snag the reader’s emotions and take them on a roller coaster; whether it has a happy or a sad ending the poem should keep the read er’s interest until the end. The poem â€Å"Dog’s Death† is a poem about a dog that has become a part of a family only to later be injured and die a slow death from a liver laceration.The author talks of how the dog learned to use the bathroom by going potty on newspapers and then moves on to being potty trained. The author talks of how the family plays with the dog though the dog is hemorrhaging the whole time. The author talks of how they finally saw that there was a problem and rushed the dog to the vet but the dog died on the way and, finally, the author talks of how the dog, in the last hours of her life, has diarrhea in the house but has found a discarded newspaper to go on so as not to soil the floor.The tone that the author uses is a ton of wistfulness and sadness. One might expect the author to use a tone of urgency as they rush the dog to the vet but the poet is remembering the event and the tone has been glazed over with a sadness that downplays the u rgency. The author also uses a poignant metaphor [Definition. (2005-2010)] when he says â€Å"As we teased her with play, blood was filling her skin/and her heart was learning to lie down forever†.I can clearly picture the dog trying her hardest to play with the family because she loves them so much but knowing that something is wrong and probably being in a lot of pain at the same time. The faithfulness that the dog shows is heart rending and so very sad but uplifting at the same time. The formalist approach to critiquing literature is the most widely used form [Clugston, R. W. (2010)]. In the formalist approach the reader is asked to look into the piece of literature to see what parts make the piece interesting.The formalist approach asks questions like â€Å"Was there a surprise? † â€Å"How were the characters described? † and â€Å"Why was the plot interesting? † [Clugston, R. W. (2010)]. The formalist approach really gets the reader thinking about w hy they liked the piece, what part was their favorite part and which was their favorite character. The formalist approach can really get to the heart of a piece of literature. In â€Å"Dog’s Death† the author uses the main character (we assume the male head of the family) to describe the dog’s beginning as well as the dog’s last moments in life.The character’s weren’t around for long so they didn’t have a lot of time to develop but we know that the dog was faithful and loving, the man was loving and kind and the rest of the family loved the dog very much. The setting was memorable because you very quickly realize that there is something wrong with the dog so the reader’s interest is quickly snagged and is snagged again at the end when the main character realizes that the dog had one last accident but used a discarded newspaper in order to keep the floor clean.The flow of the poem adds to the appeal because the meter of the poem makes the words roll off of the tongue without tripping over superfluous syllables or complicated words. The idea of the poem is a simple story of a family and their dog and the circumstances surrounding the dog’s demise. If the author had put large words with complicated meanings it would detract from the idea of the poem. A â€Å"Dog’s Death† is an emotional poem that is very well written, flows naturally and uses terms, tone and characters that all readers can relate too.The poem, told in the first person, is thought provoking, interesting, has highs and lows and leaves the reader really feeling the meaning of the poem; and that is what a poem is meant for. References Definition. (2005-2010). Retrieved from http://www. poetryarchive. org/poetryarchive/glossaryItem. do? letter=M&id=8079 Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into literature. San Diego, Ca: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Personal Goals HCS/301

Personal Goals HCS/301 February 14, 2011 Abstract In this paper I will discuss my personal goals that I have reached and continue to strive for. With that being said, I have many accomplishments such as; volunteer work, maintaining my family, learning new nursing positions, overcoming my personal health issues, and committing myself to return for a higher education and further career development. Having been in the medical field for over twenty years, I have seen many advances in healthcare.With the changing medical profession I have come to the realization in order to understand the different aspects of nursing, it is crucial for me to continue to strive towards new goals in my nursing profession. My goals have made an impact on my nursing career and the various paths I have challenged, I have come to recognize the importance of understanding that with knowledge and wisdom I have grown in my experiences. Personal Goals Growing up as an only child, I realized at a young age that I ha d many opportunities to explore.When I was young I always put others first. I spent many hours with family members whom were nurses. I admired them for their dedication to the health and well being of others. Having been shown lots of love and commitment throughout my life is the reason why I decided to help others. When I was fifteen I began volunteering at my local community hospital. This hospital is where I remain working today. As a child, I chose to work towards a career in nursing. My first goal I chose was to be a volunteer at the hospital.This was the beginning of my commitments to the community. According to The Journal of Educational Psychology, there are Mastery goals and Performance goals. Mastery goals are motivated through individual desire while performance goals are concerned with appearing capable and competitive to others (Educational Psychology, 2006, p. 354). Performance goals apply to me because I have the influence and motivation of my family. Through many exp eriences I have found that personal goals are achievable. All you need is hard work and determination.This often requires an increased workload, which leads to increased stress. Keeping these thoughts in mind can help me achieve my short and long-term goals. Goals to me range from high priority to low priority. With my continuing desire for a higher education this is where I am today. I have chosen to attend The University of Phoenix for a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. Short-term goals for me begin with getting though my daily tasks. I have found that keeping a planner is a valuable tool; this helps me with my time management and prioritizes my short-term goals.As a Registered Nurse working full-time with a family of five, planning is always necessary to keep my life manageable. Getting though household duties, bills, school, homework and baseball practices can become overwhelming. The thought of having enough time to cook or even enjoy meals seems impossible. Unfortunately , I have been living with Systemic Lupus for the last six years, which has consisted of endless doctor appointments and lab work. This has been a tremendous journey for my family and I. My goals during this time have been to decrease stress and improve my health through exercise and meditation.Ultimately, I want to continue to maintain lower levels of stress and achieve an optimal health level to reach my goals. Twenty years ago I graduated from Golden West Community College with my Associate Degree in Nursing. This was quite a struggle and an overwhelming experience for me. My family was young and there were many countless tiring hours involved in order to achieve my goal of becoming a Registered Nurse. Becoming a registered nurse was a great milestone and an amazing accomplishment for me. Graduating from college was a step towards my personal devotion to my future patients.Upon completion of my Associate Degree in Nursing, I was hired as Registered Nurse in the Medical/Surgical un it. After several months as a practicing nurse, my manager encouraged me to take the opportunity to become a charge nurse. This was an ambition of mine from the beginning. I knew I had the abilities to take charge and lead a team. With the knowledge and strengths of my senior nurses, I began to develop my leadership skills. Listening and participating as a team member helped me learn from my fellow nurses as they shared their experiences with me.I was never too proud to listen or learn. I have continued to remain this way throughout my nursing career. This has been beneficial to me because I can lead and listen to a team. From the beginning I realized that the key elements were communication and teamwork. My goals increased from there, and I knew I had to take further classes in order to develop my skills. I became certified in Advanced Certified Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support, and after three years of this experience my next goal was to advance into Pediatric nurs ing.I was offered a job on a Pediatric Oncology floor at Loma Linda University Medical Center, Children’s Hospital. I became chemo certified and began working with pediatric cancer patients. I challenged myself into working in critical care pediatric oncology. This was an extremely emotional experience in my nursing career. Having stayed on that unit for four and a half years, I was ambitious for a new goal. I ventured out for a new experience and applied for a recovery room nurse position at Placentia Linda Hospital. While working in the recovery room, I then trained to become an operating room nurse.My leadership and organizational skills became apparent; I was then promoted into a charge nurse position. I continued to want to learn more about leadership so I took a position as an assistant administrator at a new non-established surgery center. This goal was by far the most exciting for me. It showed me another component of nursing and leadership. As, Ivey Business Journal described, the purpose of learning a goal is to stimulate one’s imagination, to engage in discovery and to â€Å"Think outside of the box† (Ivey Business Journal, 2006, p. 1).Not only did I have to think about ideal patient care, I had to be a director of a team, deal with finances, and be in direct line of fire of the physicians who owned the facility. After three and a half years of growing and expanding my knowledge of administration, as well as being a patient care advocate, my appreciation for my profession has grown fonder and I am ready to pursue a higher level of management. Eventually, I would like to become a director of surgery services. This will allow me to become part of a planning team, decrease my stress level, and provide a better quality of life for my family and myself.In conclusion, I have come to realize that the profession I have chosen has given me a great sense of pride. I have accomplished many goals thus far in my nursing career, but looking f orward to achieving more. I started out as a volunteer, and eventually became a charge nurse where I continue to excel. Rogers (2007) stated, â€Å"Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there† (p. 95). I have chosen to continue challenging myself in my career by developing new ways to lead, manage, and listen to my peers. The commitment to extend my education has brought new goals.These goals include: receiving my Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and to continue developing new strategies to enhance my abilities as a team leader and further advance to a director position. References Mestas, M. , Urdan, T. (2006). The goals behind performance goals. The Journal of Educational Psychology,Vol. 98(2), 354-365. Latham, G. , Seijts, G. P. (2006). Learning goals or performing goals: Is it the journey or the destination? Ivey Business Journal, Vol. 70(5), 1-6. Bishop, J. , Carter, C. , Katz, J. R. , Lyman, S. (2006). Values, Goals,Ti me, and Stress. The Keys to Nursing Success, 95.

Illiteracy: Education and Others Essay

illiteracy is noun which mean unable to read and write or don’t have primary education. we know that reading and writing is only the source of learning education systematically. the aim of formal education is to tame a man morally ethically as well as provide him the skills that can be helpful for him to stand with the developing societies. if we talk about illiteracy in broader sense , it is clear that it is not a good aspect of any society. Pakistan is one of the developing countries. Pakistan is surviving for many problems included illiteracy. he problems started from an individual and collectively effects the whole society to where he belongs to. as we know that a society is an organization and persons in groups are the components of this organization , so if a large group of organization is unable then how can they proceed the society. the improvement of a society is actually is the improvement of persons. people hesitate to educated their children formally. There are many reasons 1. Poverty: the cost of formal and quality eduction is very high so a even middle class family cannot afford it. nd large number of our intelligent students cannot get education . normally people of Pakistan struggle to achieve the basic needs of life and ignore this even it is a also a necessity of life. govt should introduce programs and spend budgets for educational programs so that our country can also stand with the developed countries . 2. Gender discrimination : Pakistan is an Islamic republic . in Pakistan people even not educated religiously they don’t know the importance of knowledge that religion Islam defines them. so they don’t know the rights of others. uman beings can be divided into two catagories . male and female . male as the dominant kind , does not allow woman to get there rights in the society . the rights also include the right of getting education. the population is comprises of large numbers of females . women are the 49. 19% of the whole population. so due to gender inequality this class remains illiterate and causes the increasing rate of illiteracy . the literacy rate in Pakistan is 46% and this caused by the large no of females and engaged children with labor to support the family. 3. Nawareness: normally people does not support the education ,firstly they think that it is a waste of money and time . a child should be skilled in order to support the family economically. the other misconception is that the children specially the female children will get spoil if they go to school. some people think that the today’s educational system will spoil the religious concepts. this all misunderstandings are producing the illiterate generation. the public is under the pressure of economical and political disasters and cannot understand it though the only solution is literacy.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Mormon Church Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mormon Church - Essay Example In the 1800’s a man named Joseph Smith was told to dig up these records and to translate them. That is where the Book of Mormon comes from. The Mormon Church is becoming a powerful church all over the world. They actively try to get people to visit their church and to join. There are missionaries all over the world doing this right now. Mitt Romney is trying to get elected as the President of the United States. This has raised interest in the Mormon Church because Mitt Romney is a Mormon. Attending two services of the Mormon Church seemed like the best way to learn about this culture and to understand how Mormons think and view the world. Setting Both of my meetings were held on a Sunday morning. The meetings were actually arranged into a three-hour block of time. The first meeting is referred to as Sacrament Meeting, the second hour is devoted to Sunday School, and the third meeting for men is called Priesthood Meeting while women attend Relief Society. The Chapel was a large , spacious building that was clean and tidy. There was very little ornamentation in the chapel. Typical symbols of Christianity such as a crucifix or statues of Jesus were conspicuously absent from the sanctuary. The building had a very utilitarian feel to it. The sanctuary was no more ornate than the simple classrooms that lined the halls. There were nicely framed paintings on the walls. I was unfamiliar with most of the themes and There was a children’s area and a space referred to as the Cultural Hall that included a basketball court and a stage. The meetings began at 9:00 AM and ended at 12:00 PM. There was a 5-10 minute break that appeared to exist mainly for socializing between each class period. Everything about the setting suggested order and efficiency, from the way the building was constructed and designed, to the way the various meetings were conducted. Participants The people in the congregation were mainly Caucasians. There were a few individuals that appeared to be of Latino descent and only one African American. There were approximately 220 participants in the Sacrament Meeting portion of the worship service. The group that seemed to most dominate the demographics of the congregation was families with children. There were many families with at least three small children and several that appeared to have more than five. Families appeared to sit together for most of the Sacrament Meeting time. There were some elderly women, but only one elderly man was in the congregation. Ethnically and demographically, the congregation was very homogenous. Sacrament Meeting The first meeting of the block each week is Sacrament Meeting. This is the most sacred service for Mormons because they pass bread and water to remember that Jesus died for their sins by giving his body and his blood. The blood is represented by water. The body is represented by bread. The meeting begins with a greeting by a man with the title of Bishop. He is the local leader of the c ongregation. He started the meeting by announcing changes in the Ward staffing assignments. A Ward is a geographic references to the area assigned to a particular congregation. In the Mormon Church, you are encouraged to attend the Ward that your town or community has been assigned to. Church staffing is all voluntary. The Bishop, the teachers and other participants receive no money for their time and efforts so there is no paid clergy in the Mormon Church. The Bishop

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Public Speaking, Paraphrase a poem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Speaking, Paraphrase a poem - Assignment Example The animal might have been beaten by its owner, and has escaped from him. He might have been wandering through the days and nights, in the brickyards and the gutters, without eating anything that could fill him up as much as these flowers did. The bear feels that the flowers that he has eaten up have turned into beautiful fields and meadows of mustard and poppy. He feels that his stomach is filled with sunshine and rain that will convert the withered flowers back into lush and fresh flowers. The bear might have found his way to the forest after wandering through the brickyards and the parking lots, and might have joined his counterpart to whom he would have told his story of suffering, hunger, misery, and imaginative happiness. In this section, I expand and unpack the meanings in the poem. Once, there was a bear that was too fat for himself to carry around easily. He had funny wings that hung down his shoulders. He was smiling, but seemed very sad. He was wandering through the brickyards and gutters, in the month of October when autumn was in. He was feeding himself on flowers. He loved those flowers, and believed that the flowers also loved him. He thought that the flowers had been waiting there for him, lying on the gutters. For him, the flowers were very beautiful- so beautiful that it was unfair that he should have left them on the gutters and the bad brickyards and the parking lots. He wanted to pick them up, and place them in a better place, so that there beauty might not get damaged. So, he kept on eating them, believing that inside his stomach there were all the necessary elements of life, which included the sun, wind and the showers. There were winds, and birds. There were rains that occurred ever y night, and the sun rose in his stomach, giving the flowers all the necessary features of life. The bear was in love with flowers, and wanted to give life to them instead of watching them die in the autumn. The message in the poem

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Madoffs Ponzi Scheme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Madoffs Ponzi Scheme - Essay Example Still it took a long time to assess for the authorities to verify that it was a Ponzi scheme. It was one of the most cold-blooded, deliberately devised and implemented Ponzi scheme. This fraud had serious impact on people’s view about investment. All investors start viewing investment firms and charities with a lot of suspicion and firms faced a considerable fall in business. The only positive element was the fact that it acted as an eye-opener for both the authorities and the public. While public became aware about the need to be careful about the promises of unbelievably high returns, the authorities too understood the need for new statutes to prevent such frauds. Madoff’s intentions still remain a mystery It still remains a mystery why such a prominent figure who was well aware about the movements in the market and also about the implications of such a Ponzi scheme decided to implement such a devilish idea that caused irrevocable loss to many people. It is yet to be resolved as to why he went on paying the withdrawals if he wanted to cheat the investors. In addition, Madoff tried to hold back the firm’s imminent fall ten days before his arrest by receiving a huge sum of 250 million dollar from a close friend (Frank and Efrati). It seems closer to insanity that he admitted that his scheme was a Ponzi scheme and that he did not invest any money as had promised. However, it seems a calculated move that he managed to keep all his family members away from legal complexities by taking the responsibility of the fraud all to himself. One has to assume that seeing his irrational behavior, all other members managed to secure their position by avoiding any position in the company that involved the responsibility of money management. However, a man who could con the authorities and auditors for nearly two decades could easily devise a better plan than this Ponzi scheme if he wanted to. Thus, it still is to be ascertained as to why he chose a Ponzi s cheme, the outcome of which he knew pretty well. The best assumption possible is that his extreme wizardry might have turned him insane. I. What are the ethical issues involved in Madoff case? One has to admit the fact that the Madoff’s system was unethical in nature from head to toe as the scheme was a Ponzi scheme. While attracting the investors, Madoff was well aware of the imminent failure of the scheme. All financial experts and even common investors are well aware of the fact that Ponzi scheme always fail due to its own weight as such schemes require an ever-increasing flow of money to pay the retiring and withdrawing clients. Once the inflow of fund diminishes, the system collapses. 1) Misusing the office of trust The first element of unethical practice is in Madoff’s misusing his position of repute in the society. He was an educated and experienced person in a position of trust, respectability, responsibility and trust. The aura of authority he created in this field is evident from the list of his clients including influential people, big organizations and even banks. Some of them were The Fairfield Greenwich Group, Tremont Group Holdings and Westport National Bank. All his investors gave him money on the belief that there were many checks and balances to make his investment plan legitimate.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Leadership evaluation of prior manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Leadership evaluation of prior manager - Essay Example Usually these kinds of leaders have high level of performances and low level of grievances as these leaders are more committed to achieving goals. Moreover, high task leaders are strong when it comes to technical skills and are good nurturers and planners. Another important trait that such leaders possess is the work allocation as proper defining and scheduling of work is done for workers to maximize productivity and later for doing assessment for workers. Similarly, high people leadership style focuses on building trust between manager and workers. This kind of leadership usually has strong personal traits and are committed towards making a bridge between manager and worker by creating or ensuring trust, delegating responsibilities to the workers, motivating employees by listening and fulfilling their needs. Philip Mayers, director of Make a Wish organization Australia, was asked to fill the assessment form for behavioral leadership. He scored 8 (in terms of odd numbers) which proved that he possessed high task leadership. Moreover, in terms of even number, Philip Mayers score was 7, which meant he had high people leadership style as well. It has been found that Mayers ensured that his employees were engaged with work full-time and were not doing any other activity during working hours. Similarly he does not waste time in knowing about employees during working hours and believes in setting goals and agenda during department meetings. He believes in punctuality and has a clear policy of briefing employees what needs to be done. However in case of conflicts in the organization, he personally gets involved and tries to come up with the solution to carry out work in a peaceful manner. Also he periodically tries to motivate his staff so that they can achieve goals easily. In terms of working habits, Mayers is reluctant in giving permission regarding problems that occur during work and the solutions of those problems. He believes in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Determination Of Nitrate Ion In Treated Wastewater Effluent Lab Report

Determination Of Nitrate Ion In Treated Wastewater Effluent - Lab Report Example The possible causes of errors may result from wrong or inaccurate readings made in the spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer is in use to measure the intensity of red color produced when nitrate reacts with the acid, sulfanilic and N- naphthyl ethylenediamine. The lack of calibration of the equipment causes errors in results. The equipment may record a reading higher or below the one expected. Errors result from measurements done by using flasks and pipettes. When experimenters fail to monitor the readings properly, the final value of concentration will be affected.    For example, observers of volumetric readings should look at the lower meniscus to prevent these errors. Such errors will affect dilution and dissolving of solids in solutions (Woody 12).   The possible causes of errors may result from wrong or inaccurate readings made in the spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer is in use to measure the intensity of red color produced when nitrate reacts with the acid, sulfa nilic and N- naphthyl ethylenediamine. The lack of calibration of the equipment causes errors in results. The equipment may record a reading higher or below the one expected. Errors result from measurements done by using flasks and pipettes. When experimenters fail to monitor the readings properly, the final value of concentration will be affected.  For example, observers of volumetric readings should look at the lower meniscus to prevent these errors.  Such errors will affect dilution and dissolving of solids in solutions.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

My walk with ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My walk with ecology - Essay Example My favorite form of outdoor activity is walking. I live in the urban city of concrete jungles with skyscrapers blocking out the sunlight. I miss the beauty of natural scenery. I have seen how man has destroyed his natural environment and upset the ecology of nature and man. Industrialization brought along deforestation to make way for human habitats and agriculture. The increased burning of fossil fuels increased the release of greenhouse gasses and the sum total effect has led to global warming. My thesis is that Man needs to reconnect with nature to help preserve ecology. The simplest and most direct way of reconnecting to nature is by walking through the rural countryside. It is one of the best ways of observing nature and appreciating the great diversity of life forms and the ecology. I believe that when Man comes to self-realization on his close relationship with nature, he will value it and refrain from participating in activities that would harm the balance of our ecology. I c hoose walking on foot to go sight seeing and explore nature because any other artificial mode of transport would burn fossil fuels and harm the environment with the emission of toxic waste gasses. When I walk at my own leisurely pace, I get to observe nature at work, play and rest. I think walking is the best way to get close to nature. Fenton recommended walking as a cheap and easy way to maintain health, effect weight loss and stay fit. We can kill two birds with one stone by taking up walking for health reasons as well as to observe nature. Fenton said that; 'Walking is not only better for your spirit, mood, and body, it's better for your whole community. Trust walking.' (Fenton 5). Walking does wonder for you while conserving the ecology. Walking is a cheap form of exercise. You just need a pair of comfortable walking shoes and thick socks to cushion your feet against blisters. The writer Werner recommended carrying a backpack for your basic essentials like a map, compass, a quart of water for every miles of walk, tissue and toilet paper, refuse / trash bag, raincoat / poncho, protective clothing against the cold and wet, energy snack foods and cell phone. (Werner 4). These are for a day walk. If you are walking at night, you need additional equipment like a flashlight with extra batteries, flares, insect repellant, and maybe a walking stick. If you are a photography and nature enthusiast, bring your camera and binoculars. If you are creatively inclined, bring along a notebook or sketch pad. The beauty of nature might inspire you to write or draw something. It is safer to prepare for emergencies in the event of being caught up in some unfavorable weather. A beginner should start walking during the day and on familiar terrain. One should take caution and plan a walk with a realistic distance as a goal in mind. I would keep in mind to let the people around me know my intentions just in case if I don't make it back in time, they would know to send out a search party for me! Walkers often choose routes to cut across natural terrain. I like the opportunity to breathe in fresh air, unpolluted by traffic. Sometimes, I see the traffic along the established paths and it is ugly traffic. Litter left behind by humans is detrimental. The wild animals do not know better than to ingest litter and this poses a health risk to them. Human food is not suitable for animals. Non-degradable refuse like plastic is an eyesore and dangerous when innocent animals ingest them. I would not have known about the effects of litter if I had not come across piles of them in my walks. They spoil the natural beauty of the landscape. This brings up the use of the trash bag in my backpack. Every walker should be responsible for keeping their own trash out of the natural environment. Waste items should be deposited in the trash bag and carried out of the natural

College is a Waste of Time, and Money Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

College is a Waste of Time, and Money - Essay Example We have already heard in the news and discussion forums the unresponsiveness of our school system that it does not necessarily prepare an individual in the real world. Even Bill Gates criticized the present school system and its curricula that it is no longer reflective of what is needed in the real world that has real problems The cost of going to college is also not to be taken lightly. It is expensive and typically comprises the majority of the savings of the parents of a typical middle class parent. The expenses are not only limited to tuition, but also the books, board and lodging and other miscellaneous costs. Considering that an individual will not even be getting a real education that is responsive to the real problems in the real life settings, it is not worth it to spend that much. The money and time that is supposed to be spent in college can be used in other better things. Real education can be had through other means without wasting time and resources. College only prepa res an individual to be a conformist and an employee; to get a job and live a life of drudgery of getting up early and working for someone else. College does not even teach you how to make money in a smart way. According to Robert Kiyosaki in his bestseller book Rich Dad Poor Dad, college does not prepare an individual for financial independence. ... Many of the subjects that are offered in the courses in college are also impractical and unnecessary. They have no use except to burden a student with additional workload and tuition expense with only the satisfaction of finishing the course. In short, many of the things that are taught in college are just â€Å"nice to know†. Worst, the things that are learned that are supposed to equip the student when he or she gets into the real world, are forgotten by the time the student graduated because of the long stay in school. The intelligence that is required in life is not also academic intelligence or intelligence quotient (IQ) as what school is telling us but emotional intelligence or real life intelligence that solves real life problems (Wechesler, 1982 qtd. In Mandel & Pherwani, 2003). This kind of intelligence which is required in real life is not even taught in college and in fact even downplayed by the â€Å"academics†. It has always been assumed that a higher IQ th at is needed in college would equate to a desirable performance in real life and a determinant of an individual’s success in a chosen career. It has always been stressed that college is an appropriate preparation for an individual to succeed or make it in life. Real life, street or emotional intelligence on the other hand has been traditionally regarded as a weakness and irrelevant. It has been thought that being street smart has no bearing nor use in professional endeavors and as such, irrelevant. Real life learning has always been relegated as inferior to college. Recent studies however have illustrated that school/college and its IQ is an insufficient predictor of success. As early as 1920, Thorndike has already contended that to make it in life,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How much data should companies have Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How much data should companies have - Essay Example The essay "How much data should companies have?" talks about the data that is needed in business organizations. The paper also analyses what type of data is more useful and if the size of stored data is something you should worry about. Most of the internal data of a business organization is credible in that it has been derived from the past experiences in running and managing various business activities. Therefore the data is credible. This data irrespective of the volume and imperfections that may be present is a valuable asset from the perspective of the insights it can provide in the running and managing of several business activities. The imperfections do not matter much as in business intelligence applications the focus is on reading patterns and signs in the available data, and so the data does not have to be precise as may be required in the case of accounting or auditing. Let us take the case of insurance companies. Several years of data with regards to policies, claims, premium bill payments, agent/producer sales, and so on are available with the insurance company. This may be considered as too much data by some companies. Yet, irrespective of the volume of the data, intelligent use of the data will help the company to be better at precision pricing, customer retention, claims fraud detection, product cross-selling and similar activities to overcome competition and prosper in a competitive environment. Therefore, it is not too much data that is need be the worry of the organization.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Reluctant Fundamentalist - Changes in Changez Essay Example for Free

The Reluctant Fundamentalist Changes in Changez Essay ?The collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing or person is definitively recognizable or known is their identity. A person’s behavior, his/her background, the inevitable bits and pieces of his/her nature and history sown together make him/her who he/she are. Changez is the protagonist of the Novel â€Å"The Reluctant Fundamentalist† by Mohsin Hamid. His character is complex and diverse from the rest. It is volatile and his perspective of his identity is irresolute. By this I mean that his understanding of who he is constantly being altered through the course of the novel, and I will discuss this in the following paragraphs. Changez’s identity refers to who he is; every aspect of his personality adds up to his identity. Changez belongs to an upper-class family from Lahore, Pakistan. He lives in a house with his parents, his sister his brother. This family is not poor, but is not wealthy compared to the society it mixes with. Changez’s family is relatively liberal as everybody, including the women, work, in order to maintain the high living standards that they are used to. Changez has been born and brought up in Lahore and has always been a promising and scholarly student. The novel states that he has gone through his entire school life without getting a single B grade. Post his education at school; he received a scholarship to Princeton. This reflects two aspects of Changez’s life; first, his above average intellect that made him eligible for such a pristine offer, and second, his dire need for the financial aid in order to be able to be part of such a prestigious institution. Like for everybody, Changez’s history is inevitably a part of his identity. It may not be very important, but his financial condition does raise barriers in his life and can be categorized as important enough to be a part of his identity as this causes constraints. Other than these aspects of his life, an important part of Changez’s identity is his mindset. Before getting to Changez’s metamorphosing personality, I would like to state a constant about him: His mannerisms. Through the course of the novel, Changez’s way of speaking is always polite and humble. This may be a contradiction to his proud and confident personality. As I see it, Changez believes that he is a cut above the rest and works tirelessly to prove it and live up to his own expectations. However, while he feels superior to his acquaintances, he is never seen being impolite or cocky towards them. As Changez’s journey begins in Princeton, he is always slightly different from his acquaintances. His politeness makes him bit of an outsider and he is never quite part of the people there. Another thing that makes Changez different from the rest is his economic stability. A part of Changez’s identity worth commenting on is not only the need for him to work three jobs whilst being at college, but his efforts to not let his peers at Princeton find out about these jobs. In my view, he wants to keep up with everyone and flourishing on the financial front is one of his life’s goals. I think this is one of Changez’s catalysts that make him work so hard. It is one of the factors that provide him with the drive to flourish. Underwood Samson employs Changez for a job that is almost out of reach. This reflects his diligence and charm. At this point in his life, Changez claims to be a lover of America and his admiration for the country stands strong. As Changez is not as wealthy as he projects himself to be, it is difficult for him to watch as his friends part with money thoughtlessly on their trip to Greece. ‘Lahore-ancient city†¦democratically urban, similar to Manhattan. ’ Changez claims that coming to New York was like coming ‘home’ for him. New York is full Urdu speaking cab drivers and has other similarities to Lahore. Changez feels like he is ‘immediately a New Yorker, never an American. ’ In my view, this shows that while he is drawn to New York in a binding way, and while he feels like he belongs to the city, he does not belong to the country. He feels like his nationality is Pakistani and that is where he belongs. I don’t think that at this point he is conflicted between New York and Pakistan, I think he feels like he belongs to both the places, one city and another country. He wears his country’s attire with pride and he also mentions that he from the moment he was in New York, he felt like a New Yorker. Changez’s national identity, at this point, is Pakistani. Earlier, however, Changez leaked a sense of pride towards belonging to Pakistan. There is no displacement or confusion in Changez as far as the identification of home belonging to a certain geographical space is concerned. On the contrary, the idea of home seems fixed and determined as Pakistan. A further possible hint of his pride of being Oriental, rather than a Westerner, is given by his decision to combine a pair of jeans with a kurta, a typical item of clothing worn in Pakistan and in some other Eastern countries, when meeting Erica’s parents, hence an important occasion. Later, in contrast, Changez recognizes that Pakistan was once at the forefront of modernity but he feels a sense of shame and resentment that it is now poor –disparity compared to the view he gets from the 41st floor of his office building. Changez feeds off the power and money that he feels coming closer to him, as these are the base of his ‘American Dream’ and as I earlier mentioned, his need to earn money drives him to work hard. Changez’s identity withholds a hunger for these things, and at the same time he feels ‘privileged’ to be given this opportunity to become the person he has been working towards becoming. Filipino workers ‘look up’ to rich young Americans and Changez starts to adopt the same attitude and language in order to be looked at with the same respect as his collogues when they are in Manila. He feels sense of power that comes with the realization that due to his job, he decides people’s futures. This power is a part of Changez’s identity, whether the power is present or not. The hunger for the power is a definitive part of Changez. He is, however, unsettled by a taxi driver who shows hostility towards him. Changez feels like he is part of a play and ought to be making his way ‘home’ like the Taxi driver. The realization that he is falsely altering his identity haunts him, and he feels like he is acting like ‘one of them. † Here, his identity is unsettled and in the state of flux as it is not concrete and sure. In chapter six, I quote Erica, who says, â€Å"I love it when you talk about where you come from, you become so alive. † This is an observation made by Changez’s lover at the time. She feels like a part of Changez feels either proud or joyed to be talking about his native land. In my opinion, this observation made is free from any bias and is purely based on Changez’s behavior that unintentionally and unknowingly gives off a sense of liveliness when he speaks of Pakistan, because somewhere inside, it makes him feel alive. Also, after having a seemingly awkward and immensely intimate experience of almost making love to Erica, Changez falls asleep and dreams of ‘home’, which in my view refers to Lahore. This projects his subconscious as being predominated by his thoughts of his home in Pakistan. An important part of the novel as well as a definer of Changez’s identity is the instance where he sees reports of the 9/11 on TV and his thoughtless reaction is to smile at it. This act can be interpreted in many ways, and my understanding of it is that while Changez loves America and is in awe of it’s power, it gives him a sense of relief that even something as grand as the USA could be brought down to it’s knees. He is aware that this act of destruction was done by Afghanistan. Changez is not a sadistic person and derives no pleasure from the realization that a substantial number of people were harmed during this attack; this lack of sensitivity is not a part of his identity. Having said that, I would like to point out that it is a sense of indifference to the victims that makes him smile. He does not smile at the way the power is exerted, but at the existence of the power. Previously, Changez saw America as almost indestructible and invincible, which made him feel small in comparison. Based on that idea, I think Changez finds a sense of relief when he sees that even a country like America can be brought down. For a lover of America, this is rather strange reaction to the tragedy that is the 9/11. Changez’s identity conflict comes into light here. Other than his national identity, Changez’s pride, which is a part of his personal identity, is also seen being flippant soon after. Changez claims that ‘he does not know how to describe his experience.. He did not seem to be himself† when he pretends to be Chris in order to help Erica make love to him. This is an extremely stark contrast to Changez’s personality traits that are proud and hold high self-esteem and self-contentment. Later, he does claim that he had ‘diminished’ himself in his own eyes. This shows conflict in his mind as to who he is and what stands conscientious in his eyes. After the 9/11, Changez’s perception of America as a nation that looked forward was altered to a nation that was looking back, and he felt like ‘an outsider. ’ This is an important change in his identity as Changez goes from being an outsider to blending in to the American society associated with Underwood Samson back to being a misfit. Changez returns to Lahore for some time later on. â€Å"This was where I came from, this was my provenance, and it smacked of lowliness,† says Changez. â€Å"The house had not changed in my absence, I had changed; I was looking about me with the eyes of a foreigner, and not just any foreigner, but the particular type of entitled and unsympathetic American who so annoyed me when I encountered him†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Here, Changez’s conflict seems to clear up but his change in identity is more evident. He accepts the change in himself and also points out that he has evolved into the person that he resented previously. On the next page, he states that he was a man lacking in substance and hence was easily influenced by even a short sojourn in the company of others. This is also a contradiction to the person Changez was when he started at Princeton or at Underwood Samson. He no longer seems proud of who he is, and pride was a core element in his identity. When Changez’s brother ruffled Changez’s hair, Changez felt like he had not been touched so familiarly in a while. He said he felt an ‘almost child-like twenty-two year old. † This is who he is. He is unsure of who he is. He feels like a middle-aged child and his age may be a constant, but his youth or adulthood is a question and he does not know where he stands. This adds clarity to the idea of him being conflicted when trying to be definitive of his own identity. He feels like whilst trying to be an earning member of the family, he is also the youngest. He continues to feel a little bit like a child irrespective of his status and career placement. On returning to America, in spite of numerous suggestions from his mother and colleagues, Changez does not shave his beard. He claims that it is a ‘form of protest’ on his part, ‘a symbol of identity’. He also thinks that it may be a symbol of the reality he had left behind. This shows that he is beginning to believe that the home he has left in Lahore is reality and he is no longer a New Yorker, but a patriot, that in times of need and conflict he belongs to Pakistan. â€Å"I know only that I did not wish to blend in with the army of clean-shaven youngsters who were my coworkers and inside me, for multiple reasons, I was deeply angry. † Changez states that he does not want to blend in with the Americans. This is yet another aspect of his identity. He does not want to be an American and when a choice has to be made, even when it is more difficult to be a Pakistani, in fact more then, he choses to be one. After being sent on a project by his company, Changez understands that the ambitious part of him that was predominant in his personality now takes a back seat when his country and family come into question. In the beginning of the novel we see Changez as a hardworking person who goes out of his way to make his way to the top. It is a vital part of his personality; it does not hold the same amount of importance anymore. Changez returned to his country, Pakistan, and takes care of his family. In the novel, there is no definitive reason as to why Changez left America, but I believe that he did not purely leave because something from Pakistan was pulling him back, but because because there was not enough in America to keep him there. While he felt a connect with New York and had strived to reach there, there was an open-ended relationship with Erica that had little hope of ever being resolved. Also, his job, was no more. I believe that this was clearly very important to Changez. So, he returned to Pakistan and continued his life as a college professor there. Changez’s identity goes through a major evolutionary process over the course of the years he is in America. These changes are reflected on his personality in many ways, ranging from his career-orientation, his personal life, his nationality as well as his priorities. There is, however, never complete clarity to me as to what he thinks of as important and where ‘home’ is to him, until the end. I cannot for sure clarify that he is completely content because in spite of his return I sensed an undertone of sadness when he left his dream behind.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Literature Review On Leadership Styles On Stress Outcomes Management Essay

Literature Review On Leadership Styles On Stress Outcomes Management Essay The leaders leadership styles play a very important role in achieving goals of the organization. The leaders ability to adapt to internal and external environment changes and working with followers together is the key to success. Moreover, I should mention that many causal modeling revealed that leadership style has a direct, rather than indirect, effect on task performance. Highly complex and stress-laden workplaces present challenges to organizational leaders as they are faced with the task of managing the workforce while concurrently maintaining commitment and morale. Leaders can often be in the middle source of stress among employees in the workplace (Basch Fisher, 2000; Sosik Godshalk, 2000). As the distinctiveness of work changes, so must change the roles and tactics of all leaders. The Leader promote supportive relationships, elicit motivation along with assistants/followers, make possible more positive and less negative emotions along with assistants, and stimulate more kind evaluations of stressful tasks among assistants may be more effective than the more conventional leaders who usually tend toward task-directive methods. These leadership elements based on relation, motivation, and emotion are customary with transformational leadership styles (Bass, 1998; Yukl, 1998). Despite a considerable body of literature suggests that leaders based on transformational are effective, there is a small number of experimental research that has discovered how transformational leaders may impact subordinates/followers during stressful business deals. Taking into above mentioned I am to deal with transformational and transactional leadership styles their influence on different subordinate including emotional and motivational experiences. The effects of leadership style based on stressful task performance were examined (by Joseph B.Lyons, Tamara R.Schneider 2009) as potential mediators, further. The Nature of Leadership and Job Stress 2.1 Leadership Style In the field of organizational behavior the leadership is really an important subject. Leadership is one with the most dynamic effects during individual and organizational interaction. In other words, whether a management is able to execute collaborated effort depends on leadership capability. The excellent leader is not only inspires followers potential to improve efficiency and also meet their requirements in the process of achieving organizational goals. According to Stogdill (1957) leadership as the individual behavior to guide a group to achieve the common target. In latter days, Richards Engle (1986) defined leadership as about establishment of vision, value and creation of environment so that the objective can be accomplished. Definitions on leadership defined by selected authors were summarized into table 1. Year Author Definition of Leadership 1957 Hemphill Coons Leadership is the individual behavior to guide a group to achieve the common target. 1957 Stogdill Leadership is an influential activity to others or organization to achieve the target set by the leader. 1969 Bowers Leadership is an activity process of interpersonal relationship; others behavior is influenced through this process to achieve the set target. 1977 Davis Leadership means persuasion on others to enthusiastically chase for certain target. 1982 Morphet, Johns Reller Leadership means, in the social system, the individual action, behavior, faith and target are influenced by the others under volunteer cooperation. 1986 Richards Engle Leadership is about establishment of vision, value and creation of environment so that the objective can be accomplished. 1990 Sergiovanni Leadership means the leader satisfies the staffs demand by use of consultation, negotiation and compromise so that the staff trades his work for rewards. 1990 Jacobs Jaques Leadership helps others to strive and to enhance aspiration to achieve the target. 1993 Robbins Leadership is the ability to influence the group to achieve the target. 1994 Yukl Leadership is the process of influence on the subordinate, in which the subordinate is inspired to achieve the target, the group is maintained in cooperation, and the established mission is accomplished, and the support from external group is obtained. 2001 Northouse Leadership is exchanged relationship between leader and subordinate. 2003 Fry Leadership means use of leading strategy to offer inspiring motive and to enhance the staffs potential for growth and development. Table 1: Definition of Leadership After reviewing studies on leadership theory conducted in the past, it is generally divided into four periods: Traits theory in 1930s It focuses on the innate leadership qualities and competence. These innate qualities are not found in others. The so-called quality can be divided into physiological and mental aspects. The physiological aspect includes: height, weight, looks, and vigor while the mental aspect includes intelligence, confidence, and aggressiveness etc. Stogdill (1948) proposed twelve leadership related studies and was considered as representative of this period. Behavioral theory from late 1940s to late 1960s It believes that a leader will be able to achieve ideal organizational efficiency if he demonstrates effective leadership behaviors. These leadership behaviors may be trained or learned through experience. Actual behavior or leadership styles are emphasized. Representative research is conducted in Ohio State University. Ohio State University proposed considerationand initiating structure of leadership behaviors. Consideration is a behavior that focuses on strengthening relationship with subordinates based on their needs and perceptions, while initiating structure is a behavior that focuses on subordinate performance in goal accomplishment. Contingency theory in late 1960s: This theory states that there is no set of optimum leadership model in this world and that it depends on the situation encountered. Situational leadership theory began its development subsequently. It states that leaders need to adopt the most optimum leadership style based on different organizational situations. Among which, Fiedlers contingency theory (1967) is most well-known. Contemporary leadership theory since 1970s: The viewpoint of contemporary leadership theory states that leadership is a type of interactive process with the environment. Bass Avolio (1990) proposed transactional leadership and transformation leadership : Transactional leadership: Encouraging subordinates through incentive establishment. In other words, incentive elicits work performance. Transactional leadership is the basis for most leadership theories. It focuses on the exchange relationship between the leader and the subordinate (Fry, 2003 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ºNorthouse, 2001); transformation leadershipto enhance staffs trust and respect for leader by altering intrinsic work value and faith of staff at the same time in order to elicit work capabilities. Because charisma is viewed as an essential element, transformation leader provides incentives for subordinates, enhance subordinate potential and development. (Fry, 2003); and Charismatic leadership theory refers to the followers perception toward certain behaviors of the leader as being heroic or extraordinary. 2.2. Personality Charateristics Personality characteristic means ones psychological and physical phenomenon. At different time and condition, it adapts to different environment by unique behavioral mode and thinking method. Friedman Rosenman (1959) categorize personality characteristics into type A and B. Type A shows exuberant ambition and aggression. Type B has more patience and pays less attention to competition and sense of achievement. Definitions of personality characteristic were summarized as shown into table 2. Year Author Definition of Personality Characteristic 1959 Guilford Personality characteristic is a combination of individual trait and property, which generates a lasting and special characteristic different from the others. 1961 Allport Personality means dynamic behavior from psychological and physical aspect to adapt to the environment. 1970 Pervin Personality represents structure and dynamics from reaction to the environment. 1972 Scott Mitchell Personality is formed from accumulation of psychological growth and development. 1998 Robbins Personality is ones reaction to the others and consequence of interaction with others. 1985 Lee Personality characteristic means psychological attributes of affection and thought among people; its also a specific and lasting behavioral pattern. 1997 Lu The formation of personality is affected by gene, culture, environment, and social factor. Table 2 Definitions of Personality Characteristic 2.3. Empirical Studies The verification researches made by the domestic and foreign scholars on leadership, job stress, personality characteristic and turnover intention are described as follows: In research of leader behavior and job stress, Fleishman (1964) found that consideration in the leader behavior has negative connection with the job stress, while the initiating structure is positively connected with job stress; In research of leader behavior and turnover intention, Fleishman Harris (1962) in the study of the influence of various leadership types on turnover rate and complaint rate found that consideration for the subordinates is negatively connected with the turnover, while the initiating structure is positively connected with turnover; In research of job stress and turnover intention, Parasuraman Alutto (1984) in the research on 217 employees at the food manufacturing company indicated that job stress had positive connection with turnover intention; In research of personality characteristics and job stress, Chang (1998) chose employees of Taiwan Sugar Company as research subject and indicated that those with type A personality characteristic had higher perception of job stress and shew more physical and psychological discomfort reactions; In research of personality characteristics and turnover intention, Chang (2003) released 260 questionnaires to 11 schools and revealed that personality characteristics had no significant impact on turnover intention. The relevant empirical researches were listed in table 3. Author Year Sample Empirical Result Hsu 1986 222 operators of China Steel Company. In leadership method, consideration has significantly negative connection with job stress, but the initiating structure has apparently positive connection with job stress. For overall , leadership is negatively connected with job stress. Huang 1984 207 engineers of a RD institute Consideration leadership has negative connection with turnover. Ke 1989 217 employees of 105 companies In leader behavior, consideration has negative connection with turnover intention and the initiating structure is negatively connected with turnover intention. Parasuraman Alutto 1984 217 employees of food manufacturing company Job stress has significantly positive connection with turnover intention. Tzeng 1994 Employees of 12 five-star hotels in Taipei Job stress is positively connected with turnover intention. Tzeng 2001 180 high-tech industry and 255 traditional industry People with A-type personality characteristics perceive job stress more serious while, those who with B-type perceive the least. Chang 1998 All inland employees of Taiwan Sugar Company People with more A-type personality characteristics perceive higher extent of job stress and also higher improper reaction physically and psychologically. Wang 1990 Employees from 95 gas stations at 23 cities People with A-type personality characteristics have significantly higher job stress than those of people with B-type. Chiu 1994 2,400 employees of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. People with A-type personality characteristics perceive more anxiety, disconsolation, low self-respect than those people with B-type, yet the overall job stress does not reach significant level. Chang 2003 260 contractual personnel at 11 schools The research result finds that personality characteristics has no evident influence on turnover intention. Fang 1999 194 staffs of Tainan Revenue Service Office The research result indicates no significant variance between male and female on job stress. Fang 1999 194 staffs of Tainan Revenue Service Office Age is positively connected with job stress. Cheng 1999 200 female operators of wafer manufacturer in Hsinchu Industrial Zone Age has significantly positive connection with turnover intention. Cheng 1994 333 bus drivers in Taipei Single people feel higher job stress than the married ones. Chen 1997 Employees of enterprises in mid of Taiwan Married people perceive more disconsolate job stress than single ones. Cheng 1999 200 female operators of wafer manufacturer in Hsinchu Industrial Zone Turnover intention of single people is higher than that of married ones. Fang 1999 194 staffs of Tainan Revenue Service Office The research found turnover intention difference between female and male is not evident. Chuang 2000 Research of job stress and job satisfaction on 174 high-tech employees Workers seniority has positive connection with job stress. Cheng 1994 333 bus drivers in Taipei Workers seniority has negative connection with job stress. Table 3 Empirical Research 2.4. Job Stress Job stress means improper occupational stress or burden that badly affects the psychological and physical condition of the worker himself (Kroes, 1974). Peng (1998) states that psychological stress is neither stimulus nor reaction but a handling method or relationship; it is the interaction between the individual and the environment, which gains or consumes resources of human behavior and endangers the individual health. When the individual feels job stress, it usually comes along with following symptoms: Psychological aspect passive, disconsolate, anxious and anger; physical aspect imbalance incretion, headache, sleepless and disturbed; Behavioral aspect change of living behavior, decrease of job involvement, absence from work, and turnover. The definitions of various authors were summarized in table 4. Year Author Definition of Job Stress 1956 Seley Stress means uncertain reaction of the body to demand, and also basic demand from internal or external environment, or reaction result against threat of balance condition. 1971 French Stress is the consequence that an individuals ability or skills fail to coordinate with the job or the job environment cannot satisfy the individual demand. 1974 Kroes Stress is improper occupational pressure or burden which badly affects the psychological and physical condition of the worker himself. 1978 Beehr Newman Stress is the change that drives the worker from normal psychological and physical condition. 1980 Ivancevich Matteson Stress is some adaptive reaction, a consequence of special psychological or physical demand from the event, and such reaction takes personal character as intermediary. 1984 Fleming et al. Stress is a conceptualized process and contains ones recognition and reaction to danger or threat. 1985 Jamal Stress is ones reaction against threat in the working environment. 1998 Peng The psychology claims that job stress is neither stimulus nor reaction but some handling method or relationship. Table 4 Definition of Job Stress 3.0. The effects of leadership style on stress outcomes. Transactional versus Transformational Leadership. 3.1. Transactional Leadership Basss (1998) Very many Leadership Model discusses 3 leadership styles:1: transactional, 2:laissez-faire, and 3:transformational. A fundamental feature of transactional leadership is the social exchange procedure. There are 3 appearances of transactional leadership: contingent reward, management by exception-active, and management by exception-passive. Contingent reward leadership engrosses establishing worker expectancies of rewards (e.g., financial compensation or public praise) for good acting. Management by exception-active leadership is distinguished by actively watching subordinate departures from performance standards. These leaders inspire subordinates by encouraging them to preserve established performance standards and avoid making errors. I case performance differences are detected, the leader will get involved and make the compulsory corrections. Vice versa to the active form, passive management by exception leaders do not actively monitor performance deviations but rather wait to be notified of performance deviations. After that upon recognition of a performance departure, the leader will intervene. My literature review focuses only on the active form of management by exception, and all future suggestions to management by exception leadership are in orientation to the active structure of management by exception. Ghee Soon Lim, (2004) transactional leaders focus on the present and do well at keeping the organization running smoothly and efficiently. They are good at traditional management functions such as planning and budgeting and generally focus on the impersonal aspects of job performance. Transactional leaders can be quite effective. By clarifying expectations, leaders help build followers confidence. In addition, satisfying the needs of subordinates may improve productivity and morale. Transactional leaders maintain stability within the organization rather than promote change. Transactional skills are important for all leaders. In todays world, where organizational success often depends on continuous change, effective leaders also use a different approach. 3.2. Transformational Leadership Comparing with transactional leaders, transformational leaders request to the motivational, emotional, and developmental needs of their followers (Bass, 1998). Transformational leadership is distinguished by four elements: inspirational motivation (the ability to naturally easily motivate and request to someones emotions), idealized influence (the ability to obtain respect from others), individualized support (the ability to support followers sole developmental needs), and intellectual stimulation (the ability to stimulate followers desire to learn and develop) (Bass, 1998). Transformational leaders give power to employees through emotional requests (Yukl, 1998) and may alter the frame stressful situations as chances for growth at the same time as providing the necessary maintain throughout the performance procedure (Bass, 1998; Sosik Godshalk, 2000). Research has displayed that transformational leaders are successful leaders (Lowe, Kroeck, Sivasubramaniam, 1996; Podsakoff, Mackenzie Bommer, 1996; Yammarino, Spangler Bass, 1993). On the other hand, most leadership study has used correlation data to scan how certain leadership styles relate to act and other minor variables, as a result numerous researchers called for increased use of testing in leadership research (Brown Lord, 1999; Kirkpatrick Locke, 1996). There are some empirical study where leadership styles (notably charismatic styles) have been operated (Cherulnik, Donley, 2001; Bono Ilies, 2006), so far few studies have tested whether those manipulations effect in changes in objective task performance. Because of their higher visioning, support, and potential for alter the framing of stressful situations as chances, it is expected that transformational leaders will improve followers task performance throughout stressful tasks. 3.3. Evaluation transformational and transactional leadership styles and their influence on individuals performance on a stressful task. In my literature review I tried to evaluate whether transformational or transactional leadership style impacts more positively individuals performance on a stressful tasks and overall followers performance. First of all analyzing transformational and transactional leadership styles, basically Leadership style may determine the effectiveness of customer service training and deployment. Tichy and Devanna (1986) suggest that both transformational and transactional leadership are both effective leadership styles. Tosi (1982) also agrees. Transactional leaders lead to low follower satisfaction, while encouraging maintenance of the status quo (Bass et al., 1987). Likewise, transactional leaders find success by focusing on task-oriented exchange relationships to achieve success in attaining goals. Transformational leaders lead change-usually on greater levels of the organization and follower of transformational leaders are generally more committed and dedicated to the leader and goals of the organization. (Bass, 1985; Tichy Devanna, 1986). Transformational leaders articulate a vision for a future of their organization, while at the same time intellectually stimulate subordinates and focus on differences among people (Yammarino Bass, 1990). Furthermore, transformational leadership is based on the personal values, beliefs, and qualities of the leader rather than on an exchange process between leaders and followers. In addition transformational leadership differs from transactional leadership in some areas. Firstly, Transformational leadership develops followers into leaders, means followers are given greater freedom to control their own behavior. Transformational leadership rallies people around a mission and defines the boundaries within which followers can operate in relative freedom to accomplish organizational goals. Secondly, transformational leader pays attention to each individuals need for growth and development. Therefore, the leader sets examples and assigns tasks not only to meet immediate needs but also to elevate followers needs and abilities to higher level and link them to the organizations mission. Transformational leaders change followers so that they are empowered to change the organization. Thirdly, transformational leaders motivate people to do more than originally expected. Followers admire these leaders, want to identify with them, and have a high degree of trust in them. Transformational leaders motivates people not just to follow the leader personally but also to believe in the need for change and be willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater purpose. Fourthly, the most significant role of the transformational leader may be to find a vision for the organization that is significantly better than the old one and to enlist others in sharing the dream. Change can occur only when people have a sense of purpose as well as a desirable picture of where the organization is going. Without vision, there can be no transformation. Whereas transactional leaders promote stability, transformational leaders create significant change in followers as well as in organizations. Leaders can learn to be transformational as well as transactional. Effective leaders exhibit both transactional and transformational leadership patterns. They accentuate not only their abilities to build a vision and empower and energize others, but also the transactional skills of designing structures, control systems, and reward systems that can help people achieve the vision.(Marfred F.R. Kets De Vries, 1998) 4.0. Conclusion We live in an period of time where leadership symbolizes a emotional, developmental, and motivational part of organizational achievement; thats why a range of subordinate results/outcomes are important things to consider when we evaluate leadership successfulness. Having looked thoroughly through all the studies examined to evaluate whether transformational or transactional leadership styles impacts positively on individuals performances on a stressful task, and also when taking into account social support, efficiency beliefs, negative emotions. For example, One of this kind of experimental examine was held and that experiment took part 240 (two hindered forty) participants, they are watched video instructions for a stressful task. The experimental study provided evidence that transformational leadership is advantageous not only for performance, but also when considering effectiveness beliefs, social support, stress assessments, and negative emotions. Leaders of the future are encountered/faced with heavy challenges. Leaders must be clever at influencing followers motivational, emotional, and developmental needs in the stressful circumstance of present work. This kind of changes in the focus of modern leadership successfulness requires that leadership explorers go after suit and need consider a wider range of unpredictable outcomes in leadership research. In addition I would like also add that Transformational leaders, with their excellent arsenal of inspirational motivation, Individualized support, idealized influence and intellectual stimulation have to meet these challenges of in our day and those of the upcoming future.

Central Asias Water Resources: Country Comparison

Central Asias Water Resources: Country Comparison Chapter 3 Population of Central Asia: Central Asia is the land of many languages, ethnic groups, religions, and tribes. In 2000, an estimated 55.9 million people lived in Central Asia. Today there are about 65.7 million (ICG, 2014). The below table show the population of Central Asia from 1992 to 2013 Total population of Central Asia (1000 inhab) Source: FAO The table shows the population of central Asian countries from 1992 to 2013. According to this table in 1992 the population of Kazakhstan is 16070, which start decreasing from that year. In 1997, the population of Kazakhstan decreased to 15086 and in 2002 it decreased to the level of 146623. This trends show that after independence from former Soviet Union, the population of Kazakhstan start declining; this is due to the migration of Russian and other Soviet Union member’s countries ethnic people from Kazakhstan. This factor is and push factor for growing population. But after the year 2002, it start growing, in 2007, it became 15396, 16271 in 2012 and 16441 in 2013. Kazakhstan is the 9th largest country in the world[1], its density of population is very low and lowest among Central Asian republics. Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country, but, the population of Kyrgyzstan grows at a fast rate. In 1992, the population of Kyrgyzstan is 4476, in 2007 it crossed the 5 million mark an d in 2012 it became over 5.5 million and grows day by day. This put number of impact on the development of the country, availability of natural resources, water recourses and it became difficult for government to providing basic amenities to the people. Tajikistan is the smallest country from all five republics of central Asia. It is also one of the poorest republics in the world. Tajikistan caught in civil war just after the independence, in this civil war in five years over 50,000 killed and over 10% population of the country runaway to neighboring countries.[2] But beside all of this the population of Tajikistan is grow at a very rapid rate. In 1992, the population of Tajikistan is 5523 which became 6204 in 2002 and crossed 7 million marks in 2007 and 8 million mark in 2012. In 2013, the population of Tajikistan became 8208 and the population in Tajikistan grows very fast in all central Asian republics. Turkmenistan is a very low density country; due to most of the area of the co untry is desert. So, population in Turkmenistan is very low. In 1992, the population of Turkmenistan is 3882, which became 4600 in 2002 and crossed 5 million marks in 2012. In 2013, it became 5240. Total Renewal water resource per capita (actual) (m3/inhab/yr) Source: FAO The above table shows that total water resources per capita (actual) in all central Asian countries decreasing year by year. In Kazakhstan per capita water resources that was 7351 m3 in 2002, decreased to 6607 m3 in 2012 and 6539 m3 in 2014. In Kyrgyzstan the renewal water resources per capita are decreased from 5277 m3 in 1992 to 4721 m3 in 2002, 4315 m3 in 2012 and 4257 m3 in the year of 2014.In Tajikistan, also the trends of declining of water per capita. In 1992 the per capita renewal water recourses availability was 3967 m3 that was declining to 2669 m3 in 2014. In the Turkmenistan the same trend of decreasing renewal water per capita continues. In 1992, the availability of renewal water resources per capita is 6381 m3 that was decline to 4727 m3 in 2014. When we talk about Uzbekistan the situation is worst. Over half of population of whole central Asian region is lived in Uzbekistan and also increased rapidly. So, the situation becomes critical day by day. The availability of p er capita renewal water resources, that was 2269 m3 in 1992 declined to 1832 m3 in 2007 and 1689 m3 in 2014. Water withdrawal by sectors: -The water withdrawals means withdrawn of the gross quantity of water by different sectors annually for given proposes (FAO, 2012). There are three sectors of water withdrawal these sectors are: agriculture, municipalities, and industry. In the agriculture sector included irrigation, aquaculture, watering and livestock cleaning, the municipalities sector included use of water in houses, villages, towns and cities by population for their domestic proposes. The industrial sector includes the water used in thermal plants for cooling, for dying in leather industry etc. the data related to water withdrawal is taken from the national statics of the countries for most countries, but there is uncertainty in methods that are used for obtaining data (FAO, 2005). Water withdrawal by sectors in Kazakhstan Source: FAO The above table shows that the withdrawal by sector in Kazakhstan changed rapidly from agriculture sector to other sector like industrial and municipal. In 1995, agriculture sector withdrawal over 80% of the country. But in 2002, the situation is changed, the share of water withdrawal by agriculture sector decline from 81% to 75% and the share of industrial sector increased from 1.73% to 4.21%. The share of Municipal sector also changed from 16.86 to 20.66 in 2002. In 2007, the share of agriculture again decline, but industrial sector’s share remains shame as 2002. The big change comes in share of municipal sector, which’s share is increased very rapidly after 2002. Its share is increased from 20.66% in 2002 to 28.18% in 2007 and 29.63% in 2010. These trends will continue in country because of high growth in urbanization and industrial sector. Water withdrawal by sectors (in Percentage) in Kyrgyzstan Source: FAO When we see the table of water withdrawal by sector in Kyrgyzstan then we find out that there is very little changes in water withdrawal by sector. The share of agriculture is biggest from all the sectors in 1994, that was over 94% in 1994 and only 1% declined in its share in 2006. The other two sector’s share is almost 3% each 1994 that remained 3% also in 2006. Water withdrawal by sectors (in Percentage) in Tajikistan Source: FAO The water withdrawal in Tajikistan is similar with Kyrgyzstan. Agriculture is the main sector, withdrawal over 90% water of the country. There are many reasons for this because agriculture is the main sector of the economy of the country and biggest employment provider to the people, and industrial sector is not developed in the country because of mineral recourses and energy recourses and due to the increase in population and urbanization the share of municipal sector is increased very at a very slow rate. Water withdrawal by sectors (in Percentage) in Turkmenistan Source: FAO In Turkmenistan agriculture is the main stay of the employment of the people and also the biggest water withdrawal sector. Its share in 1994 is over 97% in total water withdrawal by the all the sectors of the country, that changed very slowly from other sector like industrial sector and municipal sector. The share of industrial sector was almost half percent in 1994, that increased 1.08% in 2000 and almost two and half percent in 2004 and increased year by year but at a very slow rate. The share of municipal sector increased but at a very slow rate. Water withdrawal by sectors (in Percentage) in Uzbekistan Source: FAO In Uzbekistan the agriculture sector remains the biggest water consumer from the Soviet time. It is also one of the biggest cotton producers in the world and cotton crop is the biggest water consumer of the country. Agriculture is the main stay of the people of the country. In 1994, agriculture sector withdrawal over 93% of the total water withdrawal by the country. The industrial sector withdrawal almost 2% and municipal sector 4% of water in the year 1994. In 2001, the agriculture sector withdrawal 90% , industrial sector almost 4% and municipal sector withdrawal almost five and half percent of water. In these years, the share of agriculture is decline and the share of others sector increased. In 2005, the share of agriculture sector remains same but the share of industrial sector declined almost 1%. On the other hand the share of municipal sector increased from five and half to over 7%. This is due to the increase in population and urbanization. Total Renewal water resource per capita (actual) (m3/inhab/yr) Source: FAO The above table shows that total water resources per capita (actual) in all central Asian countries decreasing year by year. In Kazakhstan per capita water resources that was 7351 m3 in 2002, decreased to 6607 m3 in 2012 and 6539 m3 in 2014. In Kyrgyzstan the renewal water resources per capita are decreased from 5277m3 in 1992 to 4721m3 in 2002, 4315 m3 in 2012 and 4257 in the year of 2014.In Tajikistan, also the trends of declining of water per capita. In 1992 the per capita renewal water recourses availability was 3967m3 that was declining to 2669 m3 in 2014. In the Turkmenistan the same trend of decreasing renewal water per capita continues. In 1992, the availability of renewal water resources per capita is 6381m3 that was decline to 4727 m3 in 2014. When we talk about Uzbekistan the situation is worst. Over half of population of whole central Asian region is lived in Uzbekistan and also increased rapidly. So, the situation becomes critical day by day. The availability of per capi ta renewal water resources, that was 2269 m3 in 1992 declined to 1832 m3 in 2007 and 1689 m3 in 2014. Dams in Central Asia Source: FAO The water system in central Asia region is mange by large numbers of canals, dams and reservoirs etc. there is large trap of canals, which was made in the times of Former Soviet Union all over central Asia, many dams like world’s tallest dam Nurek dam etc and many big reservoir like Andijan, Toktogul, Tyuyamunym and Kairakkum etc are in central Asia to manage water resources of the region (UNECE, 2007). The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), classified the dams into two categories according to their height, the first category include the dams with the height of 15 meters or above, second category include the dams of between the height of 5 to 15 meters and the storage capacity is more than 3 million m3,[3]. There are over 1200 dams in central Asia region and 110 dams are large dams from these dams. Many of them have inter-state significance because many of them located on the Transboundary rivers like Amu Darya River, Syr Darya River etc. (UNECE, 2007). The total capacity of dams in central Asian countries is 176.8 km3. From which, 95.5 km3 only in Kazakhstan, that is 54% of the total dam’s capacity of the region. Kyrgyzstan accounts 13% dams of the region with the capacity of 23.5 km3. Kambarta and Toktogul are major dams in Kyrgyzstan. There are 17% dams’ of central Asia is in Tajikistan, with the capability of 29.5 km3. Nurek Dam with the height of 300 meters, is world’s tallest dam is located in Tajikistan on Vakhsh River.[4]. Sangtuda-1 and 2 are also very important dams in Tajikistan and country also proposed a dam named Rogan dam on Naryn River, which become world’s highest dam after the completion of construction[5]. Uzbekistan with the capacity of 22.2 km3 is account 13% of the total dams of the region and with the capacity of 6.2 km3 Turkmenistan accounts only 3% dams of the region [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Germanys Political System | Summary Germanys Political System | Summary German Political System Chandra Chapagai Introduction Political system is basically a structure to decide, govern, implement, and authorize policies and procedures to the citizens of a country. Each country has their own political system developed or designed under which policies, procedures, and legislations to run the country and the citizens. Each nation has some sort of uniqueness in formation of the political system and how to form policies, procedures, and govern the nation. Unlike US, Germany has its own political system to run the country. Germany is a federal parliamentary system country. It has different components of political system and they are constitution, the executive, legislature, judiciary, different states, composed of different political parties. Like all other political system, parliamentary system also has its own strengths and weaknesses. Constitution The basic law of the land in Germany is the constitution. The constitution of Federal Republic of Germany was passed after World War II in 1949. Germany is a social Democratic country. In the constitution, the basic rights of German citizens are guaranteed. All federal and state authorities are bound by the constitution. They cannot do anything that is against what is written in the constitution. It was the constitution that has established democratic parliamentary system in Germany. After the constitution was written it helped to separate powers of German into executive, legislative, and judiciary branches. This constitution helps all these branches to maintain checks and balances to run the country. The Executive The executive branch basically consists of the head of the state, and head of the government. The head of the state is the president and this president is mostly ceremonial but the ceremonial president is also responsible in representing the state, states’ existence, and their legitimate causes, and overall unity of the states in the country. The president also has the power to practice politics and implement laws and order in the country when there are crisis in the parliament and their cabinet members, and is also responsible to handle international issues, sign treaties in the situation when the parliamentary system is in unstable state, and these are all written in the constitution. The president is elected by the legislative team members. The president is elected for two five year terms for maximum time frame. The head of the government is the federal chancellor. In Germany, the federal chancellor is responsible person to run the government and the overall country polices and politics. The chancellor of the federal republic of Germany is responsible for the parliament of the country. It is the responsibility of the chancellor to select the members of the cabinet for the government. Legislature Legislature is another branch of the federal parliamentarian government of Germany. Legislature assembly is divided into two champers and they are Bundestag, and Bundesrat and its bicameral system. The Bundestag and Bundesrat are lower house and upper house of German political system. The Bundestag members are elected for four year terms in the government. Bundestag will have more than 598 members of representations. Current lower house of chamber has 622 members. It is required by the party to have at least five percent of the national vote in the Bundestag to have the seats. Upper house of the German parliament is called Bundesrat. Bundesrat is a representation from all other states in the country. They are appointed by the state cabinets and can remove them any time if they want to. States selects the representatives to serve in the Bundesrat. The number of house members in Bundesrat is smaller than Bundestag. The lower house of the parliament has the power and authority to veto state level legislation and that will ultimately affect the governing power on the state level. Judiciary The judiciary system of federal republic of Germany is responsible to interpret, explain, and apply the law to the country and other states. German judiciary system practices civil law. The judiciary system of German has three court system and they are ordinary courts, specialized courts, and federal constitutional courts. Ordinary courts basically are responsible to dealing with criminal and civil cases. The federal court of justice of Germany is the highest ordinary court in the country. It is also the highest court of appeals that most of the cases go there for the highest appeals to be heard by the federal judges. Specialized court systems in Germany deals with issues that are related to administration, labor laws, social laws, budget and financial laws, and the patent laws. Any cases related to these issues are directed to the specialized courts in Germany. The highest federal Germany court is called as the constitutional courts and this court focuses on judiciary system and any constitutional issues. If there are any issues related to the constitution of the federal government, the Federal Constitutional court will be involved. The States Germany is divided into sixteen states. It is also called Landers. The government of Germany has federal constitution, all the sovereignty are given to the state and they manage and govern the state level affairs abide by the federal constitution. Since the population on these states are not same and can vary therefore, the size and territory of these states also vary. Each state has its own capital and has their own local and regional government to govern the people of the state. Political parties In democratic countries there will be political parties to run for the government. In the federal parliament government of Germany there are two major political parties and they are Center-Right and Center-Left. The Center-Right has two other parties and they are Christian Democratic Union, and Christian Social Union. These two parties operate differently and they operate thought the country. The Centre-Left Party is the Social Democratic Party. There are other parties as well and they are named as The Left Party, and the German Green Party. The current political party in the government now is Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Angela Merkel is the present head of the government of Federal Republic of Germany. Currently Joachim Gauck is serving as the head of the states in Germany. Strengths and Weakness of Parliament System Any political system has strengths and weaknesses. Political system in federal parliamentary system also has strengths and weakness. One advantage of parliamentary political system is that the executive branch is dependent on Bundestag and Bundesrat and its easy and fast to pass the legislation that was proposed. Strength is that the executive power is divided into states and is not fully concentrated to the head of the federal government. The most significant strength I like is based on the series of debates, it can change the power without election and then allow election to be held at any time, so there is flexibility if need be. One weakness of the parliamentary system is that the head of the government, the chancellor is not directly elected. Also, there is no any group or body that they oppose the legislation that is passed by the parliament. Executive branch and legislative branches are closely connected and the checks and balances between them are poor. There are possibilities of having informal constitutions Sometimes reserve powers are used which are not democratic and can cause crisis in the constitution. It is also possible that the parliamentary system can develop political authority from the executive branch. Conclusion The political system of Republic of Germany is very interesting. The political system of Germany is fairly decentralized system in which the system is categorized into executive, legislative, judiciary, and cabinets. In this system, the people will elect legislation, the legislation body elect executive, and the executive body produces public policy. There are both good side and bad side of parliamentary political system. The judiciary system of German is called the basic law of the land. There are different political parties in the Republic of Germany and all can participate in the political process and involve in the election processes. In Germany, chancellor is the head of the government, and the president is the head of the sixteen states. References Caramani, D. (2011). Comparative politics (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. German political system. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2015, from Neil, P. (2007). States. In Essentials of comparative politics (2nd ed.). New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Soccer Scholarship Essay :: Scholarship Essays

Soccer Scholarship Essay 2 Â   My full name is Elizabeth Mason Godwin but I go by Libby. I have grown up living with my parents Barry and Nancy Godwin in Traverse City. I went to Willow Hill Elementary School where my love for sports started. I started playing soccer in fifth grade when my friend Carrie invited me to one of her practices to see what it was like. They let me play with the team that day and I fell in love! I immediately signed up and joined the YMCA team. I continued to play for the YMCA until I was in the seventh grade and moved up to TBAYS. I joined a rec team with a couple of my friends who also played soccer. We practiced twice a week in the spring and fall and had games every weekend. We also attended tournaments in the summer. My favorite was always the Canton Invitational down in Canton, Michigan. Besides loving to play the games that we had all weekend, I loved hanging out and meeting all of the other kids that had my same interest....SOCCER! i was on another TBAYS rec team with some friends in eighth grade but then in ninth grade it was time to try out for the big shebang...the high school team. I was fortunate to make the Varsity team at Traverse City West Senior High as a freshman. Since my freshman year I have played on the team every spring and now am currently a co- captain in my senior year. Through the high school team I have learned so much about soccer, the meaning of team, and friendship. Besides loving to play soccer I also enjoy hobbies such as tennis, snowboarding, sailing, photography and reading. I really enjoy outdoor activities. In ninth and tenth grade I went on a trip with my youth group to Pennsylvania where we went white water rafting both years. I found that experience incredible and can't wait to go again someday soon. Â   My future plans are to graduate this year from West Senior High and to spend another summer at our cottage on Torch Lake where I am planning on being a nanny for some friends of our family. My best friend Carrie (the one who initially got me into soccer) and I also are currently planning a road trip for the end of summer before we both go off to school.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free Merchant of Venice Essays: Anti-Semitism :: Merchant Venice Essays

Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice    Though many view Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice as anti-Semitic, careful examination shows that the playwright actually develops the opposing point of view. These views can be easily established through a careful reading of the plays dialogue, character comparisons, and more subtly through indirect thematic developments by the playwright showing that on both simple and complex levels, Shakespeare attacks the anti-Semitic attitude that has been prevalent in society for centuries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The words of the play actually challenge anti-Semitism. In one of his most eloquent moments Shylock addresses this prejudice when he verbalizes the equality of all men in Act III, Scene 1. He [Antonio] hath disgrac'd men, and hinder'd me half a million; laughed at my losses, mock'd at my gains, scorn'd my nation, thwarted my bargains, cool'd my friends, heated my enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, heal'd by the same means, warm'd and cool'd by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?    The revenge motif in the play stems from the undeserved ill treatment first of Shylock by Antonio and then Antonio by Shylock. On simple levels Shakespeare shows bigotry and prejudice in all its ugliness through the use of anti-Semitic attitudes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare dispels the premises of anti-Semitism by establishing marked similarities between Shylock and his antagonists in the play. Antonio and Shylock are both business men intent on making money who have allowed this pursuit to become their entire focus. In the cited speech, Shylock indicates his hatred is born of the hatred shown towards him by others (particularly Antonio). Since there is no sound justification for Antonio's attitudes, he serves as a vehicle for establishing the hollowness of prejudice formed without basis. This is reasonably obvious even to the casual reader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In a more subtle manner Shakespeare, through the use of the caskets, presents a truism with regard to the contrasts between outward appearances and inner reality leading to the prevailing idea that one must look beyond the surface.