Saturday, September 7, 2019

Family work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Family work - Assignment Example c) I think the US should regulate working hours to se to shield workers in both public and private sectors from being exploited. An eight hours working day should be acceptable and employees should only work for five days. Any overtime should be a request and compensated commensurately. In setting such a law I will consider ILO and other international organizations as well as the UN guidelines on work hours. d) Closing borders is a good measure that will help prevent illegal immigration into the US. However, focusing on the demand side for labor by illegal immigrants you see a need for punishing employers. Firstly, sneaking into a country to earn a living is less grievous a crime compared to sneaking around fair-labor to employ low-wage immigrants. Sneaking around fair labor standards encourages the employment of illegal immigrants on poor wages. Such employers should be fined heavily so as to bar them from repeating their unethical acts. Nations differ markedly in a number of issues. One notable difference among nations is culture; all nations of the world have unique cultures which not only influence development but also the way of doing business. In China for instance business is greatly influenced by strong relationships and trust while in the west the business environment runs on the principal of capitalism where contractual agreements are influential. Approaching business can therefore differ significantly from the west. Another notable difference is the legal environment; some nations encourage free markets while others such China protect certain sectors perceived as being important to the national economy. Labor laws also differ with some nations focusing a lot on rights of employees while others don’t. in China for instance laws on copyright are not well developed and therefore proprietary issues can easily arise when doing business. The United States differs with developing

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