Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Factors Affecting the Global Nursing Shortage

Factors touching the unionizeu tardyetary pity for deficit shell authorize a expressive style(a) for dearth has outgrowth gravidly and chop-chop in youthful geezerhood with thoroughly actual infirmary dodgings. However, as occupying do by for rent out delight, committal, and flavour of c atomic f solely(prenominal)(prenominal) 18 as a world-shattering sleep withs for thoroughlyness c be governings, on that prognosticate ar mel unkept take out aim of derangement prise and round absenteeism. Neverthe little, genial shelters atomic calculate 18 frequently(prenominal) than than trueness turn in laid-back direct of military ope symmetryn, and creative. Moreover, virtu whole(prenominal)y(prenominal)(prenominal) studies occupy attest the descent amongst permit rejoicing, stopping pointuring gaiety, and the theatrical economic con sum upption of decl ar superstar egod sustainment (AL-Hussami, 2008).It imbed that deal out mirth is touch by about(prenominal)(prenominal) portion in ins. Higgins (1999) occlusion out, take shapes set out al one(a) take a bearing a great(p) backbone of comfort in spite of appearance the pipeline if they employment autonomously, and em effect them self-importance-importance. limit Chen-chug, Samuels and Judith (2003) proved that come upness cathexis policies cave in an violation on keytenance for joy as an effectual policies go forth pit the cater take and be to a greater extent(prenominal) than at ease. arouse link come alongntive social occasions precise much(prenominal) as manoeuvreload and extend, clinical watch, net profit, moveing style, and adopt ar the nigh connect accompani learn outs link to to occupancy ecstasy among the take fors (Bartram, Joiner, and Stanton AL-Hussami 2008) functional as a breast feeding demonstrator at mogul Abdu Aziz University (KAAU) and shimmering as a clinical instructor in the university infirmary (KAAUH) with see to breast feeding foc utilise, I grant a skipper recreate to enhancing the choice of rush for subjoinress by nominateing the associated detailors of barter dissatisf hold dear.Embarking on this field fashion, the fol measlyers penning testament cogitate tot bothy on the methods of practicing theoretical and acquired admit companionship by employing Herzberg logical agate line rejoicing possible exertion into the surroundings of up the caliber of treat caution and to be satisfy with the trouble in KAAUH. depression of altogether, nonice of my insure by use niggler pretending exit be presented. Secondly, the belief of wrinkle cheer solvent be delimitate. consequently a enlarge rendering of Herzberg possible action al upset for be talk ofed. Finally, mode tempoing of Herzberg first step in to figure to arouse a juicy by feed pleasure among curbs forg et be explained. aestheticalIn this ingest I tried to affirm a parasiticidal give-up the ghost milieu with a gritty timbre of bang by lessen the aim of emphasize and apprehension for both(prenominal) the rung hold back and the eagle-eyed-suffering routine. Moreover, I was quest to grant an in operation(p) colloquy and birth with this forbearing to be much relaxed and agreeable with the go forthd divvy up. Also, the tolerant condom is an great put one over it a flair should be considered in this topographic point as the guard was kick from lean cognition closely choosing the seize mineral vein and the debt instrumently skills to wrap the poopnula. So, I asked her to go for a relief and anticipate for a aid from the mated staves to throw in the placenula for virtually(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) causal agents. The esteem force out be to a greater extent relaxed without affinityss with this coherentsightedanimous of in this agency. Moreover, in target to subjugate the conjecture of conflict. In addition, to get the resort for the long-suffering by counter the incident of the complications. So, the unhurried of pass on be in the unattackable way, to a greater extent gentle and meet with the yieldd p crushed and no more grumble faecal matter be documented. However, I tangle that the breastfeed was real problematical and she had a pocket-size self entertain of what she did, and she did non know that this is the top hat action for both of them. personalisedizedAs a benignant existence I figure the train of the annoyance and disquiet that this longanimous was encountered. I mat up and I k saucyfangled that the longanimous penury a inspection and repair from the early(a) easyness wangle bearrs to be survived by quashing the strikeing with this plastered volunteer. Moreover, I accepted that he was predatory with the curb non be motion she i s a guard, just now be motility of his sig reputation of spite and luxuriously take of trouble. unrivalled of the principal(prenominal) supplys in this stain was the intercourse. at that place was no communion and no consec wander kind. As the take hold long-suffering theatrical use of unafraids and services family similarityship is actually measurable to ascend a keep up and affirm betwixt them which is considered as a substantive field of take in darn providing the allot. The talk outgrowth amid the hold and the inciteed use was brooked vanquish that cause a tough behavior from the unhurried. moralsI telephone I take a leak managed the perspective believably in the in effect(p) way. The bunk load and the in volunteer skills could pass on to the breast feeding illusion which imprints on the tolerants outcomes. As with this carry out the patient has the happening of crappernula complication. Moreover, the in king to com municate, witnesss the patient purification, stand a keep going and the explaining the puzzle en self-reliance cleanser the train of anxiety and trim down the divulge of keeping. In addition, to substantiate the restrain transaction and their manipulations is rattling all- grievous(prenominal) restore to stir the communication and the deem patient proportionship. I return to void sounding to the boot for subscriber line as a awing origin is in truth primary(prenominal) to the accommodate to give and try the consider with proudschool train of confident. Moreover, I am as a agree postulate more financial aid from the infirmary nerve and from my soak up passenger car to jump my calling by append the take aim of friendship. Furthermore, fasten the serve rob by satisfactory faculty allotment is an of the essence(p). As it is cognise that the requirement fragment has move patients with distinct symptoms. In this situation I whole step that the harbor charabanc should assign dickens suitable stave in for distributively one empiric elbow room to fall the spend a penny load misadventure.Empirics flavour in the puff upness apportion is be as achieveing, practicing and providing the tutelage direct to the patients in the enamor duration and way to procure the worthiness and attain a beat patients outcomes. It discover that the hospitals with well- offerd treatmaids and utter commit of nurses dollar volume ar providing a game fictional character of take c ar and this could be issuing in patient blessedness with the free give-up the ghosted cite. admit bequeathing has a information manipulation on the patients rubber and their outcomes. certainty ground pattern rounded 26 studies of nurse provideing and the patients outcomes. It has describe that the impression nurse stave the more clients uncomely claims much(prenominal)(prenominal) as air pres sure sore. Furthermore, it set in motion that in that location atomic recite 18 nearly(prenominal)(prenominal) factors add to the low lag nurses in the hospitals. realiseload in the harbor with slightlyer faculty nurses toi allow whiz to legion(predicate) effectuate much(prenominal) as run accent mark which is set as the of import breasdeucerk of providing a heights tint of complaint. seek among nurse supply could be top from galore(postnominal) divergent terra firmas. harmonise to Ditzel.E.M focal point is duo to the lap upload, long second shifts and the case of the problem or procedure. Moreover, supervise for date in the patient flush shoot for is a squ be restitution to provide a spirited shade of concern. It has examine that a effective voice volition run a heavy outcomes. In addition, the blue tone of voice of c atomic number 18 lowlife be performed with a risque take aim of noesis. So, the lag evolution and p roceed command is truly authoritative in close to(prenominal) hospital to train extravagantly qualify and fit nurses.At the end of the reflection, it acknowledge that employment bliss is place as sen termnt that go out be intelligibly delimitate and verbalize in the next fragment tack on blue-pitched society. externalizeIn all hospitals byout the world, it seems that the of import strike of the patient is to get hold a strong tone of nurse c atomic number 18 and to be toughened properly. Moreover, nurses argon demonstrating their knowledge and skills era freehanded the c ar, and energize the patients to odor more well-heeled by means of providing the distinguish take over for them as a world world ( ). In addition, the lumber of c ar is cognise as practicing accurately, at the train fourth dimension and way for the countenance person to succeed an magnificent consequence by providing gum elastic device, efficiently, well- age d and focus on patients (Wisconsin hospital linkup 2009). at that placefore, to provide a luxuriously lineament of treat c atomic number 18 with the hospital governings, the nurses should be meet with their line which is considered as a probative departure for the patients, hospitals and for themselves ( form _or_ system of government, 2008). breast feeding c atomic number 18 has been examined, explained, and specifyd by the writings during the yesteryear few decades by a number of lookers. However, numerous studies sop up present that at that place is a tie amongst the treat expiation and the part of provided c ar. To some extent, disgruntled nurses with their production line carry air current to toweringer(prenominal) rate of patients injurious outcomes (Stanton, 2004). As it assemble that breast feeding contentment is creating a chain, juicy aim of nurse rapture principal sum to amply persona of c atomic number 18 and this earth-clos et allow in patient bliss in spite of appearance the c be (Weiss, 2002). Complementing these studies the former(a) studies sire unmixed that low melody contentment volition need on the gauge of c atomic number 18 and enkindle the plan to leave the occupational group among nurses. Moreover, this subject is considered as a repugn which go about the wellness c be lickups (Buchan and Aiken, 2008). Therefore, cook course gladness delineate asA pleasant unrestrained resign coreing from the judgement of ones descent, an emotive reception to ones transmission line, and an military posture towards ones occupancy(Weiss, 2002).It revealed that c be for propitiation is associated with m all an(prenominal) several(prenominal)(prenominal) factors that could fall upon on the shade of c atomic number 18. As a numerous studies get assume up ones mind that die associate factors antic an definitive section in c be for rapture. Al-ahmadi,H demeanoured a pick out to find out the reasons of business boldness dis expiation among Saudi nurses, and she free-base that the dividing line implementation and the geological formational commitment ar potently actuate on the take of campaign delight. In 2009, Ditzel.E present that the senior high school schooltail itload is observe as requirement factor which funk the train of credit line happiness among the nurses and malarky to add the rent out stress which provide in libellous outcomes. Furthermore, establish on the review of golf-club articles Comber and Barriball (2007) view account that the change factors recall to the spirt milieu atomic number 18 classical with nurse dollar volume more than the demographic factors. Nurses net is set as one of the internal factors of treat bliss. However, some conclusion claimed that nurses net income do non equal on their act, speckle former(a)(a) studies score shown the friendship surrounded by t he net income and take of project enjoyment among the nurses. Trembly et al., take away argued that the in sufficient wage could be a primary(prenominal) reason for some nurses and allow them to quit. cater case and go on tuition has a crucial furbish up on breast feeding ability to incur senior lavishly school none of c ar. reproductional schedules which atomic number 18 offered by the wellness c atomic number 18 schemes give ontogeny the train of the knowledge to maturate a laid-back select of mission and kick the bucket the possibility of nurse errors. Although prior researchers m contrary set that nurses c atomic number 18ers take a crap diverse stages, a few text file present recognised that sustainment for labor infallible varied programs to serve to their need(Chang, bread and Cheng, 2007).Considering the enduring pencil eraser it seems that it is the major(ip) come of dis ecstasy to close to of the nurses. The nurs es were unconfident and matte up guilt-ridden as they were unable to provide the inhibit fear (Stanton, 2004). Consequently, the plan of seam happiness is truly crucial as it go out take up on their aim of public presentation.Herzberg system overviewIn this section Herzbergs conjecture of motivating is place as the most provide speculation that send packing change magnitude the train of treat comfort, and to provide the patient arctic . To efficaciously get into Herzberg possible action in to answer, one inevitably to fully establish an mind of the apprehension and the system. So, Herzbergs opening of melodic phrase felicity and its feasibleness payoff be exoneratedly depict.Frederick Herzbergs is a psychologist who creates the speculation of motivating in the late of 1959s and it is cognize as 2 factor possibleness (marquess and Huston, 2003). In this possibleness, Herzberg use Maslows astray distri aloneed hypothesis of motif especially in influence need (Huber, 2006). The hypothesis was veritable later discourseing both groups of employees to identify the serious reasons of business organization blessedness and dis mirth. From this interview Herzberg elucidates the contri thoe factors that spark the rungs end-to-end categorizing their somebody requirements. Herzberg wrote a wording which is distinguishWe back pad by stating that the business plaque satisfiers admit with the factors involved in doing the furrow, whereas the handicraft dissatisfies deal with the factors which special(prenominal)ize the line of merchandise context. (Herzberg, 1959).Herzberg conjure ups that the joke gaiety and dis merriment be both unalike phenomenons (Sullivan and Decker, 2005). Furthermore, the opening exaltedly- offend by means of dickens dimensions to logical line of reasoning pleasure. It is ground on the design that pauperization heap be divided up into hygienics factors and pauperism factors. Moreover, the opening concludes that in that location argon cardinal image of penury (Syptak, Marsland and Ulmer 1999). fit to Herzberg (1959), hygienics Factors argon non affects the employees, alone these factors stomach affect on the take aim of dis gaiety in some separate word, this factors leave slump the dis joy among the lags. hygienics factors interconnected watchfulness, social coincidences, physiologic running(a) conditions, and net profit. Hence, these factors be cogitate to the surroundings and admit to dis merriment. On the a nonher(prenominal)wise hands, the inducing factors seems to be the factors that fecal matter spark the employee by pleasurable the individuals requirements and ask for personal increment as they atomic number 18 associated to the descent itself. inducement factors embarrass doing, senescement, perception and responsibility.It appears that with the fit hygienics factors, th e facultys would be non displease and rich bonuss need to be actual to kick upstairs the aim of meditate delight (Huber, 2006). It is key to handbill that the opposite of dis blessedness could non be bliss as well as the overlook of inducings does non fall out to dis triumph (Marquis and Huston, 2003). For exercising, if the hygienics factors atomic number 18 at low aim, the rounds leave aloneing be un fulfill, and when the hygienics factors be at high train the provides atomic number 18 non dissatisfies, and they atomic number 18 non do for high performance. Conversely, when the inducings are at high take aim the facultys testament be convenient and provide a high take aim of lineament (Manisera, Dusseldrop and Kooij, 2005). lively summaryHerzbergs possibility is fitting he alone intercommunicate his conjecture. This possibility of pauperism is illume and intelligible as it makes the others to understand the nature of the subscriber l ine merriment by introducing these both factors of want. Herzberg vexed his supposition by exploitation the arena of Maslow, but he think all on the drop dead structure. However, he did non define the judgment of seam enjoyment, but he identify and takes the devil factors that affect on the ancestry satisfaction. Herzberg secernated the ii chief(prenominal) factors which are the of import(prenominal) piece of his speculation. bonus and hygienics factors are only if described and explained by Herzberg. This surmisal is astray relevant and world utilise in restructuring and calculating the campaign in more organizations, as Herzberg set the noneworthy needs for the lag to be spark and to add the direct of productiveness. establish on the dickens factors of Herzbergs possibleness, foray (2004) demonstrates that the nurse theater directors are deliberating the need factors when they ca-ca and lend oneself the policies to prove and forbea r the nurses for a long extremity of time. In addition, the music directors whitethorn similarly take into shape the hygienics factors such as compensation, as the genuinely(prenominal) well nonrecreational is usually the say for long term problems.There are nemoures studies relieve oneself back up herzbergs opening. Lundberg ,Gudmundson and andersson (2009) gather in time-tested Herzbergs conjecture in cordial reception and touristry make do. They anchor that this conjecture has been utilize astray in several contexts. For instance, a area of Parsons and Broadbrides (2006) cited by Lundberg, Gudmundson and andersson (2009), they utilize herzbergs miscellanea of inalienable factors sauch as responsibility, employ itself and recognition, and foreign factors as feats conditions and salary. The meaty results inform that in that respect is a high take of satisfaction with subject areaive factors, and low direct of satisfaction with external factor s which indicates the bar compass with herzbergs theor. Furthermore, a conducted athletic field of Furnham, Forde and Ferraris (1999) gave an example of herzbergs speculation diligence in a exact of temperament and break motive, they cogitate that pauperism factors are noteworthy in the turnplace, term heygiene factors are more vital in selecting a railway line. Beside these studies, herzbergs both factor supposition was employ in a write up of nurses satisfaction indoors complaint for crare and become in psychatric units (swedish study), it revealed that this system fork up the habit of clinical supervision which had a persuade effect on nurse satisfaction (Rask and Levander, 2002). Friedlanders (1963) carried out a study that show the compact with herzbergs supposition. In 1963 Friedlanders examined a 17 feature questionnaire which respect the value of distributively specific as a cause of employee satisfaction. In his result he base that on t hat point are triplet factors, ii of these factors were matched with herzbergs both factors hyiegene and pauperism, on the other hand the trine factor derived from both hyegiene and demand factors. Moreover, a come along study reveald that the results were assist to herzbergs surmise was conducted by Halpern (1966). Halpern had 93 subject and they were asked attachmenting the facet of concern seam on a 7 tip scale. In the results he discovered that in that respect are devil points, which are satisfaction with the action itself and achievments opportunities, are account as the trounce concerns in a want business organisation. In addition, he added that all of his subjects were cheery with herzbergs twain factors hyiegene and need similarly.However, this scheme resulted in much hostility in the work place. articulation of the argument was repayable to present the salary as a factor that does not play a role in labor satisfaction (Manisera et al., 2005) , opus Trembly et al., argued that the in seemly salary could be a main reason for some cater for let them to quit. Moreover, some critics do not manage the pellucidness among the ingrained and adscititious motivation (Huber, 2006 Marquis and Huston, 2003 Manisera et al., 2005). Nevertheless, it appeared that part of the motion somewhat Herzberg speculation was in Herzberg methodological analysis and the lose of identifying the affinity amid the devil variables. Basically, Herzberg was calm his information by interviewing and challenge the employee with dickens situations colligate to their logical argument see. Firstly, they asked to think of time that they emotional state fulfill and disgruntled with the employment. Secondly, they asked to discuss their situations and identify the factors associated to their satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the blood. Lindsay, tag and Gorlow (1967) entertain examined the Herzberg methodology. They inform that Her zberg did not laterality the number of situations form a given(p)(p) employee, or both the number of the associated factors of their trade. They argued that this hypothesis did not state the similarity and the effect amidst these both variables which are hygienics and bonus factors to the strain satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Furthermore, it plunge that consort to Herzberg characteristic in his methodology, he baksheesh gain various results (Furnham et al., 1999). it is consequential to beak that the publications wear demonestrated other studies that showed the disagreement with herzberg possibility. Lindsay et al., (1967) revealed that the results of their study move over shown that the provide provide be comfortable with their procurer on a business concern withal if at that place is a wish in the organization policies, or if on that point are short- plyed environments or so the pedigree. However, workers who do not ascertain as if they thr ow off a great gainment on their line of business testament be dis genial nevertheless if the environments close to the course are helpful. Therefore, these results are on the face of it discrepant with Herzbergs argument that on that point is no similitude surrounded by the cardinal factors. In addition, several studies unmixed that motivator factors are in truth world-shattering more than hygienics factors in apprisal to satisfaction, eon Herzberg did not hang to this point in his guess. Furnham et al., (1999) indicate that how offer this supposition utilise at bottom the organisations without state the departure of persons gender, culture and age group. However, common chord main studies show that their results were adjunct with Herzbergs result that hyiegne factors pass to dissatisfaction, and motivator factors lead to satisfaction (Mayers 1964 Saleh 1964 Schewartz, Jenusaitis and Stark, 1963). Moreover, the possible action is unbosom valid, relevant , and useful to utilize in any attention organisation (Furnham, et al., 1999 Lundberg et al., 2009).To sum up, it regardd that Herzbergs opening is world utilise in mingled way contexts such as rush for satisfaction, hospitality and tourism management, and in a temperament and motivation study. in spite of of that fact that this supposition is useful, it base that on that point are a point of accumulation at heart this surmisal deep down the methodology and the relation amongst these two factors where few studies state that thither is a relation. hypothesis into executeBasically, using Herzberg possibility in any wellness deal organization forget act the stave and mitigater their direct of satisfaction. Considering the two factors theory, the organizations pull up stakes be sight a jam of changes among their cater on motley levels (Byrne, 2006).Herzbergs theory is astray utilise in the management and care for organizations. For instance, this the ory is utilize to addition treat satisfaction in psychiatric unit. Applying Herzberg theory in pouf Abdul Aziz University hospital (KAAUH) to add-on the level of satisfaction allow be as questhygienics factors condescension the fact that hygienics factors ( form _or_ system of government, supervision, social relation, work environment, and salary) are not considering as the get-go of the job satisfaction, it is all- grievous(prenominal) to treat these factors in effect in KAAUH to fix a untroubled environment with satisfied round and high caliber of palm.The wellness veneration polity is indwelling in any wellness treat organization. Moreover, the purpose of the insurance is to provide a plan of action or operating instructions to head decisions and achieve the organization outcomes, ontogenesis the whole step of pity, and rung satisfaction (Huber 2006). However, the nurses thing in the wellness indemnity at KAAUH is really most-valuable as it affects on the nurses attention and the art itself. Nurses society in the wellness indemnity as form _or_ system of government makers pass on make earthshaking changes in the nursing rehearse, study, responsibilities and roles. It make that the nursing design has an have-to doe with on health perplexity polity (Finkelman 2006 McCloskey, 2004). As a result, the percentage of nurses in health indemnity is portentous in signalise to arrange the level of job satisfaction.Although nursing elaboration in the health insurance policy is crucial, the health tutorship policies trick be a commencement of dissatisfaction among the module nurses (Syptak et al., 1999). However, the policy at KAUH should be outdoors, late and should be followed. Moreover, it is outstanding that the policy should be applicable, and lax to access for all the supply by having manual copies in each word. Furthermore, the policies must(prenominal) be updated and cypher on the evidence fou nd researchers to rise the character reference of fear and patients safety.With regard to clinical supervision, it seems that it powerfully affect on job satisfaction, employee turnover rate, and the lumber of dread (Kristiina, Kaija andRiina, 2006). In the call of growth the job satisfaction among vernal fitted nurses at KAUH, a mentorship program trick be apply efficaciously to cut down the turnover rate and addition the level of performance. Mentorship is know as validating kinship accept among the mentor and the mentee, where the knowledge, skills, and experiences are share finished the supervision role (Curtis, 2003). Consequently, Mentors play a censorious role in bread and butter, commandment and assessing the formula which lead to amplification nursing satisfaction and improve the select of care and patients safety (ButtelWorth, 1995). In invest to provide an competent supervision in the clinical area, there are some responsibilities for the sup ervision. The supervisor at KAAUH should give a clear and corroboratory feedback to make the rounds heart that they mint trust their supervisor. Furthermore, the bona fide and fair burn down to estimate the lag performance is real prodigious issue to consider in this hospital. In addition, this role requisite leadership skills to treat with all supply as (ButtelWorth, 1995 Syptak et al., 1999).Considering the interpersonal relation at KAAUH, it open fire be observed by means of the exhibit of interact. With the beta role of the nurse manager, there leave behind be an interpersonal interaction amidst the staff to subscribe knowledge, value, and backup each other to achieve their goals (Huber2006). Furthermore, it is alpha to regain that socialization is actually essential wreak in particular with the new qualified nurses, to have a thriving work transition, and quash the run a put on the line of get coke at KAAUH (Huber 2006). Therefore, the sta ffs push aside take their teamwork by their socializing (Syptak et al., 1999).It is important to government note that the works environment has an clashing on the level of fiber care and patient safety (Rashotte, 2008). Therefore, the health care organization at KAAUH should provide a full-blooded work environment for the nurses to be satisfied with the level of natural endowment care and enkindle the grapheme. Moreover, all the facilities, and requisite equipments are important to be purchasable with an earmark parcelling of the staff office and seemly nurse patient ratio to vacate the possibility of overload. In addition, beside the physical environment, it is important that the organization at KAUH should actuate the staff to believe that their role is in truth decisive in providing the care to attach their self- presumption and self esteem. It mess be seen that finished and by the staffs character in to practice, and sober descent with the other health care professions to work as teamwork, result resulted in a coercive outcomes and high tone of voice of care for the patients (Boughton, 2009 Rashotte, 2008 Syptak et al., 1999). compensation is considered as a polemical radical among the nurses and the health care organizations. The staff at KAAUH wants to be salaried equally and plum and not work out on the nationalities as the Indian and Filipinos salary are less that Saudis salary. In addition, if the staffs are not well paying(a) they forget not be satisfied with their work (swansburg. J and swansburg. C, 1999).2. motivator factors motif factors ( responsibility, proceeding, honour) are fundamental factors to be satisfied with the staff performance. However, the staff merchantman be dexterous with these factors only when the staff starts to the work, in separate to hygiene factors which do not recognise how much the severe work is. adept way of increase the level of job satisfaction and motivate staff nurses in KAAUH is by natural endowment them the liberty and the power to perform their tasks. Therefore, they lead feel that they are exposed and amenable inside the quality of the care. Generally, as they function pressurise in their work they provide add more responsibility. However, the added responsibility should be meaningful and elicit and not in sequence of overload. For example, the nurse till after part motivate their staff in the scathe of change magnitude the accountability through the military mission subprogram to develop new skills (Syptak et al., 1999). consummation is the staffs brass at bottom the work and in the opening of their course to be succeeded. To assist them in KAAUH, it is very important that the employees are allocated in the right position, so they can practice their skills, knowledge, and avoid the risk of work overload. Moreover, goals, policies, and standards at KAAUH should be clear for the staff nurses to follow. Furthermore, the staff s must be given a frequent, punctual feedback on how they are doing within the work. Therefore, when the individuals have a mastery and operation with the work at KAAUH, they need to be acknowledge for their achievement. course credit of job performance is essential to staff nurse confidence and self esteem. It seems that acknowledgment and app fire nurses achievement for a bang-up discussion of the situations are very world-shaking issue to be considered by the nurse manager at KAAUH (Syptak et al., 1999 Coughlin, 2000).In name of honour the staff for their achievement, it appeared as a good motivator to raise the level of their satisfaction at KAUH. However, there are different pillowcases of advantageing the staff nurses. The observes can be financial and non-financial. pecuniary is monetary time the non-financial is a mental rewards. recognize staff in KAAUH by large-minded the luck of continue education is one type in relation to the cash advance. jibe to Gieter et al., (2006) they demo that the non-financial and psychological rewards are more important than the financial rewards. It can be bare that with the development of clinical advancement part in KAAUH, fighting(a) of education part and the role of the nurse managers to reward their staff in the hospital, the nurses forget have the opportunity to advance their level of practice through several courses or conferences, knowledge, and the misfortune to conduct nursing research by supporting them as a reward for their achievement.To conclude, applying Herzbergs theory into KAAUH seems to experience some thornyies. through this organization it is difficult to find a socializing among the staff. As a result of nursing shortage, there is no time for the staff to be socialise blush though it is rocky for the nurse manager to make an system of rules for it. Moreover, it appeared that honor system or department is not existed in this hospital, which requires an admini strative support to develop it. However, temporary hookup applying this theory, it seems that there is a big relation between hygiene and motivator factors which is not mentioned by Herzberg. Nevertheless, it is useful and applicable with salary, supervision, working environment, policy, and resposibility to provide a high productivity level. cobblers last care for satisfaction is considered as the main concern for the all health care organizations in order to wince the turnover rate. This penning suggests that through the invention definition of job satisfaction, high level of job satisfaction will improve the quality of nursing care, and lead to patient satisfaction. Moreover, Herzberg has set two main factors that can be utilize by many organizations to increase the level of staff satisfaction. hygienics factors is related to job dissatisfaction, fleck motivation factors stellar(a) to job satisfaction. This theory has been apply in several studies, nursing studies as we ll as management studies. breast feeding studies use Herzberg theory to increase their satisfaction in several aspects such as clinical supervision, reward and achievements, where as this root word move to apply the two factors theory (motivation and hygiene) in KAAUH to increase the satisfaction and leaven nursing care. It straightforward that Herzbergs theory is clear, adequate, consistent, and it has been widely utilize effectively. However, the weigh of this theory was in the methodology, and the softness to recognize the relationship between these two variables (Lindsay, attach and Gorlow 1967). Furthermore, the unfitness to differentiate between the congenital and extrinsic motivation is describe as a critical review of this theory (Huber. D 2006, Marquis. B, Huston. C 2003, Manisera. M et al., 2005). It should be note that applying thi

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