Monday, October 21, 2019

Lord of the flies Why do things start to fall apart on the island Essay Example

Lord of the flies Why do things start to fall apart on the island Essay Example Lord of the flies Why do things start to fall apart on the island Paper Lord of the flies Why do things start to fall apart on the island Paper Essay Topic: Literature The Beast in the Jungle Things Fall apart William Golding foreshadows mans destruction of the island from the beginning chapter of the book. A large scar was made in the untouched jungle, symbolizing the first of mans destruction on the island. The description of the island makes it sound like paradise, however the fruits make the children sick, which shows that not everything is so perfect here. Even thought they are only children they started by setting rules and following order, which might make readers think that it wouldnt turn out so bad after all. However disagreements arise from the start. à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½I ought to be chief, said Jack with simple arrogance, because Im chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp. This shows the early signs of the tension between Jack and Ralph, and it also shows Jacks pride. They elect a leader, Ralph, who could think rationally and who talks about getting rescued. Right from the start Jack took possession of hunting. He wanted his people to hunt and wanted to be their leader. Jack wanted to control people and make them do what he wants from the start. At the end of chapter one we read of Jacks first attempt to kill a pig. While his first attempt fails, his quote next time foreshadowed his future of savage hunting. By now things look promising on the island because they have everything they need to survive and have also organized themselves. They also make new rules. we cant have everybody talking at once. Well have to have hands up like at school. This shows that they still stick to rules and find them very useful. One of the first signs of things deteriorating is the mentioning of the beastie, and what seems strange is that Ralph, the leader and sensible one of the lot laughs at the little boy and does not listen to him. The rising action starts in the middle of chapter 2 where the boys attempt to make a signal fire but it rages out of control. Rules are all abandoned at the mention of making a fire and chaos over takes. This leads to the death of one of the kids which shows that rules will be broken again later on in the book and it wont stop at the death of one kid accidentally. After this, order is slowly lost and chaos slowly takes its place. When Piggy asks to talk and takes the conch Jake doesnt care. The conch represents law and order and when Jack disregards it, it shows that he will disregard all rules later on in the book. Jack also shows signs of belligerence when he argues with Ralph about the signal fire, and claims that The conch doesnt count on the mountain! At chapter three Jack is hunting and is acting very much like a predator hunting its prey. When he meets Ralph and Simon he doesnt even notice the huts theyve tried very hard to build. The explanation he gives for not helping them is we need meat. Jack is solely concerned with hunting, and cannot see the necessity of other things that can keep them live. Killing a pig has being an obsession for Jack. This shows that slowly Jack is drifting away from society and is loosing his innocence.

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