Thursday, August 1, 2019

Electronic Bulletin Board for Slsu Gumaca Essay

As the trend of technology rises, there is a lot of improvement and other modifications has been taken place in every technology systems that are existing. Through the creative thinking of the people nothing is impossible when it comes to developing or improving new technology. Delaying information using communication devices, equipments and gadgets is not new anymore in the world of communication. It is very important to be transmitted must reach its recipient in the shortest possible time in order to obtain the essence of the information. A bulletin board (pin board, pin board, notice board, or notice board in British English) is a surface intended for the posting of public messages, for example, to advertise items wanted or for sale, announce events, or provide information. Bulletin boards are often made of a material such as cork to facilitate addition and removal of messages, or they can be placed on computer networks so people can leave and erase messages for other people to read and see. Bulletin boards are particularly prevalent at universities. They are used by many sports groups and extracurricular groups and anything from local shops to official notices. Dormitory corridors, well-trafficked hallways, lobbies, and freestanding kiosks often have cork boards attached to facilitate the posting of notices. At some universities, lampposts, bollards, trees, and walls often become impromptu posting sites in areas where official boards are sparse in number. Internet forums are becoming a global replacement for traditional bulletin boards. Online bulletin boards are sometimes referred to as message boards. The terms bulletin board, message board and even Internet forum are interchangeable, although often one bulletin board or message board can contain a n umber of Internet forums or discussion groups. An online board can serve the same purpose as a physical bulletin board. Magnet boards, or magnetic bulletin boards, are a popular substitute for cork boards because they lack the problem of board deterioration from the insertion and removal of pins over time. In the present society, competition is on its peak more specifically in the rapid growing technology. Technology advancement leads to more effective and progressive living. Technology conquers the world in terms of information and communication. As has been said all computers require a program, or a list of instructions to guide their activity. Sometimes the program is designed, or resides, within the hardware of the computer and cannot be changed without redesigning the hardware. More often the program is entered as software into memory and maybe easily removed or altered. (Grolier Family Encyclopedia, Vol. 5, p 150) Information technology has become an increasingly important component of an organization. Technology facilities the ongoing of affirm have been contributing to its competitive strategy, and for those organizations, the key to survive is through the intelligent application of this technology. With the help of computer programs, any information and special announcements can become ease to forecast. Today, computers played an important role in every aspects of human living. Computer is a broad subject that includes a wide range of topics such as networking, software, hardware and the likes. Computers have the most development reported everyday. Such technology evolves, and benefits everyone a vast variety of modern equipment, net software that is important in this growing technological industry. (Scott F. Midkipp, 2003) This study was designed to help SLSU Gumaca students in giving or forecasting information and special announcements in fast and accurate service at all times. Manual system of forecasting or announcing information of SLSU Gumaca is extremely time consuming and hardly be found. The study helps eliminate the problems encountered using the manual system. The chaos during forecasting of information and special announcements and the advancements in computer technology has pushed for the conversion of the manual system of forecasting information and special announcements into digital and electronic manner. Background of the Study The main purpose of the researcher is to improve the quality of giving information to all of the students of Southern Luzon State University Gumaca Campus, and to know how effective and productive it is in terms of the quality of execution and implementation. The researchers had proposed a system that is an improvement of bulletin board in the campus; the data/information would be displayed in a digital way and interpreted automatically, with the help of this, the students will have a convenience in knowing different essential announcements like schedules of examination, time schedule of daily activities of the institution, and other relevant information that students must know. In connection to that the students will be informed well and the level of accuracy is highly acceptable in terms of receiving valid information. The hassle and the waste of time of distributing paper announcements and other sort of giving information to the students made the researchers decide to improve the system in order to meet the most desirability Since Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system. Conceptually, information is the message (utterance or expression) being conveyed and also that’s one of the reasons behind why the researchers decided to make it electronic and digital for it to be decoded easily. Objectives The researchers aimed to answer the following sets of objectives that are worthy for the system evaluation: 1. To determine different problems in giving information using papers and other resourced materials. 2. To evaluate the design of the newly improved bulletin board in SLSU Gumaca. 3. To evaluate the performance of the Bulletin Board in terms of the execution of the programs and other templates. 4. To determine the significant difference between the old ways and modern ways of giving information to the students. Significance of the study The study deals with the A Electronic Bulletin Board for SLSU Gumaca Campus†. This study will help the researchers and all of the Students of SLSU Gumaca to determine the importance of giving information through Digital Electronic Bulletin Board. The old or manual systems of forecasting information to the students would then be replaced by the highly advanced improvement of technology. For the future researchers, this study will serve as a guide for them if ever they will be conducting this kind of project study. For the Students of SLSU Gumaca, it will be an effective way of receiving a valid, real time information. Res Admin Statement of the Problem This particular study will be undertaken to analyze the design features and the effectiveness of the proposed project entitled â€Å"A Digital Electronic Bulletin Board for SLSU Gumaca.† This research/study aims to answer the following questions. 1. How would it be more productive for the students of SLSU Gumaca in getting information via Digital Electronic Bulletin board? 2. Why does it help a lot to both faculty and students for trading information and updates etc.? 3. What will be the appropriate design in order to catch up the attention of the students? 4. How will the proposed system be monitored and maintained? 5. What is the level of acceptability in terms of a. security and b. reliability? c. Jj d. Jjj e. Jj f. Nnn g. Hh h. Scope and constraints The study covered only the evaluation and implementation of the Digital Electronic Bulletin Board in SLSU Gumaca. The proposed system will run only in either win XP or win7 operating system. The researchers will be using standard PC unit serves as the server that has an installed Microsoft office (2003/2007) access database wherein all of the relevant information like special announcements events updates and other schedule of the activities will be stored and be encoded by the campus clerk or the person assigned to do that certain job. The designs for the templates and hardware for the proposed system will be made used of the resourced materials that are set visible and easy to use just like VB 6.0 for all of the software and templates, a flat screen wide monitor with the size of 32† and has modified and specialized features that is able to support the software the researchers had made. VGA connectors for the cabling connections that have the measurement of not more than 100 ft. depending upon the distance and location of the widescreen monitor. The proposed system has limited special effects when it comes to the animation and transitions of the texts and other objects. The recommended screen resolution will be 1920Ãâ€"1080 it will no longer be connected to the internet. Definition of Terms The following terms are operationally defined for clear understanding of this study: Evaluation – is assessing and judging the value of a piece of work; an organisation or a service. Its main purpose is to help an organization reflect on what it is trying to achieve, assessing how far it is succeeding, and identify required changes. Information – is the data that have been organized and meaningful to the persons receiving it. SLSU Gumaca – it is the institution wherein the study was being conducted Bulletin Board – A bulletin board (pin board, pin board, notice board, or notice board in British English) is a surface intended for the posting of public messages, for example, to advertise items wanted or for sale, announce events, or provide information. Digital – Of pertaining to, or like the fingers or digits digitate showing information such as numerals by means of electronics Vb 6.0 – is a programming language that was being used in the system Electronic – of or pertaining to electrons, operating or produced by the movement of free electrons or other carries of electric charge, as in an electron tube pertaining to electronics. Database- A database is a data structure that stores organized information. Most databases contain multiple tables, which may each include several different fields. For example, a company database may include tables for products, employees, and financial records. Each of these tables would have different fields that are relevant to the information stored in the table Chapter II REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter covers the review of related literature and studies the design paradigm. Literature and studies were gathered from the book, journals, internet sites, and other resources that could help the researchers fully understood the related topics relevant of the study. Bulletin board A bulletin board (pinboard, pin board, noticeboard, or notice board in British English) is a surface intended for the posting of public messages, for example, to advertise items wanted or for sale, announce events, or provide information. Bulletin boards are often made of a material such as cork to facilitate addition and removal of messages, or they can be placed on computer networks so people can leave and erase messages for other people to read and see. Bulletin boards are particularly prevalent at universities. They are used by many sports groups and extracurricular groups and anything from local shops to official notices. Dormitory corridors, well-trafficked hallways, lobbies, and freestanding kiosks often have cork boards attached to facilitate the posting of notices. At some universities, lampposts, bollards, trees, and walls often become impromptu posting sites in areas where official boards are sparse in number. Internet forums are becoming a global replacement for traditional bulletin boards. Online bulletin boards are sometimes referred to as message boards. The terms bulletin board, message board and even Internet forum are interchangeable, although often one bulletin board or message board can contain a number of Internet forums or discussion groups. An online board can serve the same purpose as a physical bulletin board. Magnet boards, or magnetic bulletin boards, are a popular substitute for cork boards because they lack the problem of board deterioration from the insertion and removal of pins over time. A bulletin board system, or BBS, is a computer system running software that allows users to connect and log in to the system using a terminal program. Once logged in, a user can perform functions such as uploading and downloading software and data, reading news and bulletins, and exchanging messages with other users, either through email, public message boards, and sometimes via direct chatting. Many BBSes also offer on-line games, in which users can compete with each other, and BBSes with multiple phone lines often provide chat rooms, allowing users to interact with each other. Originally BBSes were accessed only over a phone line using a modem, but by the early 1990s some BBSes allowed access via a Telnet, packet switched network, or packet radio connection. Ward Christensen coined the term â€Å"bulletin board system† as a reference to the traditional cork-and-pin bulletin board often found in entrances of supermarkets, schools, libraries or other public areas where people can post messages, advertisements, or community news. By â€Å"computerizing† this method of communications, the name of the first BBS system was born: CBBS – Computerized Bulletin Board System. During their heyday from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s, most BBSes were run as a hobby free of charge by the system operator (or â€Å"sysop†), while other BBSes charged their users a subscription fee for access, or were operated by a business as a means of supporting their customers. Bulletin board systems were in many ways a precursor to the modern form of the World Wide Web, social network services and other aspects of the Internet. As the use of the Internet became more widespread in the mid to late 1990s, traditional BBSes rapidly faded in popularity. Today, Internet forums occupy much of the same social and technological space as BBSes did, and the term BBS is often used to refer to any online forum or message board. Although BBSing survives only as a niche hobby in most parts of the world, it is still an extremely popular form of communication for Taiwanese youth (see PTT Bulletin Board System). Most BBSes are now accessible over Telnet and typically offer free email accounts, FTP services, IRC and all of the protocols commonly used on the Internet. Some offer access through packet switched networks, or packet radio connections. Early BBSes were often a local phenomenon, as one had to dial into a BBS with a phone line and would have to pay additional long distance charges for a BBS out of the local calling area. Thus, many users of a given BBS usually lived in the same area, and activities such as BBS meets or get togethers were common, where users of the board would gather at a local restaurant, the sysop’s home or similar venue and meet face to face. Research Paradigm Figure 1: Research Paradigm Figure 1 shows the process in evaluating computerized sales transaction in Quickfox Computer Sales and Services plus. The process has two inputs consist of computer system database design and questionnaire. Procedures/Data Collection The researchers used the most common techniques of data gathering by means of survey and interview and interview processes. First, the researchers had the survey by means of using a questionnaire then distributed to the target respondents. The questions dealt only with the topic interest of the research. And then the interview process had been done to answer one of the objectives of the study. Then, the researchers raised another set of questions through the use of checklist questionnaire to the owner for their cooperation for another survey to test how much time consumed using the manual transaction and using the computerized transaction sales.

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