Thursday, October 17, 2019

Should Students be Expelled From School for Cheating or Plagiarizing Essay

Should Students be Expelled From School for Cheating or Plagiarizing - Essay Example Plagiarism is the violation of the sole purpose of education. If the purpose of education is to teach one how to be a man, a plagiarizer in the very first place destroys this basic premise of education itself. Moreover, a plagiarizer or an academic fraud pollutes not only himself but also the environment of the whole institution. Often students are inspired by the positive result of their friends’ uncaught plagiarism. Therefore, in order to check the corrupting impact of plagiarism and academic fraudulence, students should be expelled from school if they are caught cheating or plagiarizing. The plague of plagiarism revealed in various research reports is rather terrifying. According to according an â€Å"Academic Cheating Fact Sheet† more than seventy five percent of the college students confess that they have cheated at least one time in their school life. Only a few of these plagiarizing students get caught, where the majority had been able to evade the authority or t heir teachers. (â€Å"Academic Cheating Fact Sheet†) If the school authorities were strict enough to establish exemplary punishment by expelling the cheating students, the plague of plagiarism would not spread at such a high rate. The deterrent effects of expelling a cheating often get reduced by the lack of the academic authorities’ goodwill to prevent this academic crime. Obviously expelling a student is to be taken as the ultimate punishment for a plagiarizing student.... Obviously expelling a student is to be taken as the ultimate punishment for a plagiarizing student. In my opinion, expelling a student from an academic institution plays only a partial role in reducing this academic crime in the campuses. One will commit a severe a mistake if he or she relies on it as one and only means for resolving this problem. Reports show that students often plagiarize because a. they do not any clear idea of what plagiarism is, 2. they do not feel the stigma as well as negative consequences of plagiarism, 3. they feel that they have no other choice but to plagiarize and 4. they feel it is easy to plagiarize (Reid) Indeed the first two reasons are the students’ lack of knowledge about what plagiarism is and lack of awareness of the negative impacts of plagiarism on the students’ academic skills and its negative consequences in broader contexts such as the society, the nations, etc. It is the academic authorities’ duty to raise awareness amon g the students. The students are assisted promptly, warmly and friendly in any case they need assistance. Only after taking all types of preventive and complementary measures to remove this crime from an academic campus, expelling a plagiarizing student should be made the unalterable law. Argument against â€Å"students should be expelled from school if they are caught cheating or plagiarizing† If plagiarism or academic fraudulence is considered as a plague or a disease, expelling a plagiarizing student means banishing him or her to suffer alone, avoiding a teacher’s pedagogic duty to nurse the rotting mind of his or her students. So I staunchly oppose this view that â€Å"students should be expelled from school if they are caught

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