Friday, August 2, 2019

Blood Station

My eyes slid open, I saw that I was completely frozen head to toe. I wasn't the only one here though, there were hundreds, thousands, even millions! The only thing I could do was move my eyes, everything else was frozen solid. That was strange because I felt water trickling down my body. My hair felt loose. Slowly I unfroze more and more, until eventually I could move more freely. I gazed around only to find that I was trapped in a rather small tube. There were tubes piercing into my arms draining blood. One of my kind, a human, was walking past so I tried to act frozen again but it wasn't working, I knew this because he started rummaging in his pocket. He pulled out a key which was bland and boxlike. He approached my tube, shivers blazed down my spine; he enclosed the key closer to my tube. By this point in time my body had been freed and I was able to move around. The door made a clicking noise as he put the key into it; I presumed that the door was unlocked, so I kicked as hard and as fast as I could. The door flew open and knocked him flat against another row of tube running parallel to mine. I hopped out to take his keys and hide him in my tube. I noticed that I was naked, so I stripped him to his underwear and dressed up in his security uniform, I tossed him in to my tube. The key for my tube was still in the keyhole of my door, so fully clothed I locked the door to conceal him in my tube. Now I was safe I looked around, it was a blood station. The guard in my tank was kicking and screaming now. I noticed a dial and a tin screen on my tube. I turned the dial; the screen now read â€Å"0 gallons of water/ice† so I kept turning until it read â€Å"100†. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 it went higher and higher, 60, 70, 80, 90, max. So I then I pushed the green button. Water flooded into the tank and filled it top to bottom and froze suddenly. The tubes that must have slipped out of me I saw winding through the tube and slipping into his arms like syringes. I looked around again luckily it was an old factory and my tube was right next to one of the fire exits. I walked casually out of the door, there were no guards, and it must have been the one I locked in my tube. It was a desert outside, literally. Mountains of sand were getting blown around by the soft breeze. The sandy mountains were surrounded by three scruffy looking houses, apart from that there was nothing, just a big outstretch of desert. I knocked on one of the doors belong to which was attached to one of the houses. A panel slid open to reveal a pair of eyes squinting at me. â€Å"Alright officer† he grumbled â€Å"password please?† â€Å"What password?† I queried â€Å"I don't know of any password† â€Å"Last chance bub† he grunted at me. â€Å"But I haven't been told about any password† I came out with sounding like a child that had been caught misbehaving. The door swung open faster than the door I has kicked earlier. A big man came into focus, he had torn uniform and a goatee beard, and he was extremely buff. He grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and dragged me back in to the old factory. I cringed as the guard walked past my tank. He glanced at it as he walked past but he didn't stop. He walked on a bit then doubled back to get a closer look. â€Å"John?† he mumbled to himself. He hit the drain button and the tube slowly started to drain again. Once it has he unlocked the door and swung it open. John spat out â€Å"him! He put me in here, he's a donor!† The other guard turned round and gave me a funny look and ripped john's clothes clean off of me. He took john out the tank, john started to get dressed. The buff guard threw me in and I smacked my face off the backing of the tube, the door slammed shut. I felt water rushing in; it was at my neck now. I took my last breath and it all went dark.

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