Thursday, February 20, 2020

Theatre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theatre - Essay Example These images that only aggravate instead of shed light to the issue of discrimination is highlighted and exaggerated by Spike Lee in his film ‘Bamboozled.’ Racial sensitivity and political incorrectness is brought to new heights as a satirical commentary on the cultural quicksand that traces back to the origins of racism. In this day where there is a common perception of well-founded acceptance of frowning upon racial stereotyping, the reality of these occurrences does exist and the questions bring to light the actions or inactions of each individual in shattering these preconceived notions. It deduces into a question of color where white can never be too white and black can never be too black. Education is inevitably the cure of ignorance and raises a heightened level of awareness that must be utilized to give a definitive use of breaking images that tarnish race as a one-sided concept. This notion of racial confusion boxes an individual that limits his ability not even to transcend but to simply stick to his nature that should not be defined by skin-color. The Harvard education of Pierre Delacroix was depicted in such a way that it was to some degree a liability to his ability to formulate a television show that would appeal to the general audience. His boss remarks him as completely unaware of his own color and demands from him a reassessment of cultural insight. On his part, Delacroix insists on the establishment of shows that would cater to a virtually unknown market of a Negro middle ground where he discernibly belongs to.i When in a private conference with his boss played by Michael Rappaport, the main character is barraged with comments that are downright offensive through the micro view of the filmmaker. Upon entering the office, Delacroix was asked what CP time means and he explains that it stands for College People time associated with the notion that African Americans

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