Thursday, October 3, 2019

Final Project Outline Essay Example for Free

Final Project Outline Essay 1. Slide One (Introduction): â€Å"Should there be a set of uniform moral standards?† Speaker Notes: With the way the worlds is today and as the younger kids begin to mature, they have not been taught morals and if they have been taught morals, they seem to leave them at their door step as they venture out into the world of society. In order for society to live in peace and harmony, the United States would need to create uniform moral standards where everyone would have the expectation of abiding by the standards supported by laws. 2. Slide two: Moral Standards Speaker Notes: Morals are described as how people should behave when it comes to right and wrong. Some moral standards could be absolutely no prejudice, absolutely no lying, and people must treat other people with respect and courtesy. 3. Third slide: Levels of punishment. Speaker Notes- Levels of punishment should vary based on the crime committed. When one has a first time offense, one should receive a lower level punishment verse someone who continues to be a repeat offender, which would deserve the maximum punishment. I strongly believe that if a set of uniform moral standards were put into place the world would be a better place. Crime and corruption would be down. Maybe they should think about the way that foreign countries have a â€Å"set of uniform moral standards,† such as if someone is caught stealing they lose a finger. There will always be people who will disagree to the standards but that is to be expected because some people just are set in there ways but that comes with the territory and they deal with the issues now so what would be the difference? 4. Fourth slide: Deciding Moral Standards Speaker Notes- Based on a voting system, a sheet containing morals standards would be dispersed and the ones that not voted for would be taken off the sheet. After a final review and decision, the U.S. would forward the sheet to Congress for a concrete decision and then become a law. 5. Fifth slide: Society and Moral Standards Speaker Notes: Society and Moral Standards would have to be implemented and given a chance to work before a proper judgment could be decided. Until this happens they would be looked at in a negative way. Even though our country is in an economic crisis, others are still moving here because their country is in worse shape than ours. With the way of the world today people are just walking around in a self-centered mode worrying about them and having no conscience of their moral or ethical accountability. Negativity seems to plague this world like a man-made disease. 6. Sixth slide: Retribution Speaker Notes: This seems to be the only way to get people to understand what is going on. Standards have to be set and followed and if they are not followed or laws are broken then the responsible parties that are disobedient to the laws or standards have to be held accountable and punished to be taught a lesson and possibly send a message to future people who intend to do the same. 7. Seventh slide: The Supreme Court Speaker Notes: Beings that the Supreme Court is the highest ranking court in the U.S., having them make the final decision on moral standards will send the message that the standards are set in stone and are not open for review. This gives the people a chance to vote and set their own standards that they themselves have voted in and must abide by. 8. Eighth slide: Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) Speaker Notes: Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) created the â€Å"Categorical Imperative†, in which he believed that practical reasoning, free will, and necessary action are what drives a person to do what they feel is right. 9. Ninth slide: John Locke (1632-1704) Speaker Notes: The freedom of religion and natural rights was promoted and endorsed by John Locke who was a huge activist. He felt that survival continued to breathe because of following God’s law that coincides with a  natural moral law. He was a firm believer of â€Å"do unto others as you would have others do unto you.† If people continue to live right then eventually God’s law will prevail. 10. Tenth slide: St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Speaker Notes: St. Aquinas was a Christian who made the Five Ways. These ways were a way that this philosopher looked to prove that God was real. Being a believer in God this philosopher had faith in what was right and what was wrong. Cosmological argument, moral argument, and the argument of design made up the Five Ways that this philosopher created. 11. Eleventh slide (conclusion): Speaker Notes: I strongly believe that if a set of uniform moral standards were put into place the world would be a better place. Crime and corruption would be down. Maybe they should think about the way that foreign countries have a â€Å"set of uniform moral standards,† such as if someone is caught stealing they lose a finger. There will always be people who will disagree to the standards but that is to be expected because some people just are set in there ways but that comes with the territory and they deal with the issues now so what would be the difference? No matter where we go in this world there will be people who have good morals, bad morals, and some just will not care. The bottom line is as a living species on this earth one must be able to improvise, over come, and adapt to their surroundings whether it is to their benefit or not. Moore Bruder, 2008 Retrieved September 15, 2010 from Axia College PHI105 website

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