Monday, September 30, 2019

True Love: Hermia and Lysander

True Love Love is a strong-filled emotion, a bond which is shared between two persons. Love adds to the enchantment and beauty of life. Love has the power to lift the spirits of the persons who share this pure sentiment and is also capable of eliminating the controversies, jealousies and barriers existent due to blood lineage which may try to harm lovers. Egeus, Hermia’s Father, goes to Duke Theseus for assistance with his predicament. Theseus gives Hermia the option to either marry Demetrius, the man his father has deemed worthy of her, or for her to live a barren life as a nun.As Hermia heard what was to come, she replies to Theseus as she defends her love, †So I will grow, so live, so die, my lord, Ere I will yield my virgin patent up unto his lordship whose unwished yoke my soul consents not to give sovereignity. † Hermia’s pale cheeks and melancholic look reflected the sorrow settling in her spirit as she lost her right to love with her heart but in the eyes of another. The situation in which Hermia and Lysander are due to Egues complaint reveals the dominant male perspective of a fatherin society.Lysander in the situation they are in comforts Hermia by saying, â€Å"The course of true love never did run smooth. † Lysander assured her that they are only going through a phase which all lovers undergo but they will be able to conquer. In response to the Dukes options offered to Hermia, she and Lysander plan to elope in the woods and go to Lysander’s aunt. Lysander suggests to his love,†Therefore hear me, Hermia: I have a widow aunt a dowager of great revenue; and she hath no child. From Athens is her house remote seven leagues; and she respects me as her only son.There gentle Hermia, may I marry thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Hermia replies to him, â€Å"In that same place thou hast appointed me tomorrow truly will I meet with thee. † Hermia‘s and Lysander’s love is always put to the test by Egeus’ rejection of Lysander. In the forest, their love is put to the test simply by the fact that Demetrius is always after Hermia and tries to prevent her from eloping with Lysander. Their love is also trialed by Puck who confuses the Athenian lad which Oberon had sent him to put the love potion on.Puck was to place the potion on Demetrius for him to respond to Helena’s love but instead Puck placed it on Lysander’s. Throughout the plot of the story, Hermia always had the option to give up on Lysander’s love and stay with the lad her father had chosen for her, but she always had in mind to follow her heart and not give up on her love due to small adversities. Lysander is worthy of Hermia’s love and proves to be a brave lad who was willing to take risks in order to be with Hermia.While being with the Duke, Lysander tries to convince them that he is financially stable to be with Hermia by saying, â€Å"I am my lord, as well possessed. My love is more than his; my fortune every way as fairly ranked- if not with vantage- as Demetrius. † Through all adversities, He never left Hermia unprotected nor did he give up. Lysander comforts Hermia with his company and words of advice. Lysander was with Hermia in times of need as in the Dukes resolution.Lysander conquered all obstacles that came in between the love that he had for Hermia and proved he was truly worthy of Hermia’s love with his actions. The theme of forbidden love is reflected by the characters of Hermia and Lysander who live life as a daily battle in struggle to maintain their love alive. Even though â€Å"supernatural† powers and mountain-high problems may come in the way of true love, in the end love will always be victorious. Hermia and Lysander are an example of a couple who faced challenges on the way but the prize-being together as a couple, was far more rewarding in the end.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Case: Rewarding Our People

Chris Martin BADM 7070 11/23/12 Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc. : Rewarding Our People Marilyn Winn faces a tough challenge to improve employee satisfaction and motivation in a struggling economy that has just experienced the 9/11 disaster. Many of Harrah’s employees feel that the incentive program that Winn has implemented sets goals that are too aggressive while others feel a sense of entitlement for the bonuses.Both of these cases do not help Winn improve employee motivation and customer service. Winn needs to find a way to revise the employee rewards program that she has implemented to reduce turnover, improve employee motivation, and, ultimately, improve customer satisfaction. In order to get employees at Harrah’s motivated, Winn should implement an employee drop box for any feedback of the current reward system or innovative ideas on how the system could be changed.The purpose of this drop box would be to send a message to the employees that Harrah’s va lues its employee’s opinions and cares about its employees. If employees feel that they have a say regarding the development of the system, it will lead to better satisfaction with the system overall and thus be more likely to motivate them to better serve Harrah’s customers. This feedback system could also improve turnover, as employees would feel more valued by the company.Winn could also customize current system to give employees the option to receive vouchers that are worth more than the cash reward. By getting a physical reward, employees are less likely to feel entitled to the reward. Implementing these two plans could greatly improve employee satisfaction and could help to achieve Harrah’s most important goal: customer service.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Leadership and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leadership and Change - Essay Example The basic advantage of the internal change is that it can be avoided, can be postponed and can be further amended to bring a choice based condition into change activity. And there is strong evidence suggesting that the organizations prefer to use and incorporate internal changes instead of implementing change dictated by the external forces. The external change cannot be a voluntary act. The organizations do not have choice whether to implement it or avoid it. The external change cannot be avoided. The management of organizations is bound to implement conditions required by the external change. The effects of the external change may not be welcomed by the organizations. The fundamental problem with the external change is that its developers do not have direct relationship with senior management of the organizations but they are normally developed and enforced by the regulatory authorities who have their objectives to be served by implementing the change requirements. As a result, the organizations do not wholeheartedly accept the impacts of the external change. And most of the time, they intend and prefer to resist the external change whenever they receive any opportunity to do so. ... Change in the organization Change is essential to organizational survival (Van de Ven 1986). More clearly, change through the pursuit of new strategies becomes a highly significant component for organizational survival. All too often, however, organizations fail to remain adaptive to exogenous shifts in their environment (Christensen and Bowers 1996; Kotter 1996). The expansive literature highlights the factors favouring organizational stability and resistance to change (Nelson and Winter 1982; Tolbert and Zucker 1983; Hannan and Freeman 1984). Even when top management recognize the need to change, publicly declare new strategic initiative, change or modify incentives and divert significant resources to develop supportive organizational structures the persistence of existing older norms persistently impede organizational transformation. However, the challenge of change is even more daunting for organization working in highly institutionalized framework with strong traditions along wi th well-established norms of behaviour (DiMaggio and Powell 1983; Kaartz and Moore 2002). Despite such circumstances, the organizations do survive and continue doing business. Understanding the differential capability of organizations to change has become a central point (Bercovitz and Feldman 2008). And recent research denote that understanding variation in organizational response to external pressure requires inspecting and examining intra-organizational dynamics and the actions of individuals in that context as well (Greenwood and Hinings 1996). Type of change New technology has necessitated a real estate agency to introduce and implement

Friday, September 27, 2019

Visual basic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Visual basic - Essay Example This is an instant messaging software that runs on the console. It supports very many networks such as yahoo, icq2000, jabber, as well as IRC. Are applications designed to run on forms? They are developed in thedotNET framework. Examples of this application include Dinner Now application, as well as another one for stock trading known as Stock Trader. The links to the screen shots of these applications are as follows: The other type of application is Outlook 2003. This is a very good example of windows form application. The screen shot is available at 2. The next example is the Climbing Game, which demonstrates how the keyboard and clicking interact with each other using JavaScript on adotNET page. 3. The other application type is Display Server Date and Time – this is an application, which displays a simple web page for retrieving used to retrieve time and date from web servers. It uses a HTTP Post for this function. This is a collection of libraries as well as interfaces in dotNET framework.These templates, which have already been coded and only have to be used together with other language components to develop a better complete system. The Library of Congress is a library that contains materials that remind people of the History of the United States of America. There are a lot of collections in the library divided in the form of categories such as Presidents of America, African American History and so on and so forth. The university of New Orleans online database contains catalogs, e-journals, and many other databases of books. Students and subscribers of the library for research purposes use it. The planning phase of this program involves finding

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Economic Development and Poverty Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Economic Development and Poverty - Term Paper Example However, this does not fulfill the requirement of a national food banking programme. Initiating from Tamil Nadu in the year 1960s, the programme now has taken a huge form and is operating in all primary and government aided schools. In the sections to follow, pros and cons of the policy are discussed with a justifying case and future recommendations. Background to the Mid Day Meal Scheme The background to the Mid Day Meal programme in India was set when Tamil Nadu’s Former Chief Minister K. Kamaraj asked a small boy the question, â€Å"Why are you herding the cows? Why don’t you go to schools?† and he replied, â€Å"If I go to school, will you give me food to eat? I can learn only if I eat.† (Akshaya Patra n.d) This innocent answer by the child set the stage for the introduction of Mid Day Meal with its first operations in Tamil Nadu. The programme was covered under the aegis of National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE) and i mplemented as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme across the nation on August 15th, 1995. Elated with the positive response for the scheme in terms of school enrollments, retention and reducing hunger, the Supreme Court of India passed the following mandate in November 28, 2001, â€Å"We Direct the State Governments/ Union Territories to implement the Mid Day Meal scheme by providing every child in every Government and Government assisted Primary School with a prepared mid day meal.† (Akshaya Patra n.d) The provisions of the scheme were revised in the year 2004 covering children of class I-V and comprised of following provisions (India Government 2010): Cooking cost @ Re 1 per child per school day, Transport subsidy raised from Rs. 50 to Rs. 100 per quintal, Management costs @ 2% of the cost of grains, subsidy and assistance and Supplying mid day meal to drought affected areas during summer vacations. Again in the year 2006 revisions were made related to the calories counts and per child cost was increased to Rs. 1.80. Revisions regarding other nutritional contents are shown below in the table. Nutritional Content Norm as per NP-NSPE 2004 Norm as per NP-NSPE 2006 Calorie 300 450 Protein 8-12 12 Micronutrient Not prescribed Folic acid, Iron, Vitamin C, etc. Source: (India Government 2010) Objectives of Mid Day Meal Scheme The Mid Day Meal scheme in India serves three major purposes (India Government 2010) of: 1. Improvising upon the nutrition of children studying in class I-V in Government, state, local bodies and other government aided schools. 2. Bringing children of disadvantaged sections to schools by encouraging them to attend school regularly and allowing them focus on classroom activities through hunger elimination. 3. Providing support in the form of nutrition to undernourished children of primary level in drought affected areas during the summer vacations. Monitoring and control The supervision of the Mid Day Meal Scheme is jointly undertaken by the De partment of School Education and Literacy and Ministry of Human Resources Development. The overall control mechanism comprises (India Government 2010): Local level supervision The monitoring of cleanliness, timely procurement and distribution, wholesomeness and equity is done by members of local Panchayats and Gram Sabha representatives on a periodic basis. Transparency of information The Right to Information Act requires schools and centers to display

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Describe a Friend Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Describe a Friend - Essay Example The Simpsons is, of course, the very famous American cartoon show. I understand that the show is very popular with adults in America, especially with college students. But back home when a twenty year old watches cartoons as much as Arence, most people think he did not have a fulfilled childhood. I asked him why he still watches the show and he answered, "I just enjoy it." But I think it goes more deeply than that. Arence actually arranges his scheduled around the show so that he can watch it both times it airs each day. Not only that, but he even leaves off his homework for the commercial break. And he doesn't just watch it when it comes on, but he also tapes the show so that he can watch it over and over again. He has seen the episodes so much that he will quote along with the show, speaking in a voice like Homer Simpson or Mr. Burns. The lobby where the television is located is intended for 100 students to share. Every night Arence makes his way down from the third floor, places a chair right in front of the TV and prepares to watch his show. The lobby has two couches and tables and chairs where students sit down to study. Every night everyone in the lobby kind of waits for Arence to come down for his nightly ritual.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 9

Strategic management - Essay Example Some of the strategies used by hospitality enterprises to achieve competitive advantage include Strategic Planning, Market Research. Business Planning, Retail Growth Strategy, Meal Plan Strategy, Sourcing and Procurement Strategy, Concept Development, Health and Well-Being Strategy, Information Systems Strategy, Food Facilities Planning and Design. Accommodation and food services makes up about 8.1 percent of all employment. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Employment in the accommodation and food services industries is predicted to grow 18% between 2002 and 2012, adding more than 1.6 million new jobs. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Of the 8,740,000 total workers employed in the accommodation and food services industry in 2003, 5,343,000 works full-time (61%), while 3,397,000 work part-time (39%). (Annual average for 2003, according to the Current Population Survey, a joint project of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau). The Total Industry Investment is $1,765,000 and the total leveraged resources are $5,900,000. Profit and average room rate at the UK’s chain hotels continued to increase in November, according to the latest HotStats survey from TRI Hospitality Consulting. Across the total UK sample of 462 hotels, income before fixed charges (IBFC) – also known as gross operating profit – rose by 5.6 per cent to  £52.81 per available room. Average room rate increased by 7.4 per cent to  £95.03 in November, a similar rate of growth to the 7.2 per cent achieved during the year so far. In London, profit grew by 7.9 per cent to  £82.19 per available room. London’s hoteliers continued to achieve rate growth at near annual levels with an 8.9 per cent increase taking average room rate to a new high of  £125.85. The capital outlay needed for starting up the operation in this industry is huge ($60 – $70 million), since the leasing expenses and the taxes are high. The capital

Monday, September 23, 2019

Why I want to be an HR Generalist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why I want to be an HR Generalist - Essay Example I qualify for this job also because I have about 18 months of experience of working as an HR Generalist with a company where I was required to manage the day-to-day operations, manage employee relations, administer the policies, programs, and procedures, arrange training and development programs for the employees, and address their individualistic and collective issues by serving as a medium of coordination between them and the top management. One thing that I love about working as an HR Generalist is that it involves a lot of strategic management. The HR Generalist has to manage things in a way that generates positive messages for the organizational personnel so that they feel intrinsically motivated to cooperate and be a part of the change. I look forward to this opportunity so that I can apply the concepts I gained through years of training and practical experience.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Is the concept of transnational identity a threat to Iranian national Essay

Is the concept of transnational identity a threat to Iranian national identity and the development of International Cooperation - Essay Example This project examines the relationship between global culture and how Iran constructs the global identity on a transworld reference in the modern society. More schools of thought have put more emphasis on the Iranian multi-identity including religious, national and modern ones. It has been said that Iranian identity is divided above social and cultural events and challenges. The Iranian identity has been constructed by the global culture, mass media and global economy, but there are diversities between development and disorientation of Iranian identity over time. Various events have transformed Iran over time; right from the Safavieh dynasty and the Islamic republic of Iran are two separate historical accounts with divergent variations. Appadurai, A. (1996). Table of Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Table of Contents 3 Globalization 3 Definition of Identity 4 The Literature on Iranian Identity 7 The Iranians and Diaspora 9 Children of the Revolution 11 Transnational Identity 13 The Network of Iranian Professionals of Orange County 14 Imagining Culture, Imagining Home 16 After September 11 17 Conclusion 19 References: 21 Globalization Contemporary thought of thinking has been spreading on a global scale from the late 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The period after the WWII has been so crucial in the whole of humanity, since it's this period that has been viewed as the genesis to the application of the philosophy of modernization which ideally constructed economic, political, cultural, social and geographical consolidation around the globe. This has been made possible with the advent of computers and the internet infrastructures making the 21st century a century of globalization, supraterritoriality or transworld...According to research it has been construed that persons get to know each other through identities. Persons and groups depict themselves in such a way as to retain a positive sel-evaluation in comparison with other groups. Morgan, P. M. (1999). Structural functionalists believe that a change in underlying social or psychological conditions leads to change in identity. Identity, transforms pr ogressively whilst society develops from conventional to industrial and modern arrangements. Through this process national identity changes to a more general and diverted one. The transformations are exhibited across the entire societies where changes communal identity is prevalent. Taykeyh, R. (2006). In regard to symbolic interactionists identity connotes a reflection of what someone is, through others; this is basically a dynamic identity factor of a person’s comprehension of oneself and others. Identity is a product of agreement and disagreement. Without a framework of personal or collective identity, people will be similar and the idea of uniqueness won’t crop up. The above distinct notions pay a close attention to the relationship flanked by individuals and collective identity. Scholars such as Mead (1934) and Goffman (1956) established about the self and its role in different social conditions. From this perspective identity evolved and changes through the time and in space; in a renewal cycle.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Essay Example for Free

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Essay Moral entrepreneurs refer to people who create or define what is wrong. They claim that a certain social phenomenon is a problem that deserves or calls for an immediate response or action. They persuade the society to make or set strategies or policies based on a specific viewpoint. After identifying a social problem, they work on policies that are consistent with the problem definition. A good example of moral entrepreneurs is Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and the anti-tobacco lobby. MADD has gained public support in fighting against drink driving which was responsible for many crimes. They have increased the public awareness of drinking to make people more aware about the adverse effects of driving under the influence of alcohol. They changed their initial name of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers to Mothers Against Drunk Driving so that it would gain more meaning as it was against the law. MADD is not opposed to the individuals but to the act of drinking. It has provided grass root leadership so as to create major social change in the people attitudes and behaviour towards drunk driving. It carries out effective research in an effort of providing relevant and accurate information to the public in matters related to drunk driving. Governments, corporations, educators, the media and the public at large encourage MADD’S efforts. It is comprises of men and young women of all walks of life who are willing to join hands in fighting drunk driving as well as underage drinking. It is committed to offering assistance to victims and survivors of drunk driving through emotional, legal, medical and financial ramifications. MADD has large number of trained victims advocates across the country that provide the appropriate information needed. They inform of the criminal justice procedures and assist victims through out the period. Communication is a very important aspect in ensuring that MADD’S activities are successful. It uses the media, the Internet, public or outreach and collaborations with the entertainment industry to ensure that its issues are well addressed. It’s committed to eliminating the problem from grass root level as well as advocating for high-visibility law enforcement strategies. They advocate for severe penalties to those found guilty for instance through license revocation. To influence the public opinion to accept the definition of a problem as important and that which requires to be addressed amicably will require moral entrepreneurs to engage vigorously in public activities. After identifying the ‘evil’ in society they must influence the public with the intension of pulling them to their school of thought. They influence the larger population, legislation, organise public demonstration as well as create issues for the mass media. Tobacco smoking is a serious drug issue that needs to be addressed. Smoking is linked to dangerous health effects not only to the user but also to those surrounding them through the second hand smoke. Tobacco ingredients comprised of over 4000 chemicals all of which can cause harmful effects to the body. They include tar, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, metals and other radioactive compounds. It can cause cancer and other lung diseases. It causes irritation to the trachea and the voice box and can increase symptoms like coughing and wheezing as well as permanent damage to the air sacs of the lungs. Smoking in public should be prohibited second hand smoke can also cause cancer in human beings leading to deaths of many people. In establishing an effective strategy to gain public support it would be important to first carry out appropriate research on the effects of smoking to human beings. Disseminating this information to the public would enable them have a better understanding of the actual effects of smoking. Incorporating scholars, scientists and relevant professionals not only in the research but also in the information dissemination works to increase the credibility of the efforts against smoking. Lobbying the government to enhance laws against smoking in public places like restaurants, and bars would also be an appropriate step in the fight against adverse effects of smoking. Smoking should also be prohibited in the work place so as to protect innocent workers from the effects of second hand smoke. Installing ‘no-smoking zone’ posters in offices and in other public places would be a way of communicating to people that smoking is not tolerated. Anti-smoking campaigns can be vigorously established where mass education on the dangers of smoking would be applied. Liasing with entertainment programs would also be appropriate in disseminating information regarding smoking. Effective communication must be incorporated in all the campaign strategies. Teamwork is very crucial if any strategy is to be successful. It is therefore very important to ensure that there is collaboration with governmental as well as non-governmental programs. Incorporating people of all races, age, gender and ethnicity would bear positive responses in the fight against smoking. Essay 2 ‘Frequent fliers’ are addicts who are constantly checking in hospitals for detoxification. Their rate or frequency for such visitation could be as high as 100 nights in a year. The detoxification process is at a cost to the government especially when catered for in Medicaid and frequent visitation by same patients aggravates the problem further. (www. jointogether. org). Some patients blame their drug addiction to their social situations. A person would be a heavy user of alcohol, cocaine and heroin but after a detoxification program he or she would go back to drugs when he squandered his money on women and drugs and be rendered homeless. This would trigger their motive of going for a detoxification. They would seek the detoxification due to their homelessness and financial constraints instead of their own personal will to quit drugs. Their main aim would be to acquire a shelter rather than a solution to their drug problem. The fact that the detoxification is free and it offers quality care could be a reason facilitating the ‘frequent fliers’ in hospitals for detoxification. Medicaid programs to fund the drug and alcohol treatment cost much for the government. The cost is aggravated, as there are categories of patient and varying cost for the treatment. Patients going for detoxification may do it at different hospitals across a state and if the patient is being among the most expensive patients the cost will be very high According to hospital executives, the expensive form of detoxification is a significant moneymaker as it brings about more than 40% profits to the hospitals in question. The hospitals may be too unwilling to drop the prices, as their profits would be jeopardized. In fact many hospitals offer the care but opt for the expensive ones rather than the cheaper one. Approximately 80% of the detox patients get treated at the most expensive level as it is the only one available. New York State tends to spend more than other states on alcohol and drug related issues. There is evident wastage of government resources because over 80% of the patients in medically managed detoxification are not serious cases and could have been attended to using cheaper detoxification means. The argument presented is that if the a state paid less for the top level care it would be able to pay for others and the development of such services would be enhanced. An effort to change the detox payment system would spell doom for the hospital industry, as it is one of the hospital’s sources of profit. (www. jointogether. org). Drug treatment would be a very effective way of solving the ‘frequent fliers’ problem. It would also be less expensive and yield better results for the user as well as the government which would now reduce its expenditure costs would be minimal if patients consistently visited the same hospitals and same doctors than if they visited varying doctors. The theory that best explains the phenomenon of ‘frequent fliers’ is the first one, which explains how desperation among the drug addicts sees them back to hospitals for detox. To them, the hospitals act as a home or place that provides shelter for them and this is their main reason for visiting the hospitals. (www. jointogether. org). To my opinion better strategies should be put in place to ensure that addicts visiting hospitals for detox do so out of their own will and not due to compulsion. They ought to have realized that they have problems that need to be addressed and not as a means of seeking greener pastures when life becomes hard. Counselling is also an appropriate measure in ensuring that after the detox addicts reduced their addiction or became better people in society rather than continuing with their drugs abuse problems. Programs established to assist the drug addicts in solving the ‘frequent fliers’ problem would include those geared to increase their skills. Such programs should be geared to restoring their effectiveness or their normal lives through training. This way they would be fit better in the society and lead better lives free from drug addiction. With the training they can regain their self-respect, ethics, and morals and better handle their addiction problem. Effective training can enable them get stable employment which can provide them with the finances to cater for their basic needs for instance shelter, food and clothing and they would not require to go back to the hospitals for the provision of basic needs. With self-respect, they would not indulge in activities that do not add value to their life. Employment is about engagement of mind and time and the chances for idleness are minimized. This works to ensure that they are not attracted back to their drug addiction. More counselling professionals should be incorporated in the hospitals so that those going for detoxification for the first time do not find a reason to go back. More funding should therefore be drawn to this respect. Funding for their accommodation or shelters before they stabilize and suit well in the society is also an appropriate measure. Family members of the addicts should also be trained on how to best handle these people so that they do not go back to their drug addiction. Since drugs would best work for them, they should consequently be funded so that more money is not wasted in trying to fund the detoxification programs that are not efficient or effective to the addicts. They are patient who need help and ought not to be exploited to gain hospital profits.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Walt Disneys Silly Symphonies Analysis Film Studies Essay

Walt Disneys Silly Symphonies Analysis Film Studies Essay Walt Disney, arguably one of the twentieth centurys greatest story tellers, found his voice in the 1930s. Following from the success of the Mickey Mouse shorts, the Disney Studio began the production of the Silly Symphonies, a series that reworked fairy tales and nursery wisdom; reviving the classics in the hope of producing an animated feature. Mickey Mouse was Disneys superstar and occasional alter-ego. Steamboat Willie (1928) had made the studio a cut above his rivals but Disneys new project would take the spectator far beyond Mickey and into a new universe more daring and original that would make the studio not only influential but border line serious art. Taking from various sources such as paintings, magazine illustrations, films and posters, the Silly Symphonies fed the swelling stream of sentimental modernism at the Disney Studio, blending the fantastic and the real, the irrational and sentimental, magic and empiricism, highbrow and lowbrow culture (Watts, 2002: 111). The Silly Symphonies allowed the spectator to enter a fantastic world of nature, fairy-tales and metamorphoses, providing escapism full of colour and movement, free from history and repression. Russian filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein was a great admirer of Disneys early Silly Symphonies and the features up until Bambi (david hand, 1941). In his unfinished papers he discussed the work of the Walt Disney Studio between 1928 and 1941. Eisensteins fascination with Disney animation is based on the fantastical, alogical order in which it is possible to: achieve a mastery and supremacy in the realm of freedom from the shackles of logic, from the shackles in general (Disney) gives us prescriptions from folkloric, mythological, prelogical thought but always rejecting, pushing aside logic, brushing aside logistic, formal logic, the logical case (cited in O.Moore, 2002:125). The Silly Symphonies allowed the animators to try out new techniques and ideas with the two most important being the ability to squash and stretch giving the animators freedom to exaggerate their characters actions and expressions but also to create believability in such a way that the audiences accepted the distortions in a characters shape. Eisenstein was attracted to the elasticity of the animated cartoon and fascinated by the ever changing contours defining it as plasmaticness, a rejection of once and forever allotted form, freedom from ossification, the ability to dynamically assume any form (Leyda, 1988:21) Disney was not the first to experiment with form. French animator and auteur, Emile Cohl had produced Fantasmagorie in 1908. Lasting two minutes, the hand of an artist draws a clown which shape shifts into a myriad of images, for fantastic or comic effect, invoking an optical amusement for both young and old. The hand of the artist illustrates the advantage of working in ani mation, with the characters obeying to the transformation at the nudge of the animator. Eisenstein writes that it is the sight of omnipotence that makes the image so appealing as it holds the ability to become whatever you wishà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ turning stable forms into forms of mobility. (Leyda, 1988: 21) Eisenstein frequently focused on the Silly Symphony, Merbabies (1938) in which the metamorphoses and juxtapositions of the characters are central to the short. He exclaims: A striped fish in a cage is transformed into a tiger and roars with the voice of a lion or panther. Octopuses turn into elephants. A fish into a donkey. A departure from ones self from once and forever prescribed norms of nomenclature, form and behaviour. Here, its overt. In the open. And of course, in comic form. (Griffin 56) Eisenstein delighted in watching inanimate objects and animals metamorphose in shape and substance and then used for purposes other than intended. Whereas Emile Cohl transformed one object into another, Disney demonstrated the humanisation of inanimate objects. Whilst still maintaining their properties, the animals were able to think and behave like humans. What was once a tall building is now a building swooping down to avoid an oncoming plane, a trees branch becoming a long bony arm. Not only had Eisenstein recognised the greatness of the Silly Symphonies but so had America. From 1930, Silly Symphonies won an Academy Award every year for their cartoon shorts laying the stepping stones for his feature length films. The shorts looked toward experimenting with sound, music and image, focusing less on gags but evoking mood and emotion. An analysis in Stage magazine described the Silly Symphonies as, a rare kind of art wherein musical and pictorial elements came together as a seamless whole. With the music in a Bach chorale or a Mozart symphonyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦from the smoothness and precision of the lucid thing you hear, you are not aware of the formidable equipment of harmonics, counterpoint, and pure mathematics that its composer had to possess. So with les oeuvres Disney (Watts, 2002:123). With another critic observing, not until a couple of years ago were you ever permitted to see and hear a six-legged spider pounding out Schuberts Liebestraum or a baby grand piano or a pelican rattling off the Anvil chorus from Il Travatore on the bony skeleton of a giraffeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦or Mickey playing a xylophone solo on a set of false teethà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Watts, 2002:74) The Silly Symphonies expressed music without specific or recurring characters, with the action of inanimate objects or anthropormorphic animals moving in synchronisation with the music. Many of the shorts were built around a community of non-human creatures, joyful and celebratory, glorifying rural life in opposition to the oppressions of the big city. Russell Merritt notes that Disney himself was simply adapting the formulas of American marionette theatre, which in turn had been influenced by turn-of-the-century fairyland operettas and stage musicalsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.Nor can the drawing, based on the style of American illustrators like Harrison Cady, W.W. Denslowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦be considered original art. But in the world of commercial American cartoons, no one had seen anything like it (Kaufman, 2006:6). Working on board with Disney was the extremely talented animator, Ubbe Iwerks and composer and music director, Carl Stalling. It was Stalling who came up with the original idea for th eir first Silly titled, The Skeleton Dance (1929). Entirely animated by Iwerks in black and white, and inspired by Edgar Allen Poe and gothic illustrators, The Skeleton Dance invites the spectator to an abandoned graveyard. The haunting visuals alert the spectator; the widening eyes of a terrified owl, a full moon, wind blowing whilst the owl shivers and hoots, expanding and shrinking. A branch from a tree swoops down, looking like a long, thin witchs arm. Bats fly from the belfry into the camera, a spider appears and crawls away, a dog howls, two cats bicker; spitting and sparring until out of the grave comes a skeleton. Atmospherics and mood is created with the visuals being accented by the music. Symbolic of a Halloween night (and later used as the inspiration for Disney Worlds Haunted Mansion) the images fright as well as amuse and approach horror and death in a comical way. Styled like a comic vaudeville routine, the skeleton bubbles with charisma. Metamorphosing in a comedic manner and dancing the Charleston, the skeletons dance in perfect synchronisation with Stallings score. What distinguished Stallings scores were their playful, often brilliant comic non-sequiturs: a radically disjunctive mingling of serious music with cakewalks, ragtime, and soft shoesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.the symphonies revelled in a musical openness ahead of its time, a non-hierarchical approach, in which all genres of music were considered equal- all joyfully embraced, nothing sacred. (Kaufman, 2006:8) As early as 1930, Paul Rotha wrote, To many writers at the moment, the Disney cartoons are the most witty and satisfying productions of modern cinema. Their chief merit lies in their immediate appeal to any type of audience, simply because they are based on rhythm. They have been compared with the early one reelers of Chaplin, and the way in which they appeared unheralded, gradually to achieve an international acceptance is not unlike that of the great comedians early work. (Kaufman, 2006:8) In contrast to The Skeleton Dance and with the new frontier of Technicolor (the new three-colour process for film), Flowers and Trees (1932) presented a moralistic story about good triumphing over evil (a common theme within the Disney films). As morning breaks, nature awakes from its slumber. The trees stretch their branches and yawn, the flowers awake; some brush their teeth, others perform their daily exercises. The mushrooms pop out from beneath the ground. The female tree has leaves like feather bowers and uses white flowers to powder her nose. The old tree stump is dark and grey with crows nesting in his broken branches. As he yawns, bats fly from his mouth. The male tree pulls at some reeds to play the harp, another tree conducts as the birds sing along. Flowers and Trees pays homage to traditional culture. The magical story is accompanied by the music of Schubert, Rossini and Mendelssohn. These films work to the classical narrative of a heterosexual romance with a celebration of the community or courtship. There is a conflict, a kidnapping of some sort with the climax of the male protagonist duelling and saving the day with harmony being restored. Rather than the bleakness of the crowded city street, animation allows an attractiveness, a transformed world, free from restrictions, restrain and control, inviting a new freedom. Eisenstein comments that Disneys works themselves strike me as the same kind of drop of comfort, an instant of relief, a fleeting touch of lips in the hell of social burdens, injustices and torments, in which the circle of his American viewers is forever trapped. (Leyda, 1988:7) This was not only for children but for anyone of any age proving that cartoons can appeal to both intellect and imagination. The Silly Symphonies were more original and more progressive and caused a revolution in the animated cartoon industry. Out of the 210 (find ref) Silly Symphonies, only some are remembered if at all, with only a few remaining famous. Shorts such as The Three Little Pigs, The Old Mill, Flowers and Trees and The Skeleton Dance are the most recognised with only the Big Bad Wolf and Donald Duck remaining well-known Symphony characters. Disneys films were then a lyrical, limitlessly imaginative revolt against the disciplinary regimes of the capital, against the big grey wolf who in America is behind every corner, behind every counter, on the heels of every person especially those of the working class. (James, 2005:271) As time passed by and the Disney Company expanded, Disney finally betrayed Eisensteins notions of utopian promise in the medium (James, 2005:271). The Silly Symphonies enabled the studio to extend their aesthetic experimentation, taking it in new directions and laying the foundation for the narrative formulas that made Disney so popular. He had mobilised the highest quality skills and developed new technical innovations such as introducing synchronised sound, colour, special effects and the multi-plane camera. Eisenstein criticised the use of colour in the Disney films describing it as an amorphous, extraneous element that plays no part in [Disneys] amazing synchronous dance of lines and shapes, melody and rhythm. (find ref) Disney had finally abandoned the plasmatic that was apparent in the early Silly Symphonies and began leaning more toward the verisimilitude of graphic representation. Animals now possessed human characteristics both emotional and psychological and his style aband oned its utopian potential, establishing realism as the norm in animation. 85:Animal bestiary; ss were effectively experimental films progressing the form itself. 86: Disney was moving closer to the revelation of the animal and progressing the form toward a hyperrealoism, which though diminishing some aspects of the freedoms of the animation language, began to ironically facilitate a way in which truly cinematic effects might be achieved Need to add in: The Silly Symphonies were intended for the mass market and thus colour was used not only to present the real and express narrative development but also to provide transformations were it is as expressive and fluid as music. ever, Kristean Moen argues that colour can be seen as a site of instability and fluidity. introducing high art to animation. The name itself suggests a blend of both high and low culture and demonstrates the studios attitudes to high art. Exhibition book , 89-The Disney animators also applied the principles of follow-through and overlapping action. Never done, most things were like a cut out, moving in one piece. No one thought of the characters clothing following through, sweeping out and dropping a few frames later, which it does naturally. Thats why d anuimation looked so different. The animators applied principles used in the theatre- secondary action, anticipation, staging and timing to create believable perfomanc. 3 little pigs was a rbeakthough: for the first time, characters who look alike demonstrated differing personalities through their movements. It now wasnt just how it looked by gow he moved and determined his personality. 90-As the work of the animators became more polished, the performances grew more subtle AND NUANCED Until they rivalled the acting of live performers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the characters cease to exist as drawings but become live individuals. Although not directing many of the Silly Symphonies, they benefited from Disneys intervention and he was making animation a sophisticated art form. Paul Wells argues however that by taking into account the contribution of Iwerks, it is possible to challenge the view that Disney can be wholly understood as a figure around whom the key enunciative techniques and meanings of a film accrue and find implied cohesion. (Wells: ) Watts; 108 The Skeleton Dance dramatically enlarged the boundaries of enchantment and the uncanny for mainstream cartoon industry. From its earliest days metamorphosis had always been the mainspring of cartoon magic. Cartoon characters were made of parts that could change, bend out of shape, detach, grow or diminish. Landscapes were forever changing themselves. But the ss moved awar from such surreal (not abandoning them altogether) and expanded upon atmospherics Merit pg, 8 (rephrase)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Teenage Drama Shows Essay -- Communication, Media, MTV

Teenagers are a significant segment of the American population. However, teenage drama shows did not make a significant emergence until the 1990’s. Before the 90’s, there were a handful of shows that had adolescents as supporting or main characters but the shows were not geared towards a teen audience. Never Too Young was one of the first so- called â€Å"teen drama† shows that premiered in 1965 and aired for a single season. The show had soap opera elements and chronicled the lives of teenagers. Teen dramas as opposed to teen situation comedies have soap opera elements to them. Some teen dramas can be understood in relation to the long-running serial form in their emphasis on repetition and deferral of resolution, and in this respect, are close to soap opera in narrative organization (Moseley 54). A school setting or home residence is where many teen dramas take place. Similar to soap operas, teen dramas also center around place, character, and relationships, a nd emotional drama is often heightened through the use of close-up and (generally romantic pop) scoring (Moseley 54). Teen drama is geared towards an adolescent audience, therefore episodes address teenage issues: sex, drugs, self -esteem, love, and school violence. The short-lived teen drama, My So Called Life dealt with these issues but due to low ratings was cancelled. My So Called Life was a realistic and dynamic show that should not have been terminated abruptly. One of the original teen dramas, Degrassi Junior High and later Degrassi High, became very popular in both Canada and the US while airing on PBS in the late 80s and early 90s (Silverblatt 21).Several years after Degrassi's premiere, Darren Star created Beverly Hills, 90210 in 1990, along with famous producer Aar... ...MSCL. It was not overly dramatic but not overly artificial in its depiction of teenagers and their parents. There were not many shows of its kind in the mid 1990’s and there are still not many teen dramas of its kind today. In general, there are not many teen dramas period. Many of the teen shows are sitcoms or situation comedies. The few teen dramas on television include Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, and The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Out of these three shows, only The Secret Life of the American Teenager has any broad realism to it. Gossip Girl highlights the life of wealthy teenagers and Vampire Diaries is a fantasy show. My So Called Life had a good balance of addressing real topics like homosexuality, sexual harassment, parental arguing, and drug use in a realistic fashion. MSCL captured the anxiety of teen life without becoming overly idealistic. Teenage Drama Shows Essay -- Communication, Media, MTV Teenagers are a significant segment of the American population. However, teenage drama shows did not make a significant emergence until the 1990’s. Before the 90’s, there were a handful of shows that had adolescents as supporting or main characters but the shows were not geared towards a teen audience. Never Too Young was one of the first so- called â€Å"teen drama† shows that premiered in 1965 and aired for a single season. The show had soap opera elements and chronicled the lives of teenagers. Teen dramas as opposed to teen situation comedies have soap opera elements to them. Some teen dramas can be understood in relation to the long-running serial form in their emphasis on repetition and deferral of resolution, and in this respect, are close to soap opera in narrative organization (Moseley 54). A school setting or home residence is where many teen dramas take place. Similar to soap operas, teen dramas also center around place, character, and relationships, a nd emotional drama is often heightened through the use of close-up and (generally romantic pop) scoring (Moseley 54). Teen drama is geared towards an adolescent audience, therefore episodes address teenage issues: sex, drugs, self -esteem, love, and school violence. The short-lived teen drama, My So Called Life dealt with these issues but due to low ratings was cancelled. My So Called Life was a realistic and dynamic show that should not have been terminated abruptly. One of the original teen dramas, Degrassi Junior High and later Degrassi High, became very popular in both Canada and the US while airing on PBS in the late 80s and early 90s (Silverblatt 21).Several years after Degrassi's premiere, Darren Star created Beverly Hills, 90210 in 1990, along with famous producer Aar... ...MSCL. It was not overly dramatic but not overly artificial in its depiction of teenagers and their parents. There were not many shows of its kind in the mid 1990’s and there are still not many teen dramas of its kind today. In general, there are not many teen dramas period. Many of the teen shows are sitcoms or situation comedies. The few teen dramas on television include Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, and The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Out of these three shows, only The Secret Life of the American Teenager has any broad realism to it. Gossip Girl highlights the life of wealthy teenagers and Vampire Diaries is a fantasy show. My So Called Life had a good balance of addressing real topics like homosexuality, sexual harassment, parental arguing, and drug use in a realistic fashion. MSCL captured the anxiety of teen life without becoming overly idealistic.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Macbeth :: essays research papers

The Elizabethan Concept of the King Intro: Our actions define who we are. Who we are, defines our actions. This concept has been common to man throughout history, and the Elizabethans are no exception. They applied this statement to their kings in an attempt to classify them as good or bad, strong or weak. In the play Macbeth, we notice many references to the characteristics of a good king. The Elizabethan view was that if a king was weak, he would be taken advantage of and killed. Thesis Statement: The Elizabethan view of the king has taught us that a king must possess certain characteristics in order to survive. A king must have physical and emotional strength, good judgement, intelligence, confidence, and rational thinking, or he will be killed. 1st point - physical and emotional strength Topic Sentence: A good king must possess physical and emotional strength or he will be taken advantage of and killed. Duncan -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Act I Scene II -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reveals King Duncan as mild and benevolent, but weak and unfit to be a king. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Shows his physical weakness because there was rebellion and invasion, but Duncan was not out leading his army. (I, II, 1) -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Act I Scene IV -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Shows Duncan’s emotional weakness -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He is too weak and shows over-gratitude. (I, IV, 33) Macbeth -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Macbeth shows emotional weakness when he hallucinates -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During Macbeth’s soliloquy in Act II Scene I, he hallucinates and sees a dagger floating in front of him. (II, I, 33) As you can see through these examples, both Duncan and Macbeth show physical weakness and in return are both killed. 2nd point - good judgement Topic Sentence: In order for a king to stay in power and stay alive, he must make the right decisions and use good judgement. Duncan -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Uses bad judgement by giving Macbeth the title of Thane of Cawdor -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rewards Macbeth and not Banquo which could cause envy in Banquo and cause Macbeth to feel more important than Banquo -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Shows that he is a poor judge of human nature (I, IV, 11) -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Shows poor judgement in choosing a time to reveal Malcolm as his successor to the throne -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Could not see Macbeth’s ambition which others could see (I, III, 120) -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Uses bad judgement when deciding to sleep at Macbeth’s house (I, VI, 1) Macbeth -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Makes a bad decision to kill Banquo which made the people more suspicious -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Decides to kill Macduff’s family, which gave Macduff the motive to kill Macbeth. (IV, III, 233) 3rd point - intelligence, confidence, and rational thinking Topic Sentence: To avoid being killed, a king must be intelligent, rational, and confident.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why We Should Stick To Qwerty :: essays research papers

Why We Should Stick To Qwerty Computer Science 10 The Qwerty keyboard - named Qwerty because the letters q, w, e, r, t, y are arranged next to each other - has been the universal standard since the beginning of the 1890s. Since then, there have been many proposals by other keyboard makers to market products that would enable users to type faster. Other proposals put the most frequently used letters - dhiatensor - in the middle row.i Although these keyboards enable users to type far faster than the qwerty keyboard, they are rarely sold. There are several reasons for this. First, there is no need for the regular users to type any faster than at the current speed. Second, for the people whose job require fast typing, the new keyboards can lead to bigger health problems that develop from continuous typing. Third, and most importantly, standardization has led the qwerty keyboards to firmly hold the position as the keyboard. There are major differences between the two types of keyboard users; the regular users and the other typists. The regular users are people who uses the keyboard for word processing, e-mailing, and internet; there is not much of a need for them to type extremely fast. They do not type mechanically but rather based on their thought, and thinking takes time. In other words, faster keyboards are irrelevant for them because they are not continuously typing. They need to think what they are going to write, one sentence one after another. On the other hand, the typists whose job is simply to type, do so continuously. They also happen to be the major victims of repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) which is in large part caused by continuously stroking the keyboards. In an article about RSI, Huff explains the changes that the companies are undergoing to become more productive: Many work practices are changing with automation to increase productivity. These include fewer staff, heavier workloads, more task specialization, faster pacing of work, fewer rest breaks, more overtime, more shift work and nonstandard hours, and more piece work and bonus systems. These work practices can entail very prolonged rapid or forceful repetitive motions leading to fatigue and overuse of muscles.ii Because RSI is a major problem to the typists, it would be a suicidal move for them to adopt faster typable keyboards. More of them will develop RSI. As for the companies that hire these typists, not only will the frequency of RSI development increase, the amount of money that the companies have to compensate to the employees who develop RSI will also increase.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Social learning perspective and its implications education essay

A critical geographic expedition of Banduras societal larning perspective and its deductions for larning in mainstream schoolroom for the persons who show disputing behavior.1.0 IntroductionAchieving effectual instruction and acquisition in mainstream scenes of students with disputing behavior remains a concern of professionals, research workers and pedagogues. The inquiry ; whether there should be a typical teaching method for aiming scholars with disputing behavior and or particular educational demands which had become a burning issue with the release of The Green Paper on particular educational demands ( SEN ) ( DfEE, 1997 ) every bit good as the Literacy Strategy and students with SEN guidelines ( DfEE, 1998 ) are declarative of the concern that run intoing the acquisition demands of all scholars in current educational scenes airss for learning and professional pattern since inclusion had began to specify the landscape of mainstream schoolroom ( Norwich & A ; Lewis, 2001 ) . This obviously reflects the altering political temper which aspire a more inclusive society. However, there is concern about the achievability of the rule that all kids and immature people are valued as persons, as reflected in the Government ‘s papers Removing Barrier to Achievement ( DfES, 2004 ) , through a common teaching method in mainstream manner. Thus the importance of teaching-learning attacks comes to the bow in finding effectual inclusive patterns particularly for aiming students with disputing behavior in mainstream schoolroom. An accessible scheme and attack to accomplish this has to run into the acquisition demands, and therefore specify the learner rightness of such attack required for the scholars who show disputing behavior in mainstream schoolroom. Bandura ( 1977 ) developed a position that approaches larning as non merely a merchandise of classical and operant conditioning but as being influenced by experimental acquisition. Harmonizing to Bandura ( 1986 ) experimental acquisition takes topographic point when the scholar learns from detecting the actions of a theoretical account and the effects of those actions taking to suppression or disinhibition of his ain action. What this implies for schoolroom pattern is that the scholar ‘s challenge has to be located functionally, appreciated and addressed within a model that contextually interface efficaciously, appropriate interactions between context, object and topic in a learning procedure. In critically measuring Bandura ‘s societal acquisition position and its deduction for larning in mainstream schoolroom for the persons with disputing behavior, this essay aims at researching the value of the societal acquisition position as an attack that can inform effectual inclusive pattern in aiming learner-specific demands in mainstream context. The demand to aim single scholar demands, and at one time achieve inclusive mainstream marks and aims obviates the undertaking that has to be undertaken for the group of scholars with certain conditions and damages that do put barriers to acquisition, necessitating adjustment to be made to accomplish same degree of larning as the normal scholar in order to guarantee that effectual acquisition takes topographic point across board. It is hence important that this essay suggests that within the flight of theories applicable to effectual acquisition, and within the context of mainstream schoolroom, Bandura ‘s societal larning po sition can be an indispensable constituent of any multi-modular intercession in aiming the acquisition demands of the persons with disputing behavior. Therefore, more than of all time before, instruction and the principle that supports the actions that instructors take encompass a broad scope of variables which basically involves larning. How is larning best identified, motivated, achieved, assessed and built upon for the scholar, are all inquiries that proceed with, and warrant the many and changing determinations that constitute instruction, possibly much more so, how it can best be approached in the mainstream schoolroom for the scholar with disputing behavior.1.1 Bandura ‘s Social Learning Perspective an overviewAlbert Bandura is a prima psychologist who had contributed vastly towards the development of many Fieldss of psychological science, and made an outstanding work with his societal acquisition theory. His societal acquisition theory is underpinned by his findings in researching the determiners and mechanisms of experimental larning through analysing the cardinal facets of human acquisition and the leaning of the scholar to pattern their ain behavior on the behavior of the ‘observed other. ‘ Harmonizing to Ormond ( 1999 ) , Social acquisition as a theory concerns with acquisition that occurs within a societal context. The foundational apprehension of the theory is based on the consideration that human existences learn from one another through experimental acquisition, imitation and modeling. Below is Ormond ‘s farther premises as respects to societal larning theory: Learning can happen through people detecting the behavior of others and the result of such behaviors Learning can happen without a alteration in behavior. What this suggests is that even though the Behaviorists had maintained that larning consequences in a lasting alteration in behavior, the societal acquisition position ‘s claim that larning can happen through observation entirely means that larning may non needfully be signified either in public presentation or represented by a alteration in behavior. Cognition is a basic key in larning. Social larning theory is grounded on the reading of human larning from the cognitive index. It suggests a nexus between behaviorist larning theories and cognitive theories. Bandura ‘s societal acquisition position besides suggests the premise that modeling is reinforced by the environment, for case where the theoretical account behavior leads to effects that reinforce it. It is apparent that the behaviors that people learn from others are sometimes ensuing in fulfilling or reenforcing experiences. Bandura ‘s Bobo doll experiment was used to exemplify how vicariously the behavior we learn from others can be reinforced whereby the theoretical account being copied reinforces for a response. The Bobo doll experiment shows a theoretical account kid hitting an hyperbolic doll – the Bobo doll. A group of students were shown the theoretical account being praised for hitting the doll. The consequence was that without being reinforced themselves, the students began to besides hit the Bobo doll. However, in modern-day times, accent on the societal acquisition position have tended to brood on support and penalty, angling more towards cognitive intercessions on acquisition and behavioral alteration. Contemporary attacks to societal larning perspective suggest that ; Support and penalty, even though are non the chief cause of acquisition, do hold an indirect effects on acquisition. Both support and punishment impact on the degree and extent of which the behavior learnt is exhibited by the scholar. And that the scholar ‘s expectancy of a signifier of support cognitively impacts on the procedures of acquisition.2.0 Social Learning and Cognitive proceduresBandura ‘s societal larning perspective implies a figure of cognitive factors ; whereby it proposes a differentiation to be made between larning by observation and larning through imitation of what has been learned. Learning by observation involves cognitive processing during the class of observation and paying attending, ( undertaking is cognitive ) , is critical to experimental acquisition. Likewise, cognitively Bandura ‘s thesis outlines the procedures of larning. Bandura considers factors of outlooks, mutual causing and modeling in the connexions that is being made between capable, object and context in the acquisition procedure.2.1 Behaviours and patterningInstrumentally, the societal acquisition position shows how we can understand behavior as a procedure of larning through modeling, at least in portion. The societal acquisition perspective sees behaviour as being influenced by patterning. In the schoolroom for illustration, students can larn through mathematical presentations. The Bobo doll points to the illustration that aggression for case can be learned through theoretical accounts. Besides, research had shown that kids who are exposed to aggressive theoretical accounts, for case parents who are aggressive or violent, go more aggressive themselves. Then once more, moral thought and behavior that are modelled from a sense of right or incorrect are to a great extent influenced and developed through modeling.3.0 The scholar with Challenging Behaviour and mainstream contextChallenging behavior had been described as that behavior which prevents the engagement of the scholar in appropriate actives and isolates the scholar from equals. It is seen as the behavior that affects the acquisition and operation of other people and that drastically reduces the scholar ‘s chances for full engagement in usual acquisition activities. The scholars with ambitious behaviors are ever doing inordinate demands on both staff resources and other larning support resources ( Harrris et. al. , 1993 ) . Harmonizing to McBrien & A ; Felce ( 1992 ) , disputing behavior can besides be seen as behavior which constitutes a challenge to other people given that it is hard to happen effectual manner of reacting to them. Challenging behaviour shown by the scholar does non intend he or she is in himself or herself the debatable, instead, it is the complex kineticss of interaction between the scholar, the scholar ‘s behavior and the leaner ‘s societal environment. Bandura in his work stated that â€Å" †¦ of the many cues that influence behavior, at any point in clip, none is more common than the actions of others † ( Bandura 1996 ) . The deduction of Bandura ‘s thesis for mainstreaming scholars with disputing behavior in the context of mainstream schoolroom is that the scholar requires a scaffold of equal modeling and contextual designs that blend the acquisition environment with the coveted influences. In sing the importance of teaching-learning attacks in his reappraisal, Wedell ( 2005 ) reported that late, authorities -funded research aimed at happening out if there are cardinal difference in particular demands and educational attacks in general, in the chief concluded, in line with the sentiment of Davis & A ; Florian ( 2004 ) , that the of import thing is to accomplish a teaching method that is inclusive of all scholars. However, effectual schoolroom instruction and acquisition is non merely dependant on the instructor ; his accomplishments, bringing techniques and environment, but every bit, on cognition of the scholar ‘s background and sound grasp of this background cognition by the instructor via resourceful channels. This will enable the instructor weigh what appropriate attacks can be good adopted to aim the learning demands of the varicolored nature of the scholars in mainstream scene including those who show disputing behavior. Inclusion which has become the mainst ream attack to learning and acquisition is a notable ideal. Yet, the trouble is with the quandary it presents as respects practically run intoing the acquisition demands of those cohort of scholars who present disputing behavior and at the same clip meet set mark and recognize common aims within a portfolio of inclusive mainstream schemes and patterns that will non sabotage the acquisition and operation of other scholars in mainstream schoolroom. It is acknowledged, ( ) that despite policy statements and sporadic advanced intercessions in inclusive patterns, mainstream schoolrooms are still fighting to catch up with run intoing the demands of the scholars with behavior challenges and aiming their demands through effectual acquisition attacks. Lewis and Norwich ( 1999 ) had in their work raised the inquiry of diverseness of larning demands in mainstream context. The statement is that larning attack ( Es ) that will fit the diverseness of larning demands in mainstream scenes with curricular outlooks across board are required. Therefore, Lewis and Norwich ( 1999 ) attempted a conceptualisation of diverseness of larning demands as applicable to mainstream scenes and typified three countries of demands as ; scholar alone needs or single demands exceeding demands or demands common merely to some group of scholars, and common needs or needs that cut across all scholars. A teaching method that responds generically to this broad scope of larning demands is advocated for aiming and suiting particular demands scholars including those with disputing behavior in mainstream schoolroom context ( Lewis & A ; Norwich, 1999 ) .4.0 Learning: context and concept – Bandura ‘s Social acquisition Perspective4.1 What is larning?There is no simple reply to the inquiry ; what is larning? Brackenbury ( 2008 ) noted that larning could be consequence of ; Maturation ( nature, heredity ) Experience ( raising, environment ) Cognitive procedures ( thought, intelligence, linguistic communication ) Socio-emotional procedures Interaction between biological, cognitive, societal factors, etc. Gredler ( 2001 ) sees larning as the procedure of acquisition of new accomplishments, cognition, attitudes and values with an result which manifests in the new capablenesss possessed by the scholar. Good and Brophy ( 1990 ) describes larning in footings of the lasting alteration in capacity for public presentation which is acquirable through experience. Learning has besides been approached from a scope of theoretical positions that tend to pattern schemes which enable an apprehension of the ends and outlooks for persons every bit good as groups involved in the acquisition procedure.4.2 Some Theoretical Positions of LearningThe followers are illustrations of theoretical positions outlined by Davis & A ; Florian, ( 2004 ) . Behavioural theoretical accounts ; focuses on what can be observed as larning results based on the rules of support theory in different larning contexts. It considers wholly behaviour as being learned in conformity with the regulations which determines it. Bandura ‘s societal larning perspective agrees with this theoretical account. Constructivists theoretical accounts ; the scholar is seen as active participant in the cognition seeking procedure by doing his or her experience responsive and relevant and acquiring intrinsic satisfaction through acquisition and work outing jobs. Social constructivism ; scholars active function in acquisition is placed within the context of his or her societal groups or community for case, equal forum, schoolroom, school, wherein cognition is reciprocally created through purposeful interactions and valued activities. It has to be good appreciated that a good apprehension of the workings of any one or a combination of these theoretical accounts is important in the instruction and acquisition procedure and possibly more so, in efficaciously using them to the context of the scholars with particular demands like those demoing ambitious behaviors. As observed in Wedell ( 2005 ) , the cardinal component sing rightness of instruction and acquisition attacks is the acknowledgment of the topographic point of the scholar as an active instead than a inactive participant. Therefore, for any learning theory to associate and react to the scholar as an active participant in the instruction and acquisition procedure, it has to take into awareness the inquiry of what determines larning, for who, at what phase, and in what fortunes in order non to besiege the shared and alone larning demands of the scholar, particularly within the wide scenes of inclusive mainstream schoolroom.4.3 Analyzing the societal acquisitio n positionIn an article written by Frank Pajares ( 1997 ) , the societal acquisition perspective draws accent on the influence of anticipations and self-efficacy on behavior and behavioral alteration. It considers patterning or experimental acquisition as analogue to reinforcement. New behavior, particularly behaviours in signifier of aggression, force as seen modelled by parents and in the media, which have had influence on the manner kids act, are being explained with this position. Equally, as a position to acquisition, the societal acquisition construct is critical of behaviorist, psychoanalytic and trait theories of behavior. The societal acquisition construct does non see support as necessary in larning given that it suggests people can larn through merely observation. In line with the construct, behavior can be modelled through anticipations and so maintained or terminated by its effects. The position explains behavioral jobs as being ensuing from low degrees of â€Å" self- efficacy. † Self-efficacy In line with the societal acquisition position, self-efficacy can be seen as assurance towards larning. The impression is that people normally would prosecute in behavior they are more certain of their capableness of put to deathing successfully. What this implies for larning is that the higher the degree of self-efficacy, the more confident the scholar is towards larning. Theoretically frame worked, self-efficacy therefore supports the acquisition procedure given that scholars with high ego efficaciousness would be given to accomplish more being confident performing artists. Many factors are considered to impact the scholar ‘s self-efficacy. Such factors as personal successes and failures, the successes and failures of others and signals or messages received from others like equals are seen as likely to impact self-efficacy. Frank Pajares ( 1997 ) Aboard self-efficacy is the impression of self-regulation, self-instruction, self-monitoring and self-reinforcement. Self-regulation which in societal acquisition construct go on when the person in consideration of his ain thoughts about the rightness or otherwise of certain behaviors chooses actions to accommodate his intent. The several facets of self-regulation include ; self-standards and ends, self observations, self opinion and self reaction. Self-regulation is considered as being an of import technique to larning given that it can be instrumental to self-reward where and when needed behavior is achieved. On the other manus, self-instruction is considered helpful in larning whereby the scholar takes self-instructions that steer his or her behaviour towards accomplishing a end. Self-monitoring and self-reinforcement Harmonizing to the societal acquisition position, the constructs of self-monitoring and self-reinforcement are critical to larning as they are the two ways the scholar can command his or her ain behavior. First the scholar can supervise and detect his or her behavior utilizing markers to foreground the high and low Markss in behavior. Then once more, the scholar can act upon his or her behavior by reenforcing himself or herself or by keep backing such support. However, the societal acquisition theory has been criticised for giving small significance to development, motive and struggle. Ormond ( 1999 )4.4 Assessment and Formulation of Social LearningThe appraisal of societal acquisition is done through affecting the scholars and inquiring them to do statement about their sensed degree of self-efficacy and outlooks and associated behaviors. The scholars ‘ statements of self-efficacy are therefore considered as predictive of their degrees of public presentation. For appraisal, com parings are so made of the efficaciousness outlooks that are obtained before and after intercession in order to observe whether there has been additions or lessenings in scholars ‘ self-efficacy. The societal acquisition perspective considers the scholars ‘ behavior challenges as end point from factors such as ; exposure to theoretical accounts exposing negative behavior, negative anticipations and negative self-conceptions, take downing degrees of self-efficacy or inefficaciousness, and negative self-evaluations. Anxiety in this context is explained as ensuing from perceived inefficaciousness, outlooks of non being able to get by with baleful state of affairss or people. Therefore, with addition in self-efficacy come assurance and less anxiousness and ability to get by with menaces from state of affairss and people. Normally, experience of low degrees of self-efficacy may be observed with scholars demoing behavior challenges. In practical footings, what this means for schoolroom larning context is that their feelings of inability to execute consequences in scoured assurance, and falling below desired behavior. This frustrating self-doubt leads such scholars to reason that they may be missing in the necessary resources or accomplishments required to accomplish desirable public presentation. It is hence the purpose of societal larning intercessions to convey to the larning context an addition in the scholars ‘ self-efficacy ; assurance and ability to aim and run into the coveted ends. And it is through intercessions patterning, self-instructional statements, self-reinforcement, etc that self-efficacy can be changed.5.0 Social larning perspective and Classroom InterventionsIncreasingly, researches had informed the sentiment that successful schoolroom public presentation may depend, in portion , on effectual acquisition attacks, and that a acquisition trouble is non merely a fixed feature of the scholar, but partially determined by the acquisition context ( Frederickson and Cline, 2006 ) . The societal acquisition intercession aims at incorporating topic, object and context to accomplish addition in the scholars ‘ ; both developments in the cognitive and behavioral competences. Its two chief tools of intercessions are using modeling and altering perceived self-efficacy of the scholar.5.1 ModelingModelling is applied to enable the scholar inhibit or disinhibit public presentation and to ease public presentation as desired in term of appropriate or inappropriate. Through observation of appropriate theoretical accounts, scholars can be cued to larn to want accomplishments and behaviors. By following theoretical accounts that can convey the right messages of success and show a sequence of appropriate actions. Learners can larn both through cognitive modeling and or by d irect instructions. However, the instructor will be required to verbalize their problem-solving processs for the scholar to larn by cognitive modeling. As an intercession scheme, modeling is characterized by the undermentioned cues: Progressive phases ( it is structured measure by measure ) Feedbacks ( feedbacks are basically incorporated ) Clarity ( it has to be shown clearly and be easy understood ) Consistency ( the scholar rehearses his behavior until satisfactory degrees of competency are reached ) The instructor stands significantly as a theoretical account for the scholar. The instructor can bring on consistence by showing the desirable theoretical account behavior to the scholars to enable the scholars imitate the needed behavior until a satisfactory degree of competency is achieved. Feedback remarks from the instructor are besides necessary to carry through the learning procedure of patterning every bit much as supports of the attempts the scholar is doing, and promoting the scholar to utilize positive self-statements in order to accomplish a high motive for the acquisition undertaking. Peer modeling is every bit of import as a cardinal tool and effectual manner of behavioral modeling in larning. When scholars observe their equals get the hanging jobs they tend to pattern them if they are symbolically represented as successful. This goes to state hence that theoretical accounts that can efficaciously be an influence on equals should hold the features of being presented as r ealistic, conveying trust, be converting and earn sufficient repute amongst other equals.5.1.1 Conditionss required for ModelingBandura ( 1977 ) recognized that certain conditions are prerequisite for effectual modeling. These conditions are considered necessary because they have to be present before a scholar can successfully pattern the behavior of another – the theoretical account. These four conditions as outlined by Bandura include ( Ormond 1999 ) : Attention: attending to the theoretical account is required from the scholar. This presuppose, possibly that the theoretical account has to keep some considerable involvement for the scholar. Attention plays a critical function in larning and is frequently influenced by the outlook of support. Retention: the scholar has to be able to do clear observation and be able to remember and retrieve the behavior which has been modelled. Using dry run as a technique of increasing ability of keeping of observations can be encouraged. Motor reproduction: thirdly is the ability of the scholar to perchance retroflex the modelled behavior. However, the scholar ‘s developmental degree has to be matched with the complex nature of any undertaking for effectual modeling to happen. Motivation: it is necessary that the scholar has to be sufficiently motivated for effectual modeling to happen. There has to be sufficient evidences for the scholar to use his erudite undertaking. Learners have to hold application for showing what they have learnt. Even though these are predisposing factors or conditions for effectual modeling, it has to be noted that these conditions varies among single scholars and hence predicate same behavior albeit with fluctuations in bring forthing such coveted behavior.5.1.2 The impact of Modeling on behaviorModeling can impacts behaviour in many ways. Through modeling, new behaviors are learnt and antecedently learned behaviors are reinforced and increased in frequence of happening. Modeling can besides be used as a larning tool to deter or promote antecedently prohibited behavior, every bit good that undertaking are non set or required that are beyond the leaner ‘s ability, and or developmental capacity to get by. Encouraging self-reg ulation techniques that can supply an effectual method for bettering the scholar ‘s behavior is necessary to accomplish a good degree of assurance in keeping the coveted behavioral mark. The outlook of support influences cognitive procedures that promote larning. As a consequence of being reinforced, people form outlooks about the effects that future behaviors are likely to convey. The scholar needs to be cognizant of the appropriate response and support that can convey approximately assurance and increase self-efficacy. The instructor can therefore promote the publicity of such self-efficacy by constructing a channel for the scholars to have assurance lifting messages and props through detecting others successes and being active in sing success on their ain advancement.6.0 Evaluation in societal acquisition positionEvaluation from this perspective chiefly involves placing and entering alterations in sensed self-efficacy following intercession, i.e. from lower to higher degree s of efficaciousness, sufficient to convey about important behavioral alteration. The effectivity of experimental acquisition and modeling can besides be evaluated. Changes in self-efficacy should be important adequate for scholars to experience that they have achieved a sense of personal control and competency. As a consequence they should now be able to get and use get bying accomplishments with regard to job behavior.7.0 Educational deductions of Social Learning PerspectiveIn schoolroom scenes, the societal acquisition attack can impact on larning in many ways. A sum-up of the deductions of the societal acquisition position for the scholar are given below ; Learners frequently learn through detecting other people Clear differentiation between behaviors and their effects can efficaciously ensue to increase in coveted behavior from the leaner and lessenings in the unwanted behavior. In the schoolroom, affecting the scholars in treatment on the wagess for and effects of coveted and the unwanted behaviors can be used to ease the acquisition procedure. Through modeling can be an effectual option to defining by supplying a quicker and more easy antiphonal agencies for learning new behavior. However, to accomplish effectual larning through modeling, the four indispensable conditions must be ; attending, keeping, motor reproduction, and motive.8.0 DecisionBandura ‘s societal acquisition position has application for larning in mainstream schoolroom for the persons with disputing behavior. Although a discrepancy of the traditional behaviorist position on acquisition and development, it furthered the pertinence of the rules of conditioning and support elaborated earlier by Skinner, conveying a more contextual attack to acquisition by observation and imitation. Bandura ‘s societal larning perspective nowadayss a thesis that demonstrates that patterning is the footing of the development of a broad spectrum of behavior in kids. What implications this thesis has for larning is that the scholar can larn accomplishments and behavior merely by watching and listening to others around them. Then once more, that through the bureau of patterning the scholar can larn to larn or unlearn new and old behavior severally. Therefore, in sing the acquisition intercessions appropriate for the scholars in inclusive mainstream schoolroom, patterning can be an appropriate attack to a learning procedure designed to aim their acquisition demands. Bandura ‘s societal larning perspective possibly, might be an indispensible constituent of intercessions in aiming the acquisition demands of this group of scholars if inclusive rules are to be achieved and all scholars every bit supported in this context.

Psychology and Impact Personality Development

1. Define personality. 2. Analyze how biological, situational and mental processes impact personality development. 3. Discuss social and cultural contributions to personality development. 4. Describe the major dispositional theories of personality. 5. Describe the major process theories of personality. 6. Evaluate the major personality theories. 7. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of commonly used personality assessment techniques, validity, reliability. Define personality. Personality Is a unique and relatively stable ways in which people think, feel and behave * Is shaped by biological, situational, and mental processes in a sociocultural and development context * Impacts people’s cognition, motivation and behaviour Analyze how biological, situational and mental processes impact personality development. Biological * A person’s temperament results from 4 humours (ancient theory) * Blood from heart – sanguine cheerful * Choler from liver- choleric angry * Mel ancholer from spleen – melancholy depressed * Phlegm from brain- phlegmatic sluggish Frontal lobes regulates one’s basic disposition * Individual differences in temperament arise from balance of neurotransmitters * Adrenal gland, thyroid gland, pituitary gland and endocrine gland affect personality. * Kagan’s research on inherited basis of shyness on new borns * Excitable and inhibited infants became shy and introverted * Less excitable and bold infants became extraverted * â€Å"push of nature in different directions† Situational * Environment affects us through operant and classical conditioning * (1) Physical Environment It includes the influence of climatic conditions of a particular area or country on man and his living. * (2) Social Environment * The child has his birth in the society. He learns and lives there. Hence, the social environment has an important say in the personality development of the child. * E. g. one would play with an outgoing chi ld more than an inhibited one pushes inhibited child towards shyness * (3) Family Environment * Child comes in contact with his parents and other family member. His likes, dislikes, stereotypes about people, expectancies of security and emotional responses all are shaped in early childhood. The type of training and early childhood experiences play an important role in the development of personality. * Besides this, economic factors i. e. , economic condition of the family and the type of relations between the parents also influence the personality of the child. * (4) Cultural Environment * Individualism in westerners vs collectivism in Africa caused by environment * Striking difference in the universal trait of shyness caused by how each culture dealt with the child’s success and failures. Who gets credit for good grades, gets blamed for not getting them? Childcautious, low risk taker * (5) School Environment * In the school, the teacher substitutes the parents. * The school poses new problems to be solved, new taboos to be accepted into the superego and new models for imitation and identification Mental Processes * 3 kinds of process theories: * Psychodynamic/ psychoanalysis- * motivation, especially unconscious motives and the influence of past experiences on out mental health * Humanistic- consciousness and our present, subjective reality: what we think is ipt now and how we think of ourselves in relation to others * Cognitive- * Influence of learning, perception and social interaction on behaviour Describe the major dispositional theories of personality. Dispositional theories suggest temperaments, traits or types (set of personality characteristics) provide consistency to individual’s personality over time. Temperament * Biologically based personality dispositions * Apparent in early childhood, Establish foundation of personality & individual’s approach to life * Inherited temperament may set the range of your response to some life si tuation but it does not fully determine your life experiences * Affected also by family position, experiences, and sense of self * Usually refers to dominant long standing themes eg shyness/moodiness * Role of frontal lobes in regulating one’s basic disposition * Individual differences in temperament arise from balance of neurotransmitters * Influenced by learning * Heredity and environment interact with initially inherited characteristics becoming amplified * E. . one would play with an outgoing child more than an inhibited one pushes inhibited child towards shyness * E. g. observational learning Traits * Emerge from temperaments and influenced by experiences * Guides thoughts and actions under various conditions * Relatively stable * BIG 5 Traits * Openness to experience, Conscientious, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism * Has validity across cultures (but most of these studies utilized university students as respondents who are more influenced by European-American vi ews * Quite accurate Labels a person but gives no explanation on why Evaluation of Trait Theories XPortrayed personality as fixed and static rather than a process that can undergo development changes depending on experiences Xoversimplified our complex nature XDo not tell much about their source or how traits interacts X SELF-FULFILLING prophecy where ppl become influenced by the labels and it became hard for them to change the undesirable behaviour. E. g. a child labelled shy will have to struggle w both the label and the traits * Gives us ability to predict behaviour Assessing traits * Using: * MMPI-2 for clinical traits base on mental problems * Not possible to fake due to lie scales * Must be used w care in non-Western countries/ minorities cos not well represented in the samples used in developing the test * NEO personality inventory (NEO-PI) base on big 5 * Both have excellent reliability (consistent and stable scores) * Both have good validity (measure what they were designed to measure eg signs of mental disturbance) * Barnum effects: tendency for people to accept very general or vague characterizations of themselves and take them to be accurate * descriptions can well apply to others * reliability and validity are important attributes of good psychological tests * Finding personality type * Category that represents a common cluster of personality characteristics * MBTI – Myers-Briggs Type Indicator * Not reliable, not valid * Ppl don’t fall into different types but more along the introversion-extraversion continuum Describe the major process theories of personality.While each of the process theories sees different forces at work in personality, all portray personality as a result of internal mental processes and social interactions. Psychodynamic theories 1. Sigmund Freud psychodynamic approach * focus is on influence of unconscious forces (psychic determinism) difficult to prove * Personality is a function of 3 main themes: unconscious forces, childhood experiences, sex * Not scientific, hindsight bias ( overemphasis on childhood ), unconscious mind is not that malign and turbulent * Structure of personality Id * Unconscious reservoir * contains basic motives, drives and instinctive desires * pushes for immediate gratification * Ego * Governed by reality principle * Decision making component * Mediator btw Id and reality * Superego * Governed by morality and social standards (conscience) * An individual’s view of the kind of person he or she should strive to become * Psychosexual stages * Ego defence mechanism- largely unconscious mental strategy employed to reduce the experience of conflict or anxiety * Denial – I don’t have a problem Rationalization- I cheat because everyone does it – give socially accepted reasons for actions one think is socially unacceptable * Reaction formulation – goodie goodie act in opposite of their desire- act exactly in opposition to their unconscious desires * Displacement- kick the dog- shifting your reaction from real source of distress to a safer individual or object * Regression- cry, throw things to reduce stress- regress to earlier developmental stage * Sublimation- channel negative to positive eg sexual desires to creativity on art * Projection- attribute own unconscious desires/fears to others * Led to projective testing 2. Adler Struggle with sexual and hostile impulses not primary factor in personality development * Primary struggle: overcome inferiority feelings, develop superiority feelings in social relationships (later seen as unhealthy due to overcompensation) * Outgrow childhood inferiority, become competent adult * All born with positive motive, social interest * People’s lives governed by their goals 3. Karen Horney * Freud overemphasized sexual conflicts, penis envy, and criticized his views of women * When basic anxiety gets out of control, people become neurotic (basic desires taken to extreme eg nee d for a partner) * Ways people deal with basic anxiety: * Move towards others, against others, away from others 4. Other Neo-Freudian Theorists: * Accepted notions of psychic determinism and unconscious motivation * Did not agree on sex and death instinct or the indelible nature of early life experiences. Put greater emphasis on ego functions (ego defence,dev of self instead of on unconsciousness) * Gave social variables an impt role (culture, family instead of instinctive urges, unconscious conflicts) * Extended personality development to include lifespan (instead of only childhood) Projective testing: Diagnosis via a defense mechanism * Ambiguous pictures to probe people’s innermost feelings, motive, conflicts, and desires * E. g. Rorschach Inkblot Technique- not objective * E. g. Thematic Apperception Test(TAT)- ambiguous picture n tell story * Theme: aggression, sexual needs, rs Humanistic Perspective Main Theoretical tenants: 1) Humans have an innate drive for personal g rowth ) Humans have free will; not controlled by the environment 3) Humans are conscious and rational; not controlled by unconscious forces 4) One’s subjective view is more important than objective reality * Abraham Maslow ‘s needs hierarchy * Interested in healthy human psychology * Criticisms: Not testable, Unrealistic, Method, Culture-specific * Carl Rogers’ Person-Centred Theory * Believed that humans have one basic motive, that is the tendency to self-actualize * To achieve self-actualization they must be in a state of congruence. * Difference may exist between a person’s ideal self and actual experience. This is called incongruence. Where a person’s ideal self and actual experience are consistent or very similar, a state of congruence exists. * The larger the discrepancies between the two, the more psychological problems one experiences * Development of congruence is dependent on unconditional positive regard. * As we prefer to see ourselves i n ways that are consistent with our self-image, we may use defence mechanisms like denial or repression in order to feel less threatened by some of what we consider to be our undesirable feelings. * Evaluation: * Self centered picture of personality, looking through the lens of individualistic culture * But even in collectivism, self exists * Self-esteem, a cause or effect? Bullies and drug users actually have high self esteem * Emphasis on positive achievements and pro-social behaviours * Fails to recognize its function in a world filled with evil of all kinds Social Cognitive theories: Social Learning * Cognitive learning which new responses are acquired after watching others’ behaviour and the consequences of that behaviour * Expectation of gaining reward drives us to acquire that response * We reject or accept the role model base on consequences of their actions * Reciprocal determinism is the process which cognitions, behaviour and the environment mutually influence each other * Jane likes vb (cognition), spends more time playing on campus (env) and interacting w teammates (social behaviour) rewardingthis activity will reciprocally strengthen your interest in vb. Locus of control Rotter’s theory: our behaviour depends on our locus of control * Changes from situation to situation * Internal locus of control * Good student, smart and have good grades internal in academic settings * External locus of control * Overweight and come from a family w obesity external in restaurants. Evaluation * Overemphasize rational information processing and overlook both emotion and unconscious processes * Strength lies in foundation of solid psychological research able to come up with treatments for mental disorders that often seem to involve observational learning esp anxiety- based disorders (phobias and behaviour disorders in children) Behavioural Operant and Classical conditioning ) In classical, the organism learns an association between two stimuli (the N S and UCS); in operant, the organism learns an association between the behaviour and its consequences 2) In classical, the behaviour is elicited by the stimulus (not voluntary, like a reflex); in operant, the behaviour is emitted (under the control of the organism) * Pavlov’s classical conditioning * Chrissy’s sleepover case * B. F Skinner’s Operant conditioning * Positive reinforcement & Negative reinforcement (remove negative stimuli) strengthens response, * Punishment (give unpleasant stimuli) weakens response * Behaviour is determined by situations one is in (situationism) * People behave in ways to suit their situations Behaviours cannot be consistent enough to be traits because situations change * Solution: behaviours influenced by both person and situation (person X situation interactionism) * One situation influences people in different ways Theories to understand ourselves 1. Implicit personality theories a. Assumptions about personality used to simplif y the task of understanding others, eg. Blondes are not smart b. May give bad predictions when one project his feelings onto others and assume he’s feeling the same way c. Mindset 2. Self-narratives d. Help ppl sense a thread of consistency through their personalities over time e. Redemptive self: where one overcome obstacles to help others 3. Both theories are influenced by culture Psychology and Impact Personality Development 1. Define personality. 2. Analyze how biological, situational and mental processes impact personality development. 3. Discuss social and cultural contributions to personality development. 4. Describe the major dispositional theories of personality. 5. Describe the major process theories of personality. 6. Evaluate the major personality theories. 7. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of commonly used personality assessment techniques, validity, reliability. Define personality. Personality Is a unique and relatively stable ways in which people think, feel and behave * Is shaped by biological, situational, and mental processes in a sociocultural and development context * Impacts people’s cognition, motivation and behaviour Analyze how biological, situational and mental processes impact personality development. Biological * A person’s temperament results from 4 humours (ancient theory) * Blood from heart – sanguine cheerful * Choler from liver- choleric angry * Mel ancholer from spleen – melancholy depressed * Phlegm from brain- phlegmatic sluggish Frontal lobes regulates one’s basic disposition * Individual differences in temperament arise from balance of neurotransmitters * Adrenal gland, thyroid gland, pituitary gland and endocrine gland affect personality. * Kagan’s research on inherited basis of shyness on new borns * Excitable and inhibited infants became shy and introverted * Less excitable and bold infants became extraverted * â€Å"push of nature in different directions† Situational * Environment affects us through operant and classical conditioning * (1) Physical Environment It includes the influence of climatic conditions of a particular area or country on man and his living. * (2) Social Environment * The child has his birth in the society. He learns and lives there. Hence, the social environment has an important say in the personality development of the child. * E. g. one would play with an outgoing chi ld more than an inhibited one pushes inhibited child towards shyness * (3) Family Environment * Child comes in contact with his parents and other family member. His likes, dislikes, stereotypes about people, expectancies of security and emotional responses all are shaped in early childhood. The type of training and early childhood experiences play an important role in the development of personality. * Besides this, economic factors i. e. , economic condition of the family and the type of relations between the parents also influence the personality of the child. * (4) Cultural Environment * Individualism in westerners vs collectivism in Africa caused by environment * Striking difference in the universal trait of shyness caused by how each culture dealt with the child’s success and failures. Who gets credit for good grades, gets blamed for not getting them? Childcautious, low risk taker * (5) School Environment * In the school, the teacher substitutes the parents. * The school poses new problems to be solved, new taboos to be accepted into the superego and new models for imitation and identification Mental Processes * 3 kinds of process theories: * Psychodynamic/ psychoanalysis- * motivation, especially unconscious motives and the influence of past experiences on out mental health * Humanistic- consciousness and our present, subjective reality: what we think is ipt now and how we think of ourselves in relation to others * Cognitive- * Influence of learning, perception and social interaction on behaviour Describe the major dispositional theories of personality. Dispositional theories suggest temperaments, traits or types (set of personality characteristics) provide consistency to individual’s personality over time. Temperament * Biologically based personality dispositions * Apparent in early childhood, Establish foundation of personality & individual’s approach to life * Inherited temperament may set the range of your response to some life si tuation but it does not fully determine your life experiences * Affected also by family position, experiences, and sense of self * Usually refers to dominant long standing themes eg shyness/moodiness * Role of frontal lobes in regulating one’s basic disposition * Individual differences in temperament arise from balance of neurotransmitters * Influenced by learning * Heredity and environment interact with initially inherited characteristics becoming amplified * E. . one would play with an outgoing child more than an inhibited one pushes inhibited child towards shyness * E. g. observational learning Traits * Emerge from temperaments and influenced by experiences * Guides thoughts and actions under various conditions * Relatively stable * BIG 5 Traits * Openness to experience, Conscientious, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism * Has validity across cultures (but most of these studies utilized university students as respondents who are more influenced by European-American vi ews * Quite accurate Labels a person but gives no explanation on why Evaluation of Trait Theories XPortrayed personality as fixed and static rather than a process that can undergo development changes depending on experiences Xoversimplified our complex nature XDo not tell much about their source or how traits interacts X SELF-FULFILLING prophecy where ppl become influenced by the labels and it became hard for them to change the undesirable behaviour. E. g. a child labelled shy will have to struggle w both the label and the traits * Gives us ability to predict behaviour Assessing traits * Using: * MMPI-2 for clinical traits base on mental problems * Not possible to fake due to lie scales * Must be used w care in non-Western countries/ minorities cos not well represented in the samples used in developing the test * NEO personality inventory (NEO-PI) base on big 5 * Both have excellent reliability (consistent and stable scores) * Both have good validity (measure what they were designed to measure eg signs of mental disturbance) * Barnum effects: tendency for people to accept very general or vague characterizations of themselves and take them to be accurate * descriptions can well apply to others * reliability and validity are important attributes of good psychological tests * Finding personality type * Category that represents a common cluster of personality characteristics * MBTI – Myers-Briggs Type Indicator * Not reliable, not valid * Ppl don’t fall into different types but more along the introversion-extraversion continuum Describe the major process theories of personality.While each of the process theories sees different forces at work in personality, all portray personality as a result of internal mental processes and social interactions. Psychodynamic theories 1. Sigmund Freud psychodynamic approach * focus is on influence of unconscious forces (psychic determinism) difficult to prove * Personality is a function of 3 main themes: unconscious forces, childhood experiences, sex * Not scientific, hindsight bias ( overemphasis on childhood ), unconscious mind is not that malign and turbulent * Structure of personality Id * Unconscious reservoir * contains basic motives, drives and instinctive desires * pushes for immediate gratification * Ego * Governed by reality principle * Decision making component * Mediator btw Id and reality * Superego * Governed by morality and social standards (conscience) * An individual’s view of the kind of person he or she should strive to become * Psychosexual stages * Ego defence mechanism- largely unconscious mental strategy employed to reduce the experience of conflict or anxiety * Denial – I don’t have a problem Rationalization- I cheat because everyone does it – give socially accepted reasons for actions one think is socially unacceptable * Reaction formulation – goodie goodie act in opposite of their desire- act exactly in opposition to their unconscious desires * Displacement- kick the dog- shifting your reaction from real source of distress to a safer individual or object * Regression- cry, throw things to reduce stress- regress to earlier developmental stage * Sublimation- channel negative to positive eg sexual desires to creativity on art * Projection- attribute own unconscious desires/fears to others * Led to projective testing 2. Adler Struggle with sexual and hostile impulses not primary factor in personality development * Primary struggle: overcome inferiority feelings, develop superiority feelings in social relationships (later seen as unhealthy due to overcompensation) * Outgrow childhood inferiority, become competent adult * All born with positive motive, social interest * People’s lives governed by their goals 3. Karen Horney * Freud overemphasized sexual conflicts, penis envy, and criticized his views of women * When basic anxiety gets out of control, people become neurotic (basic desires taken to extreme eg nee d for a partner) * Ways people deal with basic anxiety: * Move towards others, against others, away from others 4. Other Neo-Freudian Theorists: * Accepted notions of psychic determinism and unconscious motivation * Did not agree on sex and death instinct or the indelible nature of early life experiences. Put greater emphasis on ego functions (ego defence,dev of self instead of on unconsciousness) * Gave social variables an impt role (culture, family instead of instinctive urges, unconscious conflicts) * Extended personality development to include lifespan (instead of only childhood) Projective testing: Diagnosis via a defense mechanism * Ambiguous pictures to probe people’s innermost feelings, motive, conflicts, and desires * E. g. Rorschach Inkblot Technique- not objective * E. g. Thematic Apperception Test(TAT)- ambiguous picture n tell story * Theme: aggression, sexual needs, rs Humanistic Perspective Main Theoretical tenants: 1) Humans have an innate drive for personal g rowth ) Humans have free will; not controlled by the environment 3) Humans are conscious and rational; not controlled by unconscious forces 4) One’s subjective view is more important than objective reality * Abraham Maslow ‘s needs hierarchy * Interested in healthy human psychology * Criticisms: Not testable, Unrealistic, Method, Culture-specific * Carl Rogers’ Person-Centred Theory * Believed that humans have one basic motive, that is the tendency to self-actualize * To achieve self-actualization they must be in a state of congruence. * Difference may exist between a person’s ideal self and actual experience. This is called incongruence. Where a person’s ideal self and actual experience are consistent or very similar, a state of congruence exists. * The larger the discrepancies between the two, the more psychological problems one experiences * Development of congruence is dependent on unconditional positive regard. * As we prefer to see ourselves i n ways that are consistent with our self-image, we may use defence mechanisms like denial or repression in order to feel less threatened by some of what we consider to be our undesirable feelings. * Evaluation: * Self centered picture of personality, looking through the lens of individualistic culture * But even in collectivism, self exists * Self-esteem, a cause or effect? Bullies and drug users actually have high self esteem * Emphasis on positive achievements and pro-social behaviours * Fails to recognize its function in a world filled with evil of all kinds Social Cognitive theories: Social Learning * Cognitive learning which new responses are acquired after watching others’ behaviour and the consequences of that behaviour * Expectation of gaining reward drives us to acquire that response * We reject or accept the role model base on consequences of their actions * Reciprocal determinism is the process which cognitions, behaviour and the environment mutually influence each other * Jane likes vb (cognition), spends more time playing on campus (env) and interacting w teammates (social behaviour) rewardingthis activity will reciprocally strengthen your interest in vb. Locus of control Rotter’s theory: our behaviour depends on our locus of control * Changes from situation to situation * Internal locus of control * Good student, smart and have good grades internal in academic settings * External locus of control * Overweight and come from a family w obesity external in restaurants. Evaluation * Overemphasize rational information processing and overlook both emotion and unconscious processes * Strength lies in foundation of solid psychological research able to come up with treatments for mental disorders that often seem to involve observational learning esp anxiety- based disorders (phobias and behaviour disorders in children) Behavioural Operant and Classical conditioning ) In classical, the organism learns an association between two stimuli (the N S and UCS); in operant, the organism learns an association between the behaviour and its consequences 2) In classical, the behaviour is elicited by the stimulus (not voluntary, like a reflex); in operant, the behaviour is emitted (under the control of the organism) * Pavlov’s classical conditioning * Chrissy’s sleepover case * B. F Skinner’s Operant conditioning * Positive reinforcement & Negative reinforcement (remove negative stimuli) strengthens response, * Punishment (give unpleasant stimuli) weakens response * Behaviour is determined by situations one is in (situationism) * People behave in ways to suit their situations Behaviours cannot be consistent enough to be traits because situations change * Solution: behaviours influenced by both person and situation (person X situation interactionism) * One situation influences people in different ways Theories to understand ourselves 1. Implicit personality theories a. Assumptions about personality used to simplif y the task of understanding others, eg. Blondes are not smart b. May give bad predictions when one project his feelings onto others and assume he’s feeling the same way c. Mindset 2. Self-narratives d. Help ppl sense a thread of consistency through their personalities over time e. Redemptive self: where one overcome obstacles to help others 3. Both theories are influenced by culture